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Peng has been challenged since birth, how about you?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

I demand satisfaction. Delegate some lackey to come clean up the mess. Failing that, send me your head in a bucket of Chlorox.<hr></blockquote>

Anyone care to adjudicate a jolly round of Moriarty and I slapping each other with fishes (I mean, Combat Mission)?

I've never had a second set up a battle for me, so that would be great fun. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Oh, and as far as Roget's, well, I've never been Rogeted before, and I don't intend to allow you the privilage either, Moriarty. Perhaps one of Mace's sheep is available for a good Rogeting by yourself.

Oh, and that brings us back to singular.

By yourself. Alone. One, un, eins, een, uno, ichi, eun, i, en, moja.

[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Anyone care to adjudicate a jolly round of Moriarty and I slapping each other with fishes (I mean, Combat Mission)?

I've never had a second set up a battle for me, so that would be great fun. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Oh, and as far as Roget's, well, I've never been Rogeted before, and I don't intend to allow you the privilage either, Moriarty. Perhaps one of Mace's sheep is available for a good Rogeting by yourself.

Oh, and that brings us back to singular.

By yourself. Alone. One, un, eins, een, uno, ichi, eun, i, en, moja.

[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]<hr></blockquote>

You may be right, perhaps a Rochambeau would be more appropriate for the likes of you.

If you do not find a second, Sir Leeo, then just name your terms.

[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Perhaps one of Mace's sheep is available for a good Rogeting by yourself.


You've got to be joking!!!

My sheep have more discerning taste than to allow you motley lot near them.

And a belated, unhappy birthday, Berli. I would have wished you a happy one, but it somehow seems to clash with your Evilness!

See you on the Russian Front no doubt. ;)


[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

AlrightLeon ya poof...send me a set up file...I don't car what it is....atleast you return files not like those other wankers<hr></blockquote>

Your third downfall at my hands is now winging it's way to your darkened door, my dear Elvis.

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HEY LLLEEEOOOO (kind of reminds me of the classic Abbot and Costello signature line)

Anyway, my dance card is not too full at the moment, if you care to do the tungsten two step. As the junior member (... nah, way too easy) in seniority (I have waited almost a year to be able to say that), you may send me a setup, I don't care what side or setting, QB or prebuilt.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Secondly; I'd like to say that Seanachai is a pseudo literate blow-hard who knows not his Milton from his Bradley.


Idjit. Milton was a devout Christian who gave all the best lines of his Major Opus to Satan, while God and Adam coughed up some of the dullest tripe ever written. I imagine after his death Milton faced some hard questions and has spent the time ever since correcting punctuation in badly printed copies of the KJV.

Bradley, on the other hand, was an American General who served in both North Africa and Western Europe.

I'd give you a game, Leeo, but I'm over-extended. Maybe when I complete the latest series of Draws.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Actually, its not late... its today... and it has sucked.<hr></blockquote>

Happy Birthday, Berli!

Sorry it's sucking so far. Still, Birthday on a Saturday and all, maybe you can be imitating an Australian before tomorrow morning...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Gang, I have to wonder why the Peng Challenge Thread is used by every person who want to complain about this forum as an example of the forum's failings. <hr></blockquote>

Pee-pee envy?


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Berli, loathsome as ye are, at as mah hope tha ye didnae belly oop on account o' ye food poisoning. Ye've noo right tae bae put oot o' ye misery sae handily. An' happy barfday!

Ain a more depressin' note - Leeo wall likely bae along shortly tae explain hoo mah poor wee Yankee paras' were trapped batween a river an' a stankin' plethora o' gamey Stugs, Pumas, aardvaaks an' Schutzenpanzerwagons. Tha reasult o' which was a timely surrender bah mae brave but de-snotted laddies.

Af'n there's justice ain thas stankin' world at's noo tae bae foond ain a festerin' game o' CM!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Gang, I have to wonder why the Peng Challenge Thread is used by every person who want to complain about this forum as an example of the forum's failings.

Read this silly thread to see what I mean.<hr></blockquote>

Well, we are not the most welcoming group on the Board. It is surprising, though, how few manage to grasp the whole concept of why they get the reception they do, and figure out how to take it in stride.

I blame you lot. You're all so coarse and loud, no wonder we don't attract the masses! We could have a booming franchise here, complete with hot and cold running idiocy if you lads were a little more welcoming.

Of course, for many folk the concept of 'camaraderie' is either dead, or so seriously debased that they think that salesmen who buy them drinks and ask about their golf score are actually interested in them and concerned about their lives. Well, you won't find that sort of ****e here, thank gods.

Not only aren't I interested in shifting a load of dingo kidneys to you lot for a sackful of silver, I loathe you all. And knowing you lot feel the same about me makes it possible for me to go into work each Monday.

Er...anyone else think that we should compose some Peng Carols for the coming Holiday season?

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Och, afore Ah fergait...mah poor wee span'l cam aintae mah hoose thus mornin' wi' a guilty look ain her soft broon eyes. Ah quickly checked her mooth tae sae af'n she'd brought tha leakin' colostomy bag Lawyer aintae mah cosey wee hoose - but tha were noo sign. Thain shae let a lood, wet, burbly, poppin' farrrt rrrrip an' Ah aimidjitly understood....

Grabbin' tha wretched beast bah tha flabby jowels, an' holdin' her snout close tae mah own, Ah shooted,"Ye festerin' pile o' span'l guts!! Ye've gwin an' EATEN tha bastarrrd!!!"

Tae whuch shae replied....


Ah' cud hardly find tha door tae tha ootside fer tha tears streamin' doon mah handsome countenance, gaggin' an' wretchin' fraim tha soup like air.....

Ye'll pay fer tha ootrage, Lawyer, och mon, ye'll pay ain kind....


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Given that I have been having... well, my own luck today I probably will... food poisoning<hr></blockquote>

Birthdays ... Mine was OK in a way. The trick is not to tell anyone until it is too late and then watch them fall all over themselves explaining how they knew it all along but all phone lines collapsed and then the cat died and...

Not that mine was last tuesday or anything. Not at all. That would be silly of me to have to pint out such a thing. Wouldn't it?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Not that mine was last tuesday or anything. Not at all. That would be silly of me to have to pint out such a thing. Wouldn't it?<hr></blockquote> No, clearly your problem was that you didn't PINT it out. Had you offerred a pint I've no doubt that we'd have fallen all over ourselves acknowledging it ... not much more than that of course but at least that.

Now if you were Berli you'd do the clever thing and simply list your birthday on ICQ. Why you ask? Because ICQ provides an automatic reminder of someone's birthday to all of their "Friends" on the list. And you can always claim, as Berli will I'm sure, that you thought it was a required field!

Ah well, I have turns to complete so that my opponents will not be in further doubt as to the rapidity of their defeat.


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He has returned.

Let me say happy b-day to Satan. Hope you got those new imps you were hoping for.

Now if anyone would care to summarise the bile directed in my direction during my absense, you will be treated with the contempt you deserve.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:


Now if anyone would care to summarise the bile directed in my direction during my absense, you will be treated with the contempt you deserve.<hr></blockquote>

You mean you've been away?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Er...anyone else think that we should compose some Peng Carols for the coming Holiday season?<hr></blockquote>

Not so fast! The Great Turkey Sacrifice has just ended and you're already hanging up Xmas decorations? Give us poor consumers a break, would ya? You and the chamber of commerce, sheesh!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Now if anyone would care to summarise the bile directed in my direction during my absense, you will be treated with the contempt you deserve. <hr></blockquote>Ummm, nothing specific toward YOU as I recall ... we pretty much just lumped you in with the rest of the Australians for well deserved general abuse.

However, by way of welcoming you back, it's my opinion and one that I suspect is shared by many here, that we applaud your return with unabashed glee ... incompetent opponents are getting harder to find and you're one of the best at being the worst.


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Now that Goanna (name unbutchered as per Cesspool rule Xi@(1-g)) is back, I beleive we are one over the quota for the Australian contingent.

May I be the first to cast a motion that we organise a possie to kull the population by that excess one.

'AussieJeff' would be an excellent candidate, what say you, jurors?

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