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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Alas it is not to be... with you well hidden in your bastion of writs and rules. Bloody pillock.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {sigh} It's a gift. Oh ... and be sure NOT to put the boot in as if you were punting a football, it's not the instep but the TOE that counts.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bloody idiot... no wonder you limp. Use the heel, twit<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Oh, and how many Squires have YOU raised to Knighthood ... go teach your grandmother to suck eggs Berli because the proof is in the pudding. Opps, sorry, exceeded my cliche limit. We'll see how your tutelage turns out ... indeed we will.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

I would just like to take this opportunity to state what a complete, and utterly useless, pillock Lawyer is. Just ask his rogue Greyhound, which has decided to convert and spend forty years wandering in the wilderness.

I'd take the effort to hate him, were he not such an ineffective piece O' crap.

Hugs and kisses,


I know Leeo is lost in the wildnerness, but where did this unattached and off-the-wall comment come from?

I'm currently beating the puss out of Fleabag's favorite zit with lots of army stuff. His best tactic so far is to send back my turns as his turns THREE TIMES IN ONE FECKIN' GAME.

Talk about idiots... And he ain't no savant idiot either.

[ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

The Yojimbo Squire offers his services to the two waring parties, Berli and Joe Shaw....


If yer gonna be some kinda Toshiro Mifune knock-off you have to prove it on the field of battle. But up to now, in our game, you've acquitted yourself more like a feckin dweeb than anything else. PLUS you send turns about once a month.

Yojimbo my orse (grumble).A samurai can MANEUVER. With your Churchill VIIIs and big arty you remind me more of that overgrown numbnut with the sledgehammer than a deft cutter.

(edited to admit that I do think you'd look good shaved bald except for a headtop ponytail)

[ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

If yer gonna be some kinda Toshiro Mifune knock-off you have to prove it on the field of battle. But up to now, in our game, you've acquitted yourself more like a feckin dweeb than anything else. PLUS you send turns about once a month.

Yojimbo my orse (grumble).A samurai can MANEUVER. With your Churchill VIIIs and big arty you remind me more of that overgrown numbnut with the sledgehammer than a deft cutter.

(edited to admit that I do think you'd look good shaved bald except for a headtop ponytail)

[ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are just pissing and moaning because you have not figured out how I am going to cross all that open space to get to your strong points in the town. And that huge 105mm arty sure is deadly, pity the fool who gets underneath it.

Besides, I send back turns as fast as you send them to me. Twice you have said, oops, my e-mail is skanky and my 14.4 advanced Swedish cable modem is a bit slow so sorry I have not sent you a turn for 10 days. So go cry in your lutefisk why don't you.

[ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Nice try there, boy-o... but I've seen all three versions of that movie<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think of you Berli as the wimpy son, so soon enough I will observing you being exchanged with Joe Shaw's main squeeze (Stuka I think) who is actually married to Peng and his child Sean, which I will arrange to be present. Yes -- this has many possibilities. I prefer being the Yojimbo rather than the man with no name so I think that Yojimbo Squire is just fine for now.

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Hey Slappy, did you go with Yo Jim Bo so that you would fit in with Bo & Duke Luke down there in South Carolina? Should have gone with Roscoe P. Coltrane with your lame cop talk. Or perhaps Enos.

Berli, I hope you have your pointy-toed steel tips on today.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Hey Slappy, did you go with Yo Jim Bo so that you would fit in with Bo & Duke Luke down there in South Carolina? Should have gone with Roscoe P. Coltrane with your lame cop talk. Or perhaps Enos.

Berli, I hope you have your pointy-toed steel tips on today.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, Yo-Jim-Bo works. I learned in training that you often have to simplify your speech when conversing with someone from MN, and use things like rubber balls, toy dolls, and crayons to make sure they understand. If you are more comfortable with Dukes of Hazzard references than Kurosawa references, then I think it is perfectly acceptable to translate them in your own head.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I'm currently beating the puss out of Fleabag's favorite zit with lots of army stuff<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Talk about twisty-lawyer-talk! Sounds as if Lawyer has fevered delusions of adequacy. Apparently "beating" in Lawyerese means killing a couple of squads by sacrificing a couple of platoons. He probably also thinks "sex" means standing next to a sleeping hooker on the Metro.

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Ah Berli, it's started already. You see Slapdragon (I'm pretty confident that I'll be returning to my favorite Slopdraggin' all too soon) is apparently unclear on some of the finer points of the Knight / Squire relationship. Witness: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The Yojimbo Squire offers his services to the two waring parties, Berli and Joe Shaw.... (And I thought it was fun btch slapping idiots on the outer board, it may be more fun here!!!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He is apparently unaware that your own fine self has recently completed a match with me which resulted in a humiliating loss ... for YOU. But then he refers to you as an "idiot" and suggests that he should be "bitch slapping" you. But wait friends, that's not all, at no extra charge we can provide you with this lovely additional quote: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think of you Berli as the wimpy son ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Berli ... the toe, remember the toe first to put them on the ground and THEN you can use the heel if you prefer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

you have not figured out how I am going to cross all that open space to get to your strong points in the town. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wait, let me guess....those halftracks you have parked and loaded with a platoon are going to drive fast and try to make it all the way to town?

Besides, I send back turns as fast as you send them to me. Twice you have said, oops, my e-mail is skanky and my 14.4 advanced Swedish cable modem is a bit slow so sorry I have not sent you a turn for 10 days.

You're hallucinating...or a pathological liar...or maybe confusing me with someone else. I just resent the latest turn btw, you piddly sku wyer!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Wait, let me guess....those halftracks you have parked and loaded with a platoon are going to drive fast and try to make it all the way to town?


Sure, all those Halftracks will make a gamey rush. That is the strategy I was looking for.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

You're hallucinating...or a pathological liar...or maybe confusing me with someone else. I just resent the latest turn btw, you piddly sku wyer!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sure, you say that and then hurry up and send me the turn you neglected to send. God loves Swedish telecom, cause no one else does.

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Don't ask me for turns. :rolleyes:

There was a guy who used to post here a ways back. I think he was the guy who created that bizarre map where you actually raced M8s across minefields. It was actually a race. Really bizarre. Anyway, he was a Gulf War vet and had a really interesting website about his Counter Battery Artillery Batallion on Iraq. I was looking for the website. It was in his sig file. If I can find his name, I can find him. Thought it was Bullethead...nope.

Any help?

By the way, it smells better here now that the french are gone. Of course Stuka's still getting stains on the Divan, I see. Stuka, how is the pretty little wife of yours and when is she going to come visit me again?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Überwort... get it right<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Environmentalist groups around the world are lobbying the US to stop the bombing in Afghanistan because it endangers the only known habitat of the Pashtun Überwort, which is a varietal of the more widely cultivated South Asian Wortweed. But then you already knew that, didn't you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Sure, you say that and then hurry up and send me the turn you neglected to send. God loves Swedish telecom, cause no one else does.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh now I'm piqued. How dare you insult telia.com, my noble provider! I'm losing patience with you. I just wrote that bit about the file 'maybe having been lost on the way to you' as a way of being polite, giving you a chance to save face. No one else 'doesn't get' my files. The latest turn I sent to you was on Wednesday morning. I have it documented. You, Sir, are a slacker and a footdragger, and on top of that you are a lying, overweening boastful, pretentious scoundrel, and you SUCK at CM. Ha! Who would have guessed the mighty Slapdragon, Squire of Berli couldn't tell a bazooka from a stovepipe hat. URRGGGHHHH....now I have to go get my bloodpressure medicine.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Don't ask me for turns. :rolleyes:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dammit, where the hell's my tu--

Oh, uh, never mind.


It's awfully quiet while I wait for jdmorse to attack. Very quiet. Quieter than normal. Really, really quiet. Unnaturally, even disturbingly quiet. Dare I say it? Too quiet. Actually, we may've either blundered into each other or not, but I haven't watched the latest turn.

stevetherat is a bastard, but at least I finally killed one of his gamey, edge-hugging, code-hacked Comet IVs (that's right, Comet IVs... bastard).

Seanachai has gone to Disneyland (which, sadly, is not some euphemism for being torn apart by wild bagders, eaten by vultures, and finally pooped into a paper-pulp processing vat and made into Celine Dion album covers). I'll have to delay returning his setup that much longer so he'll realize that I'm stalling.

I'll get to replying to Lars and his setup right after Seanachai's...

Joe Shaw is an effete GirlyWuss who's too chicken to rush blindly through the bocage like a real ManlyMan. He's tiptoeing around like a shoeless spinster on a freshly-Zambonied ice rink. How I loathe him and his.... Canadians.

And it's a good thing Croda disappeared when he did (heck, it was just a good thing he disappeared), since the very next turn would have seen my Pincers of Attritionist Doom finally put paid to his gamey manhooverist fallschirmgerbils.

Hate the rest of you pillocks, too, especially since I ran out of Sapphire last night.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to plow under a patch of flowering Uberwort bushes. Nasty things.]

[ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

blah blah blah blah blah tush minnie<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yah yah, uh huh -- sure thing CM. Right you are. Did you say something? Sometimes the crickets get to loud.

Well, after I get off duty tonight I will send you back you rapidly returned turned. How odd no one else has a problem getting turns from me (well, once in a while I will send therat's turn to Dorosh but what the hell).

Still, my plan to cross all that open ground is progressing, even if you are to much of a dolt to see it. How nice to have doltishness confirmed. Why don't you come out and see what for matilda?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Still, my plan to cross all that open ground is progressing, even if you are to much of a dolt to see it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Speaking of dolts, why are you attacking on the open North end of the map, when the South side is full of cover? Like duh! Such a schoolboy blunder warrents the spoon if you ask me. Tush! If you were trying to do the unexpected, you succeeded. Luckily, 'unexpected' does not map isomorphically with 'unplanned for'.

Anyhow, (trying to be constructive) maybe you could try leapfrogging in all the shellholes?

I'll run a creeping barrage backwards, walking towards my positions, shifting to follow your lead units. That way, when they break, they can run to the shellholes, and thus avoid my long range direct fire weaponry. See what a helpful and cooperative guy I am?

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