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One Peng to Pool Them All, And In the Challenge Malign Them

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

...today is the 40th anniversary of the hatching of Peng.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where does the line form to throw dirt on his corpse?!?

That bugger chickened and ran from our last TCP... maybe 'cause his rheumey eyes couldn't see the monitor anymore....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Nice try there, boy-o... but I've seen all three versions of that movie<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Considering there actually is at least four I must once more declare myself better than you.

I believe you've missed

this one

It's kinda cute in its way. Tungkur knivur and so forth.


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So the pod is now as old as well, offhand I can't think of anything as old as that.

40 huh?

Anyway. There has been no turns out from me since hell froze over awhile back and well, actually, I haven't played CM in four weeks.

At all.

There are several reasons for this, most of them are good (for me). I'm not playing something else either, fact is, I'm not playing anything at all, except "The old laughing lady" and "No quarter" very loudly on my car stereo whilst commuting. You may draw any conclusions you like from this information.

There will come a time someday when I will once more gamily load my kubelwagens and come charging with pistols wildly firing at y'all but that time is not now, nor is it this weekend.

Hold your breath,


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Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear ... uh ... hmmm

{psst, who again? ... OH ... right}

Happy Birthday dear Pong ... PENG right, PENG I knew that ... where was I?

Oh yeah ...

Happy Birthday to you.


p.s. :D

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In fall ‘sixty-one

A bad thing was done

For onto this earth hatched a pod.

Though feeble at first,

With unslakable thirst

In scotch did the curmudgeon prod.

Years quickly passed,

the game came at last

And the creature learned care of a squad.

Then a thread did soon start

That involved the old fart,

And the board wondered if he were god.

Now he rants and raves,

About “better days”,

And exhibits behavior quite odd.

But the fact yet remains,

He’s more bluster than brains

And is still a recalcitrant sod!

<big>Harpy Birfday Peng!</big>

I hope this annoys you.

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I anyone is ging to be in NYC tomorrow night or Sunday morning I will be meeting up with PeterNZ on his fabulously sucessful US tour 2001. Just drop me an email in the next 24 hours and I will supply details. The rest of you can piss off, you jitbags.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

[QBI hope this annoys you.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Leeo ye festerin' pillock! Whas' mah turrrn mon? Orr as at ye've nought laift tae advance agin mah wee laddies?


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Happy Birthday, Peng, you sod. Would you prefer a set of the Mouse Ears, or a Pooh doll?

I tried to convince the young woman who plays 'Alice in Wonderland' at the Disney Character Breakfasts to come north to meet you, but she demurred. Also, I'm now barred from the Magic Kingdom for the rest of our visit, and all Disney Character meals for life.

Disney World is horribly historically inaccurate. I suggested nothing to her that Lewis Carroll hadn't contemplated at great length, and I was escorted off the premises.

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I was thinking of posting something witty. Hell even on the verge of sarcasm or humor.

But I am just not in the mood tonight.

It is with great sadness and heavyness of heart that I must say goodbye for a while.

Due to prior obligations It looks as though I am going to be away. I knew being a f*cking "indef" was a curse.

I've a great time here and wish all of you guys the best. Hopefully I'll still be able to surf the net from time to time to say hello and let you guys know I am well.

I should still be able to get on enough (I think) to recieve e-mail from my own accounts(I'm not closing them). So please fill free to send me mail as you wish. At the worst I can have my wife forward it to me.

As for the games I have going... I would like for them to stay open for now. Or at least unitl I discover that there is no way to really continue them.

Take care all, and God bless.

*happy birthday Peng*

Lorak the loathed

[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is with great sadness and heavyness of heart that I must say goodbye for a while. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well hell buddy, it is with great sadness and heavyness of heart that we hear that. I hope all is well, though it sounds very much like it AIN'T and I hope that it all works out.

Take Care,


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Peng, I'd like to wish you a very happy anniversary of your hatching (or whateever), but I can't bring myself to do it. So I'll wish you a miserable one instead, in which slushy snow falls from the sky too early in the year, and is discovered to be yellow just after you take a bite from what was expected to be a pleasant snow cone made from freshly fallen flakes.

Lorak, sorry to see you going, and I hope all turns out well.

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sorry guys,

Thought I'd check in again after packing.

Wasn't trying to be cryptic. Thought some of you ex-military types would catch the "indef" curse.

When your tagged with an exp date of "indef" and you recieve a nice brown envelope.... it is time to pack and go.

Hopefully I'll end up someplace where I can still get net access regulary. If not it will be hit or miss. Thats why I say send e-mail to my regular addresses. I can grab all of those at once.

I still have a few days here to get things in order(at work, home,ect..). So I'll try to check back in a time or two more.

Later guys


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

When your tagged with an exp date of "indef" and you recieve a nice brown envelope.... it is time to pack and go.

Later guys


Watch out, bin Laden!! Lorak's comin' to get ya! Now I understand why Dubya and Colin Powell are so confident of victory.

Makes me proud to be an American. I'm gonna start saving all my bacon grease so I can send it to Lorak as a reminder of home.

Cheers, Lorak. Stay cool!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Makes me proud to be an American. I'm gonna start saving all my bacon grease so I can send it to Lorak as a reminder of home. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bacon grease! What a cheapskate (big surprise). I'M gonna buy a Playboy to send him ... of course since it's likely gonna be in an Islamic country I'll use a black magic marker to cover everything but the eyes. NOTHING'S TOO GOOD FOR OUR LORAK!

Give 'em hell.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I'm gonna start saving all my bacon grease ...

Cheers, Lorak. Stay cool!


Jake, that's BRILLIANT!

moment spend gagging and vomiting...

Think of the psyops angle: we use our heavy lifters to spray bacon grease and liquid pig crap all over A'stan... dammit, you'll get a medal for this one!

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Cripes. My home Internet access goes down for a couple of days, then I get an email saying that the twisted little elf is going to go spread some Seussian cheer (1940's vintage, of course) amongst the jolly fellows of the Middle East.

I don't curse much, particularly on the forums, but, well, I'm gonna make an exception here.

Osama, you're a prick.

First you hijack planes, drop the World Trade Center, damage the Pentagon, and kill thousands of innocent people.


Then you decide (and I'll believe this until I see evidence to the contrary) that it would be fun and noble to spread Anthrax around a little bit -- sort of the 'gift that keeps on giving.'


Now, because the fascists ruling that dried up mudhole of a country you call home won't either turn you over or lop off your noggin, MY friends have to go away from their wives and children to pull your scrawny ass out of some godforsaken hole in the ground.

F*ck you Osama. Rot in hell.

Lorak, best of luck. I will keep you and your family on my prayer list, and wish you Godspeed on your journey.


{edited to avoid BLATANTLY violating BTS policy}

[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Tha rattel o' tha drums bid ye a warrior's farewaill...e'en as tha bonnie pipes bid ye haim agin.

Stay safe laddie, an' knoo tha' loathed as ye are, ye'll bae sorely missed pendin' ye return.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

sorry guys,

Thought I'd check in again after packing.

Wasn't trying to be cryptic. Thought some of you ex-military types would catch the "indef" curse.

When your tagged with an exp date of "indef" and you recieve a nice brown envelope.... it is time to pack and go.

Hopefully I'll end up someplace where I can still get net access regulary. If not it will be hit or miss. Thats why I say send e-mail to my regular addresses. I can grab all of those at once.

I still have a few days here to get things in order(at work, home,ect..). So I'll try to check back in a time or two more.

Later guys


OK, does this mean that Mrs. Lorak will be in need of "companionship". Hey, I'm just down the road and always happy to lend a helping hand.

(serious) Give'em Hell, Larry. Don't stop until there's an Awful House in every tanj-forsaken donkey corral in Taliban land. We'll make sure they serve double bacon w/every breakfast platter. God bless you and keep you.(/serious)

And we never did finish our game...

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