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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

... we must lay aside all juvenile nitpicking and settle our dispute on the field of glorious battle. Still I await a setup from you. It has been three quarters of an hour, and still I wait. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Chuckie.... 'fraid I couldn't oblige you at this point, at least tonight. 1) Seems ATT@home is balky on email. Can't send or receive at this point.2) I have some 15 games going 3) your erudtion and scatatological skills fails to overcome my own inherent ennui.4) Meeks likes you. Now mind that the last acolyte that meekies took a shine too was Harum he of the former cat lovers of America, and now he gibbers in the corner like Renfield, gibbering to his long departed master about the mythical Eagle's. A sad case really

Perhaps if you take a deep breath and huff and puff one one of the others may care enough to fart in your direction. I'll check back later and see if you have finally gotten a clue. And as we fondly say here SOD OFF but only in the best of spirits

Herr Meek Hamster yes tis I the aformentioned disbarred barrister. Now about our little game of chemin a fer, I think it is your move and you are getting roundly trounced. But then it has been so long I forget....en garde monsieur, have at you.......

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-10-2001).]

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I will commence CMing on Monday. I still have a massive amount of personal crap to take care of, including upgrading this computer and going to the AFC Championship Game (MUhahaha!!!) but after that I will finish off my terribly one-sided affairs. Then after I'm done with YK2 and Kitty, I'll finish off the battles I left so brusquely.

Good to see you're still here, jd, why'd you change the name?


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


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because I could......... it's more snappy, stylish and cutting edge, don'tcha think? Glad you made it back. Things need a shaking a bit. Alot of detritus in the corners.

BTW Go Raiders

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-10-2001).]

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Ahh, now for my useless post of the evening.

Tomb updates:

Elvis- 2 wins

Peng 2-losses

Bastables- win

Elvis- loss

Now for my wee game update.

Berli... beating my ass. Not really much more to it than that. I could go on about him being a gamey cheat.. But it really is because I suck.

OGSF... I would say I was rolling up his flank. But he is actualy in a circle, using his germans for a Cutlers last stand effort.

Germanboy... This is just plain sad. One of two things here... Scenario way unbalenced, Or my God like abilities are starting to shine through... I'd go with the first.

other games are all outside the pool... hence they don't deserve a mention.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Meeks "I just *love* the Raiders!"

jd"Yeah! Go Raiders! Yeah!"

Meeks"High five!"


Ah thank Ah'm gwinnae hurl mah haggis! Wha didnye both hold hands, play some disco, and "do tha bump"!?!

Meeks "I like *you* (flops hand), and I like *you*.....let's see....oh, and *you*, you naughty Raiders fan you! Oh, yes and I'll be terrible as well...*pfffft* *pfffft*"

Ah thank yoo kin gwin o'er there an' stand wi' tha soft puddins'.....Hiram has more malice than yoo, Jimmy.


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Arghhhh me harties! so IP games count. Well then Foobar and my self played, well tested a rune creation leading to a draw. Frigging Jadgtiger of his just started shooting. And his Panthers, well lets just say I had no more live Caffees after 2 turns. Allhumduillah my infantry were better and cut his boys down when they ran.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

If I owe you something, send me a note with what version you are running<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I believe I owe you a good spanking (no bauhaus, not you, and you can't watch either). Pick some parameters, pick a version, send me a setup, sit back, and prepare to die a slow painful death. I promise I won't buy the death ray this time.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Ahh... this just in.

From Fionn :

Marlow (aka Bewildered Little Wannabe Who Won't EVER Be... aka BLWWWEB ... which, incidentally, is the exact sound I make when hurling every time I think of your ugly pre-foetal little face. ),

"so friggin what if Fionn wants a game; even if it was Patton himself, there are still forms to be observed. "

Indeed. Those forms begin with a taunt and end with a picture of you with a broom stuck up your ass roasting over an open fire. I fully intend to observe those forms to the letter.

" and none of this "oooh … ooooh … I challenge you all!!!!" crap either, but a suitable personal affront. "

I didn't challenge you all. I can only hope your decision-making process is clouded with the absolute inability to engage in rational, coherent thought displayed in this rambling and pathetic post. In any case anything I do to you wouldn't be a challenge. It'd simply be relaxation and a way to give back to society by removing pre-foetal, evolutionary dead-ends like yourself from the streets... nay, gutters.

"In fact I am deeply disappointed in Speedy for replying to Fionn's feeble attempt."

What you construe as an attempt wasn't even that. Of course with the low standards you must set for yourself due to your complete incompetence and under-developed state it is hardly surprising you'd vastly misrepresent everythnig. After all, you think you're good. A more completely self-deluded view of reality I haven't seen in many a year.

" And I don't want to be hearing any "Oh, but its Fionn, he is soooooo good that the normal rules don’t apply" bull****."

Ah, but they don't. I fear that a special forfeit will definitely be necessary for this game. Perhaps a public AAR and a picture of yourself in the "pig-roasting" positon would be suitable penance? If you're scared you can always turn me down but if you aren't sufficiently developed to be afraid yet you might make a suitable animal to inaugurate my "Hall of Shame" page.

" However, if I were to receive a appropriate invitation to battle, I might just be able to open a spot on the ol' schedule and squeeze him in. "

Indeed. Don't worry though you won't need to schedule much time for the match as I don't require long to wipe **** from my shoe gill-boy.


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Christ Jesus, we've got Fionn posting here? What kind of sick, twisted place has the Pool become?!!

Oh, and OGSF, let's get something straight, kay? I'm not a new, sweeter version of my older self, I was just making myself comfortable before I decided it was time to start breaking things and hurting people. I'm glad that on Monday I'll get to start on you again, you tapeworm.

You see, OGSF, I didn't leave so I could have the chance to fantasize about Finnish underwear models or count ice cubes, I left so that you and the rest would grow soft. You'd all become so used to packing your squishy bits back in and sowing yourselves up with catgut that it wasn't causing the same pain anymore.

For the last few months, you've had only the playfully morose Hiram and the evil but occasional Berli to torment you. Now that I'm back, you're gonna start wishing you had that old time religion. I'm worse now, you inadeqaute little pile of horse semen. The shining point of my life has been, until recently, to be able to drink my coffee before it froze into a brick. I understand now why people club seals, I would've clubbed baby seals and then used the dead baby seal to club other baby seals. A lot. But I couldn't. Oh no, they don't let you club seals, or play games, or boink the sonar operator, even if she was built like a brick ****house. You think Mensch is crazy? He's harmless. I'm gonna disect you, OGSF. They're gonna wrap you up in seaweed with some rice when I'm done with you. You're going to be the basis for an epic tragedy. Future peoples will look back on the story of your topplement and refuse to believe that it could have happened to a human being. They'll think you were a metaphor for foolishness and impotency and children will be sent to detention for doodling pictures of what you'll look like when I'm done with you. Before, I brought topplement to you savages. Now, I'm going to show you the true meaning of the word.


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


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An ethical deliemna has presented itself and pains me. An ethical problem is to a lawyer is of course akin to the proverbial wooden stake through Berli's heart, if he had one. So I shall put it to my fellow kniggits, squires and floaters to advise and counsel my course of action. To play or not, that is the question.

Seems CreepshowChuckie# has sent me a challenge and a set up. To recap, he showed up in the pool today and said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I haven't had the experience of a good whooping yet and I thought maybe one of you cesspoolers could give me one. I've been informed by the outside world that the really good CM players dwell in

here... So somebody send me a setup. checksix224@aol.com Hurry up! My fingers are itching!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Appropriate responses warnings and omens were cast his way along with aspersions, entrails and floatie things.His response: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But what if it turns out that I'm the greatest CM player there ever was, and it takes me well over three years to learn that because it takes nearly that long to find a game against one of la creme de la creme? Come on. Play a game with me, and either I'll find out I'm the greatest CM player there ever was or you'll get a nice ego boost. Most likely the former.

STRONG LANGUAGE:...butt-head.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Mr. 6 then screwed up his mighty cranium and came up with <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>JD, that checkpatootee comment was too much. You really pushed me over the edge. I'm sure that you are a yellow-belly coward of the worst kind, so I must put it on the public record that my challenge is in your inbox at this moment.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and so it is, having received a set up this evening.

The Considerations; 1) he used caps on my nick and 2) he called me "a yellow-belly coward of the worst kind" Oh that smarted. Wonder if he knew I am a lawyer so he was probably complimenting me. 3) He seems as thick as meekie's brick, rather uninspired but has a certain loathful persistence. Kind of like scabies. 4) Meeks seemed to like him, but he doesn't have him trying to dog hump his leg. 5) He avoided lawyer cliche's

We have standards and procedures, but then we let in Croda, Hiram and Marlow....

So what say the assembled multitudes. Play him or flay him?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I will commence CMing on Monday. I still have a massive amount of personal crap to take care of, then after I'm done with YK2 and Kitty<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, you do seem to carry an awful lot of personal baggage with you. Btw, what's "done with Kitty" mean? If this is some kind of sexual remark I'm sure in your case it could take you no more than say, 10 - 15 secs to be "done." ;)



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the Nuisance formerly known as JDMorse:

So what say the assembled multitudes. Play him or flay him?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd say Play him.

The very idea of TailPipe having fun with what is loosely called a lawyer is repulsive enough to be worth considering.

That plus the fact that you've practically patented the process of dealing with idiots as your proceedings with Choop clearly illustrated.

BTW, eventhough I'm glad there's still some fire in Fionn (I thought he should have met Rigor Mortis by now which would have been the only hardship left in that buggering Irish) I would like to highlight the fact that funneling his contribution in the Pool through Goldorak is symptomatic of a complete lack of judgement.



And lest I forgot, Go Raiders!! whatever those are.


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 01-11-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Geier, I dearly hope that some day you can recount the tale of the hacky-sack of Krakow. And I would also be indebted to any fine scenario designer that would recreate such a thing so that I may be utterly annihilated by the aforementioned Old Firm. I picture a massive amount of regular and veteran American troops with low ammo stuck in a city as an unstoppable army of Elite Germans methodically wipe them out.


Twas in the years of your lord 1657 and 1658, look into the books for the rest.

To recreate it I suspect CM will fall short as it would constitute a Swedish Army (ie Finns, Germans, Scots and some Swedes) on one side, doing Very Nasty Things to some garrison troops of the Polish-Lithuanian side. It involved horses, artillery, firebombs and fine cutlery.

As for hacky-sacking you and everyone close to you in CM, get in ze line. I have been rotten at sending turns lately so first I will have to kill off some of my still-breathing opponents. Marky Mark is next and he will be followed by you.

Now bugger off and do something about these buzzing insects.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GI Tom:

Now, onto my taunt. HEY HIRAM, if your not too busy humping cats, croda or mormon wives legs,

Don't expect wit, intelligence nor sarcasm...

GI Tom


You festering boil on the butt crack of the CM board. I am too busy and can hardly walk because of all the humping. I know that I'm an easy target, so when you mentioned you were going to taunt someone into playing you, I knew it would be me. Is it the Neon sign above my head that says "Easy like a Sunday morning"?

Alas and alack, I cannot play another game. I am way over the amount I should be playing and I can only lose so quickly. So, I'll have to do what Germanboy taught me and schedule you for a later date. Please see my receptionist on the way out and make an appointment. You can stew in your juices until then.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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I see the everyone's best friend (bile, not Fionn) has returned to the 'Pool. We are beginning to redecorate the walls with the hate that had long since slid into the deep end of the 'Pool.

To honor the august spirit of loathing, let me submit for everyone that I most certainly despise (with every iota of sneering and expactorating that said word connotes) Oberst as much as the first woman that decided that spandex looked good on her. He decided that it would be fun to give me a gaggle of green frenchies to defend a coverless map from what hill most certainly be a horde of ultra-elite fascist Sturmgruppe Monsters. Damn him until the day the worms eat his last bit of decayed flesh.

As for Marlow, he and I have just embarked on a lovely 5,000 pt Epic Adventure. The map has 4 bridges spanning a river which cuts the map in half. Each of us has a side of the river, and the other side to conquer. Should be messy with a capital 'essy.' So, Fionn, you may wish to choose another opponent, as you see, there will doubtless be little left of Marlow to go around once I've driven the Hun from the banks of my river.

I'd also like to take this moment to hate MarkIV who, in the most gamey move since Meeks took out all my armor by turn 2, used the cover of night to attack the most ill-prepared side of my defenses, thereby turning them into a nice jam to serve on melba toast.

I am beginning to hate jd less, however, since I now have troops 200m from the VL and have face 1 platoon of troops. This tells me 3 things. jd has either fled the map completely, is defending everywhere he shouldn't be, or is clumped together where 105mm treebursts will take every life he has left. End result: My reserves have just been given an early liberty.

Hiram, I fail to taunt you because I only taunt people I have games with, or those who turn my heart black. Since your posts lighten my heart, my hatred for you subsides. And my rocket attacks must have been more devastating than I had previously thought, since appanrently one of them killed you as well. SEND THE DAMNED TURN!

Oh, and jd...play the darn game with ButtCheek6 before I acknowledge the newbie and end up destroying him...but then again, he may be the best ever...





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 01-11-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I see the everyone's best friend (bile, not Fionn) has returned to the 'Pool<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes. I'm getting more comfortable by the minute, thank you. Hate your post, just hate it. Let's not do lunch someday. My people will talk to your people and not set something up. Awful to see you.



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So, I have shown you superior tactics by drawing you from your whore-ridden, faeces carpeted hovel. Whence I enveloped you in elephantine fish-remnant diarrhea before encapsulating you in a hole of my choosing and design. But still you lay and take it.

Croda, I had the misfortune to meet your relatives today. While walking in the street I happened to trod in a pile of canine excrement - the kind with those nut-like additives. It was they who spoke, and by way of introduction, mentioned the lineage to you. Obviously, you were too spineless to appear in the light of day and accompany your fellow gene harborers. I don't blame you, not with a posture like yours; head up your rectal exit.

I dare not play you so as to avoid the microbial infection you carry as naturally as I wear aftershave.

Wildman and Meeks; football? You call that nancy game of yours football? Is that the game derived from Rugby Football? The game where the players DON'T wrap themselves in armour plating? The game where the players DON'T cry when they are tackled? The game where they can play in only two halves (not sixteenths) because they DON'T have to take a break every 2.37 minutes because they are REAL men? don't make me laugh.

And, while we're on the subject, do you nancy boys also like your other national game, baseball? The game which is played here by SCHOOL GIRLS! And still, even they don't wear the plastic assortment of additions that your "players" wear and can hit the ball just as hard.

Now you two I would love to play. I can just imagine the walk-over it must be. While you apply beaded seat-covers and cute furry animals to your vehicles, and brush your hair in the rear view mirror, I would have won the game and having tea. Pansies.

Lorak, I think I may have seen you before. Professor Stephen Hawkins is a fine communicator and theologian. His mastery of unknown quantities, particularly in the physical science, is legendary. Anyway, I did happen to see an old, soiled, soft toffee stuck to one of his wheels recently. Was that you? Maybe it wasn't a toffee though? The light wasn't that good.

A friend of mine has a saying; "As useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle". I think that sums you up pretty well.

Up yours, the lot of you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I'd also like to take this moment to hate MarkIV who, in the most gamey move since Meeks took out all my armor by turn 2, used the cover of night to attack the most ill-prepared side of my defenses, thereby turning them into a nice jam to serve on melba toast....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flashback (dream sequence music) to Dec. 4th:

"MarkIV...what to say. What an ugly map for him. A night attack. My village set out in tiers overlooking a valley. Not a shred of tree-coverage anywhere. He's gonna Die A Lot!"

Please take more than a moment to hate me, I've earned it. Go ahead, hate me all morning. I've been despising you for much longer than that.

There's a convenient map edge about an inch and a half behind your MLC (Main Line of Cowering) and if you're quick you can beat the rest of that lovely VT there... shoo! Offa my hill!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Check6:

JD, that checkpatootee comment was too much. You really pushed me over the edge. I'm sure that you are a yellow-belly coward of the worst kind, so I must put it on the public record that my challenge is in your inbox at this moment.

If the opponents won't come to Checkie, Checkie must find the opponents.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Check6, quit checking your six (i.e., get your thumb out of your butt) and pay attention.

It is not enough to waltz in here and drop some limp-wristed challenge with your frilly white gloves.

First of all, no self-hating Cesspooler waltzes. None. Never. Nada, unless you want to count Hiram flinging his taxidermied Audrey around to music on his old wind-up Victrola. But I digress.

Second of all, that was the most piss-poor challenge I have ever heard. So piss-poor that a wino from the foulest back streets of Tijuana Mexico, with all but his primal brain stem eaten away from alcohol abuse, a wino used to drinking the fluids from Croda's enemas would be loathe to contribute piss to that challenge.

Thirdly, so limp-wristed a challenge, so lacking in the sustenance of the thread, so vacant of the very bread and butter of the thread, so pitifully pre-neophyte a challange that, well, I wouldn't blame jd is he printed out the, ahem, challenge file, rolled it up and beat you severely about the head and shoulders before refusing it accept it.

And lastly, in case you hadn't noticed, we tend not to speak the Queen's English here ol' chap. Bugger those proper manners (SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!!) and speak like you are ready to fight! The battle within the game is only a small portion of the experience here in the Cesspool. It is the game played about the battle that is the life's blood of the Cesspool thread.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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To my dear Chuckletpatootee:

Sir, and I use the term loosely. As you may know if you are following the postings of this board, I am having a bit of indecision about accepting your challenge. Now I do not mind playing newcomers to the Mutha Beautiful thread. I played Croda and Hiram and Marlow when they first showed up. Croda of course had a mean and spiteful streak, the give no quarter and spit in the cats eye type of swagger. Of course he couldn't play worth a damn but there was an underlying viciousness that warmed my heart. Hiram had a sweetness and politeness and doggedness that neverfailed to gladden our surroundings. Kind of like Norman Bates. There is a beautiful inner psychotic Hiram, just waiting to be let out. (frankly I think he is probably one of the most depraved here.) Marlow approached with a nice set literary piece, a clever set of bon mots that harkened to echo his name and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Each in their way caught my eye (sit down Bauhaus) and they have, as has everyone established distinct persona here in our little world. Is it fair? No. Is it friendly? No. Is it incestuous and depraved? Most assuredly and we like it like that.

Now you show up and demand a game, then go challenge me with "you're a yellow bellied sapsucker" Since you are new you may not realize that professionally I am a lawyer (that's why my grammar, spelling, typing and syntax are screwed because that's the job for my secretary) So perhaps you can appreciate why your insult leaves me singularly unmoved. Both Lorak, I and others have suggested that at least some semblance of forms be followed.

There is another side that is rarely spoken of. You see, in our way we are somewhat (or totally) outcasts on the larger board. Oh we venture out and occasionally have to chase down an escapee, but this pool, this cess, is generally home. You have been here for all of a day. To enter the pool means to stay. As has been mentioned, while cm constitutes a common bond, playing games is not all there is to pool membership. There is a fraternite to pool life. The willingness to taunt in the thread, to share victory and defeat, and the obvious cheating by the people beating me, with the others. There is a commitment in other words that goes with being here. How do we know that after the orgiastic excitement and paroxysm of the game, that you will not respect us in the morning and steal off like a thief in the night.

So I am looking for that commitment and a certain willingness to swagger in and make a mark. Who is check6, other than a reference to watching out for PeterSheepshagger or Macey (actually a wise practice we all do)?

I have selected my units and have renumbered the file. It is ready to go. But I do feel a little put out as I had earlier mentioned that the number of games I have going is getting up there. So here's the deal my little chucklet. I'll play you BUT first there are some conditions.

You need to decide if you are in it for the long hall. I enjoy the people here (not really actually I loathe them). I also do not want you to be a one time chuckie either. So I want to see you around a bit. Insult a few others, enter into the spirit or fumes, whatever. Do a little research on who we are and where we came from. Then I'd like to see one mother frickin post that tears me a new one. Now not of the crude, base or "your mother wears combat boots" variety. Literary references and innuendo get you extra style points. words and how we use them matter. Construction of a roman a clef ditty, or just clever slinging of words will impress.

You do that, you'll get your game in the near future. If you feel it is too onerous or why should you have to comply, well that'll tell me your heart wasn't in it and you are some little flash in the pan punk looking to be able to tell his steady girlfriend of 15 yrs (who you finally got enough nerve to hold her hand lst week) say Gee I splashed in the cesspool, aren't i kewl. In a word a mere poseur and dabbler. Do that and we will welcome you, fail and you weren't worth meeks' drool.

Time will tell

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-11-2001).]

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