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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Well, I imagine I had better sign this pathetic guestbook as soon as possible. I am returning from my self-imposed exile, and most likely my absence went completely un-noticed. It's just as well, you miscreants.

You never liked me anyways.

My malignant thoughts for all of you are swirling in my melon, but the only words that come to mind are:

Roborat : where's my freakin turn, man?


I will leave you with this.

One time I was sitting around thinking just how incredible a human mind is. How, out of the chaos, this incredible organ exists, that can control other matter, it can invent, it can create, it can dream. My mind has to be the most wondrous thing in the world.

But then I realised: Look who's telling me this....

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Now Foobar,

How could you possible think that your absense would go unoticed? You are one of people fnord that seem like a good fit for the pool. Hopefully your mind hasn't been to tainted with things Grog from the outside.

And when I send you mental teachings from now on... Don't assume they blossomed from the empty shell of your head that causes your own insane voices to echo.... Nay, realise that they are pure teachings from LORAK ! He who is great among you!

Now bang your head against the deck until forgiven.

Lorak the loathed

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"Wha widnae fit fer Charlie? Wha widnae draw that sword.."

An noo fer a wee update on mah current gams...

Speedy Ah'm wipen tha muddy floor wi' his Quixotic collection o' Puppchen's...tha's rrright...half a bleedin' dozen Puppchens or more tae defend his stankin' wee village. He managed throo bleend luck tae kill a Priest wi' one o' the daft thangs, and his artillery clobbered another couple...but mah brave lads are closin' wi' his wretched rat pack o' Heer rabble. One VL already in mah possession an' two more soon tae follow.

StukaPukaPants At's rainin' mighty hard an' Ah'm nae certain mah wee Sherman thingies will mak it tae his village w'oot gettin' bogged. But mah stout lads will kick his spotty arrse anyhoo.

Nijis Mah juggernaut rolls on wi' him pathetically powerless tae stop mae. At least tha's hoo it's gwin at tha moment!

LorakLast Ah remember he was beginning tae lose less badly than he had been up tae that point. Ah await tha next move.

MeeksHe's awah on a sabbatical, but he were gettin' beat before he left, an nae reason tae expect anythin' ailse when he returns.

HiramWe begin anew. He has taken the side o' tha Germans' in an armoured meetin' engagement. An' then he went an' specified large hills, heavy trees an' a town tae manoeuvre in. Ah think this'll be tha day o tha long bazookas, af'n mah fighter bombers dain blow him tae thah crap hoose firrst.

Seanachai He didnae come through ain his promise tae send a setup this weekend. Jest sae ye knoo he's a duckin' an' weavin' mah fearful retribution fer his existence.

As fer tha rest o' ye....ye kin go bobbin' fer apples ain the Cesspool.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

When Stukes no longer amuses, can I go him with the chainsaw?

Mace (tossing as we speak)


{In best "Neil from the 'young ones' voice}

"Yes thats it, pick on the trees why don't you, yes, it's all the trees fault...blame the trees for your failure in life"

"why doesn't everyone go out and hug a tree today?"

**Kitty, thats your que**

No Bauhaus, Kitty may hug me, not you. Even a tree has standards.

No Bauhaus Stop it! Good god man I'm a Tree!, have you no shame! Arrrgghhh! Please Mace,use the chainsaw nowwwwww!!.......

P.S. A nice big set up to whoever can guess what species of tree I am...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

P.S. A nice big set up to whoever can guess what species of tree I am...


Yer a Norfolk Pine.

Reminds me of a story. Back in the 1930s' an expedition is exploring darkest Africa. Jane, a member of the expedition, becomes separated from the group and while trying to find her way back stumbles into a clearing in the jungle. Across the clearing is Tarzan, apparently shagging a tree. It seems the poor lad has no female companion and must exercise his desires on knot holes in trees.

She coughs politely to attract his attention. She is anamoured with his Tarzan like physique, and being quite alone in the clearing with him, strips naked and lays down to offer herself to this wild man of the jungle. Tarzan is quick to catch on to the opportunity and bolts across the clearing, grabbing her ankles. Spreading her legs wide, he proceed to kick the crap out of her tender nether region.

She screams bloody murder, and between sobs demands to know what the lunatic ape man thinks he is doing. To which he replies..

"Gotta check for squirrels!"

*Thank you, thank you very much*


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Nope, both wrong.

I'm a great, proud Oak.

Just like all the other great proud Oaks that used to cover the south of england until the bloody Plantagnets cut them all down to build a poxy British navy back around Lizzy 1st's time.

So the set up goes to me...hah!

Although I am promised to both Herr Oberst and Bauhaus...No gentlemen I have'nt forgotten you, I am just being useless, which is unusual for an Oak really as we are actually quite usefull. Just ask a Plantagnet...

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What a wussy tree. I'd pick something that's a bit tougher, a bit more evil. I'd pick a tree that goes out and kills other wussy trees like the Strangler Fig, now there's a tree.

By the way, how come nobody has commented about the fact that the lousy Minnehoohas have been allowed to hijack the thread again after a paltry 40 pages down under? It's a godamn conspiracy between him and that ratbag exclamation point using bouncer from Ohio, I tell ya.

Damn it morse, I want a request for an immediate cease and desist order filed and a motion for summary judgement to return the thread to Australia for the balance of its 100 pages plus 5 pages of damages and 10 pages of penalties.


If ever there were a soddin' piece o' bovine butt weep, there's ye mon. - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Yer a Norfolk Pine.

Reminds me of a story. *Thank you, thank you very much*







Now that was humor. I like it when the denizens of the pool stoop to my level to tell a joke. I almost feel at home. I'm still having a friend explain a Seanachai post to me because of my reading comprehension difficulties.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hiram, it is good to see you made your way here. I was worried about you, and was afraid you might get lost. On another note, did you know that all cats are servants of Satan? When they purr, they are actually transmitting intel back to their master and receiving new instructions. At night when you're asleep, they do things to your brain.

I find it sadly appropriate that you would name a pet Audrey. All the names from all the cultures in the universe, all the gods and goddesses, all the figures out of legend and folklore, and you name your sodding cat Audrey. It makes one weep. But if it had been anything else, it wouldn't be 'you', now would it?


Hold up, Sir Sneakychoo. The cat was named Audrey and she won't come to me when I call her Tahkesis. (5 headed dragon goddess, Raistlin killed her in other dimension and I killed her in one of those games. You know, those games that make your girlfriend tell your best friend that she is leaving because she already told you that she is sick of you but you didn't care because you were battling a Dracolich?)

So, Sir Shan - uh - hey (and or kay), the damn cat is certifiably nuts already, she kept me up all night with her songs. The name stays until she expires.

The only certain way to keep from being dissapointed in me is to lower your expectations.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Nope, both wrong.

I'm a great, proud Oak.

Just like all the other great proud Oaks that used to cover the south of england until the bloody Plantagnets cut them all down to build a poxy British navy back around Lizzy 1st's time.


Just ask a Plantagnet...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not that a bloody Plantagenet would recognise an oak rammed up his rear-end. Lizzy I was of the Tudors, you beersoaked moron. The Plantagenets were overrated anyway, as far as kings go, and were given a far too decent press. Get yer bleedin' facts right.

Now - Hiram has a cat. How nice, how cute, how fuzzy and all heart-warming. Makes me retch.

It is good to see that so far the influx of morons to this thread seems to be manageable. I don't know what came over Madmatt to lock the Ozzie thread before it even reached P1K? What is this? Padlock feeling a bit lucky today? Well do you, moderator?!

Where was I? Oh yes, I have just updated the ISO9000 quality files of our team, and that makes me feel very very angry. I hate QMS. To make up for it I will soon have games going against Jeff and Hiram. I have successfully disemboweled Goriarty, and Bauhaus is already looking at his entrails being prepared for the chop-chop. AT mortars, snipers, arty and a cute little ambush. I have not received a file from him for a while, so I guess he has taken to tremble behind the sofa. And let's face it, Goanna is only staying in the desert for so long because he knows that there is a rematch waiting for the two of us. And after he failed abysmally last time, well I guess hugging a dune must have some allure. The game against Joe is turning into a laugh. Our soldiers are shooting at each other for a sec, and then run. FOW and fog at night combine to a unique experience, in which I hear BAR and Nahkampf! sounds, yet am unable to determine who is fighting whom. Which makes me think that my guys are more likely than not shooting at each other. Oh well.

The outside board would do better to be replaced by a multitude of Peng threads. Some people...

Go away now, you annoying vermin.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 12-19-2000).]

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The best shot anyone here has of beating me is Peter. In an ugly rune production I am getting killed by his Panthers and Tiger and assorted other cheating armor.

Germanirl it is too early to tell in our Berli created abortion. It sure is one strange RAM eating game. I don't mind sayinf that I am not proud to be playing it.

Hiram, way too early to tell with us but I must assume that I am ahead by the mear fact that I'm playing you.

Marlow, we could be playing the most interesting game in the lot. I hope you will learn alot from losing to the master (sit down bauhaus).

Moriarty, this game is another one of rune little jokes. After set up some of our units where literally right on top of each other (down bauhaus). Thank goodness all of my armor is out of sight.

Peng, I learned from the Kitty debacle that it is implied surrender if a turn is not sent for over a week. So mark me down for one over Peng Lorak. Apparently he doesn't even have the guts to send the surrender file. Lungless coward. Swine. Playground strafer.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now mind, I think before the demise of the current Peng Challenge Thread we should have some sort of contest, and let another nation host the Thread. So start thinking about how that might be achieved. When I was desperately searching for names tonight, Madmatt told me both the ones I came up with were a bit limp, and accepted the current title as the least lame. Perhaps we could have a contest to name the next incarnation of the Thread?


Heart of Pengness

It’s the end of the Peng as we know it


Peng - The Final Frontier

The bloody loonies are slowing down the server again challenge thread

Hiram and Audrey's warm and fuzzy challenge thread

Meaty Beaty Big and Pengy

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Marlowbrow is most likely rotting in a county jail in Sheepcranker Free State for abuse of a Shriner. The vigorous delousing is preventing him from returning a turn.


Real life has unfortunately interfered with my spending quality time with CM. I owe lots of people turns that may go out tonight. If I don’t get to your particular turn, to damn bad.

The only ones that owe me turns are Croda, who is avoiding his inevitable topplement, and dalem who is still trying to figure out how this e-mail thingy works. I'll re-send my most recent turns tonight if I get around to it. Tough titty if I don't.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Nope, both wrong.

I'm a great, proud Oak.


They make a lot of floors out of oak. Nice tree for walking on.

A late entry in the new name contest: The horse pulled transport, running machine gun team, and turret speed challenge thread

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-19-2000).]

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We've moved again? Darn, I feel like some trailer trash having to pick up and move to another park because the dog has been sick too many times on the managers ford and the cat's constant dioreah is starting to clog up the local stream. I'm sure the Americans on this board know what I'm talking about.

Well, I'm pleased to say some games are drawing to a close. NOTE I am going to the wastes of North England on Saturday and will be unable to return a file till I get back on the 3rd of Jan as the north has neither electricity or phone lines.

For this reason, if you're Elvis, Chrisl or Mark IV it might be best just to send your surrender file in on Friday. I should be able to complete a few more turns before then to show ya how bad it really is, and how little chance you have.

As for the rest of you. I shall have to stretch your torment out a bit I guess.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 12-19-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:


I find it sadly appropriate that you would name a pet Audrey. All the names from all the cultures in the universe, all the gods and goddesses, all the figures out of legend and folklore, and you name your sodding cat Audrey. It makes one weep. But if it had been anything else, it wouldn't be 'you', now would it?



Now now, Seanachai-ka-chu. We can't fault Hiram for behaving like any other normal boy currently in a swoon over some woman. It is not at all uncommon for a young man to name a pet after some endeared or beloved acquaintance, or his current objet d'amour...

What does concern me however, is his particular choice. I think he spent too many hours down near the deep end of the pool, where the vapours are the strongest, and it has done evil things to poor Hiram's brain stem.

His current infatuation with Audrey Hepburn, and hence the naming of his cat should send an alert to all the members of the 'pool... Play here at your own risk.

As for the old Hiram we all knew and grew to despise, what will become of him??? I know not, but for the good of he 'pool, we must try to save him. Hence, I send out a call. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I invoke the Future Mormon Wives!!! A good half-dozen or so... Though it may render the rest of us blind, it may just be enough to rescue poor Hiram...

(ed.: In retrospect, one is enough...)

<img src=http://www.gemstate.net/friends/fair.jpg>

BTW: This IS NOT fabrication. Check out http://www.gemstate.net/friends

Now pardon me while I go pour some bleach into my eyes...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 12-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 12-19-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

...P.S. A nice big set up to whoever can guess what species of tree I am...


I don't know what kind of tree you were... but when Bauhaus gets done with you, you'll be a weeping willow...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Damn it morse, I want a request for an immediate cease and desist order filed and a motion for summary judgement....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Joanna you craven hairball scat spreading dingo. You think you can waltz into these palatial offices and ask for justice, expect the para's(legals) and the crack sturmattorneys to launch themselves in a calculated and overwrought paper blitz? Resorting to legaltruppen is a Rubicon my dear lizard. Let me ask you first, WHERE"S MY RETAINER? Here let me write a figure on this piece of paper, fold it and slide it across the table while Della Street looks on. Oh by the way that does not include "expenses"

Now that you have picked yourself off the plush pile carpet and shut your flapping jaw, and had the color return to your cheeks we can work out an arrangement I am sure. After cutting a swath thru some of the lesser denizens of this pool, it's time for some fresh scenery. I am as we speak applying the coup de grace to your erstwhile countryperson, Maced. Since your record in pool play is not a losing one (yet) I need to warm up on some corpulent toad like rock warmer such as yourself.

So we waive the retainer for legal services if you accept. We await your pleasure.

From the pro bono department:

Since many of my opponents have seen fit to go to the nether realms or have (or are about to expire in my current games), the firm is looking for a few well motivated associates to be exploited for our particular gain. A successful applicant must not have played me (esp if you have beaten me) before and be resident of the pool. Submit your applications to the battleaxe at the front desk.

JD, Esq


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

For this reason, if you're Elvis, Chrisl or Mark IV it might be best just to send your surrender file in on Friday. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dunno about the others, but if you think you're Mark IV, you're not, and you're guilty of impersonating a CM demi-god. And since when did chrisl get capitalized? I must have missed the IPO...

Now then, laddie: If you could actually attach a file to an email, one related to any games I happen to be playing (if you can call it that), things might move along. Or you could just take the Croda route and disappear altogether, which come to think of it, would be preferable.

I don't recall ever having sent a surrender out. We lose the old-fashioned way; we die in place. To the last man and the last cartridge. There are a few more tricks in the bag.

Special Notes for Geier, who is still trying to fold his site map and find his way here to the new thread, and Elvis: You are both Marked IV death, only be patient, little ones. I would really like to see a nice shiny new patch under my tree before embarking on any fresh massacres. I suspect one is in the offing. The 1.1b experience was not particularly good. Sharpen up on the others and enjoy while you can.

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My, my, gentle proto-hominids, to quote the poet, what a long, strange trip it's been. All that time in sunny Florida, away from the board, instantiating World Domination™, and some of you are no doubt thinking (if the feeble sputtering of neurons that occurs in what passes for your brain-pans can be dignified by the term), "Well, did he succeed or didn't he?" Only time will tell, gentles. Only time will tell.

Not that the struggle was without challenges. One thing I will say is damn Sandra Day O'Connor and her extra-strength support hose.

Now, however, the Hamster Liberation Front returns to its quotidian operations: subverting global institutions, intimidating world leaders, maximizing the contradictions inherent in the system, creating new and delicious repasts from Purina Hamsterchow. And, of course, ripping the guts out of various and sundry 'Pooligans.

So much has happened in the last month or so: a trip to the land of gumtrees and back, and, er, well, that's it, I suppose. The actual doings in the 'Pool were totally banal, of course, since my participation was extremely limited. Well, that's about to change, for I Have Returned™.

Now, I suppose, it's time for an update:

Joe Shaw -- Yoohoo, anybody home? I'm waiting. And now you have a pretender to the title of Keeper of Mormon Wives.

Geier -- I know it's dark and cold and your feeling suicidal as you crawl deeper and deeper into a hogshead of Akvavit. Do send us a turn before you drown and we'll put you out of your misery.

Chupacabra -- You are surrounded. Put the BAR down and step away from the weapon. Put your hands above your head. Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

Mark IV -- Hmm. It's like a snake swallowing its tail. Or an ambitious, lonely contortionist.

Germanboy -- We have an assignation in the New Year. You shall be my first scalp of the New Millenium. I will put you in a place of honor, or perhaps I shall just knit you into a toilet seat cushion.

More challenges will be forthcoming in the New Century. Now it's time for holiday cheer. Break out the toilet roll tubes and lighters, folks!

BTW, in the light of recent events, the thread should be renamed "GI Peng with Kung Fu Grippe".

Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.

Prof. Doktor Hamster X

Generalissimo and President-for-Life

Hamster Liberation Front


Now Is The Time For Bipartisanship™

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 12-19-2000).]

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Dear Cretins -

Files have been sent to all to whom they were owed. I suspect my ISP is still screwing around, as sometimes messages seem to go through and sometimes they don't. Let me know if you believe you're owed a file from me and haven't received anything. If this keeps up I may have to switch to my hotmail account, or something repugnant like that.

May you all be trampled to death by rabid Christmas carollers.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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I just realized that this newest incarnation of home had yet to incorporate my personal stench, so I thought I'd walk around and let my wonderous odor waft through to the rafters.

I also feel it important to voice my opinion for the new thread's name. While G.I. Peng with Kung Fu grip and Hiram and Audrey's warm and fuzzy challenge thread are both fantastic options, I have a few more to offer:

Peng, Peng, Bacon and Peng

The Stupidest Show on Earth

Long Boring Diatribe by an Aging Wannabe Celtic Bard

{Sit Down, Bauhaus!}

Abandon All Hope, Ye Smileys Who Enter Here

The Babelfish Translation Page (New and Improved with extra Mormon Wives!!!)

The Croda Challenge Thread

The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

and a recent favorite:

combat mission

In other games, I am not really losing too terribly badly to anyone except Berli, Von Shrad, shandorfffffff and Marlow.

I am tearing dalem up so badly he'll have to be reincarnated as cheesecloth.

Everyone else is still pretty even.

Death to Hiram's cat.






Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I also feel it important to voice my opinion for the new thread's name. While G.I. Peng with Kung Fu grip and Hiram and Audrey's warm and fuzzy challenge thread are both fantastic options, I have a few more to offer:




Once again Croda demonstrates the high levels of literacy and eloquence achievable in inner city child detention centers. Someone tell Crapulous to avail himself of www.dictionary.com and look up the word "grippe". It's right there next to "gripple", which, for his information, is not an afternoon beverage designed to fit in his favorite paper bag.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Oh, and games!!! I knew there was some reason I came here other than to torment others with illogic, sing-song, and hideous pictures...

vonSchrad's little green men are obviously lacking the UniMind, unless their UniMind is telling them to scurry home to hide under mom's skirt ruffles...

jshandorf will have to root me out of the town. Yeah, I made a mistake by selecting a Zug of StuH's, and not a mixed Zug of 3 StgIII and 2 StuH. Well big hairy hoary deal. Come and get me!

Formerly Barbie and I are just getting started, but peek-a-boo, I can see you too. Best not to leave that halftrack on the ridge too long...

There's another battle within the 'pool mefinks, but it hasn't started yet.

Oh, and outside the 'pool, there's a battle been raging on for 23 turns so far. My opponent tried to rush up my left, and met 2 Schrek teams that took out an M4, and an M5, effectively stalling that advance. When he pulled his infantry up into the woods, He received about 5 turns of wandering artillery fire that has pretty well decimated his infantry mefinks. Extremely bad luck cost me 3 MkIVG's at long range, but after two stings with Schreks, he is reluctant to advance his armor anymore. I've counted about three or four platoons and support teams that have gome into the woods, which I've held off with a platoon and a half, and some arty. Mefinks he has waited too long...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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