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Being the only Aussie from Canberra in here - I can proudly state - that all you other Aussies are keeping me in the comfort I'm accustomed to smile.gif.

Oh - for all you over-seas types - Canberra is the Capital of Australia and not Sydney.... it’s lovely that I can walk the streets here without being bashed/shot/robbed/harassed/victimised/slandered etc cause here in Canberra we are a step above all other Aussies - we is cultured - and we don't speak in that abhorrent "g'day mate, dogs breath lingo" like the rest of the country..."pass another cuppa will you dear" hehe wink.gif


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New thread and it's turning into a pile of crap.

Folks, if you're not going to post paragraphs of vitriol about GAMES you're PLAYING then, seriously, sodd off!

Growing 120 posts in 24 hours is just a waste of everyone's time. 9/10ths of the post are just festive bouts of mutual masturbation, "oo you suck" "oo no you do!". This is a pool not a cookie to be made soggy with your penile excretions!

Please, stop posting your drivel! I feel like i'm wadding through millions of babies given extra-drool formulation and it's getting my boots messy.

This is a GAME CHALLENGE THREAD! Either play games or sodd the hell off!

If the thread keeps going like this many people will just stop reading it and we'll have lost the most interesting bit of net space yet discovered by man.

I don't care what country you come from

I don't care about sheep or not sheep

I don't care about the us elections

I don't care about you job, your religion, what colour dildo you shoved up your butt this morning, I CARE ABOUT KICKING FOLKS AT CM!

Now Get back in LINE

AS for games.

I'm loosing none. Which is a good thing. And Andreas, technically speaking I'm NOT loosing Kammersheidt, look at the score, nyaa.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Proud to present...

Berlibrat entering the 'pool headfirst.


Yo, how's the weather down there?

Hey PNZ, not my fault, my PBEM buddy is slow these days and nobody sends a setup. Guess I'll shut up then...


My squads are panicking, must be the stench in the cesspool...

[This message has been edited by coralsaw (edited 11-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Waxx_IK:

Is there room for an American on the board? I hope so....

*pulls the carrier of beer off the back of his Pershing and drags it inside*


Who invited you? Go away


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Fine I will but as for the rest no way. If I did that I wouldn't be a teen who treats older people with lets say disrepect. tongue.gif And did you not see my opolgey?

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 11-28-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pull you lower lip up over your head and swallow. Then go away.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wanderer:

How bizzare<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Call your doctor, get a prescription for that rash, and then go away.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by a brain-dead Wanks_IK:

Is there room for an American on the board? I hope so....

*pulls the carrier of beer off the back of his Pershing and drags it inside*


There is no room here, or anywhere else for that matter, for Snot-nosed, Egotistical, Retard Teens (hereinafter referred to as Snerts™). Now go help your mommy wash the jizz stains out of your linen, snert™. You are unworthy. Aspirations to coveted Cesspudlian status are beyond you.

Oh, and thanks so much for the American beer (stolen from daddy's fridge while he was out spending your tuition on porn, no doubt) -- being more vile than urine, we can fling it back at you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

PeterNuzz expundged: "This is a GAME CHALLENGE THREAD! Either play games or sodd the hell off!"

Well, well,well, guess we've been chastised


How does he know if we're playing games or not? We might be playing, but doing so badly that we choose not to disclose it.

Perhaps if we ignore him, he might go away (he's probably just cut that the Bob Semple tank doesn't get the recognition he believes it deserves)! wink.gif


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Let us just close our eyes for a bit here and visualize the Peng thread.

I'll wait>











that's right. empty your little heads of all thoughts.







are they empty?


now relax.

take each major muscle group and tense and relax, tense and relax.

remember to breathe.






I want you to visualize that when you breathe in a single molecule of oxygen enters your lungs and blood stream and goes to the muscle group you just tensed and brought it strength and health and goodness. then when you breathe out I want you to visualize that a carbondioxide molecule took all the tightness and lactic acid and bad chemicals away from your muscles and left them clean and happy.







start with your tippy toes and work all the way up to the top of your head. tensing and relaxing and visualizing that oxygen bringing in health and healing and the carbondioxide taking away pain and toxins.




is everyone nice and relaxed?










NOW JUST WHAT IN THE SODDING HELL CHRIST HAS BEEN GOING ON HERE!!! ONE DAY. ONE GODDAM DAY I AM AWAY FROM THE THREAD AND IT IS TAKEN OVER BY A BUNCH OF SUNBURNED BRAINDEAD, BASSACKWARD UPSIDE-DOWN AUSTRALIANS AND {this is the part that makes my hair stand on end and my anal sphincter clench spasmodically in fear and horror}Rob****ingno-one POSTS SOMETHING LIKE 8 GODDAM TIMES AND SOME OTHER WANKING LITTLE TURDS IN A PUNCH BOWL COME IN AND POST WITH GODDAM SMILIESattached. For christ's goddam sake can't anyone do anything right? I am apoplectic with rage. I am ranting and randomly bolding words like some kind of a maniac Frenchman!.GAH.

I will have nothing to do with this fetid, abysmal, foriegn-owned piece of FEH{!} until someone with a least a modicum of sense, a dram of reason and a big goddam boatload of hate and piss and vinegar takes charge.

Christ on a goddam bike.

With utter disgust,

I remain



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Stone the flaming crows Mace, you bludging public service wankers are a bunch of galahs. Fair go it might be a little difficult to suss out when some bat's piss drinking seppo tries to insult you by calling you a pommie. Weak as piss I know, but this is an taunting thread, the chuckies aren't to educated about the rest of the planet and with the developmental effects of a lifetimes consumption of Maccas whaddayu expect? As for pommie, Mace is coming the raw prawn if he says its an insult in itself, any more than aussie is and it won't get any aussies chucking a spaz. A whinging pommie bastard is another thing however. Just like some drongo rubbernecking seppo whose about as easy to deal with as a blowie. Any rat**** seppo journo who styles themselves Beryl has gotta be suss especially when their best efforts are as insipid as the beer they drink.

As for that sheep shagger from New CESland, annoying you are we? good

Pig's arse Peng


"Labrat, you're a genius"- Madbot

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Pull you lower lip up over your head and swallow. Then go away.


No I don't have to so the joks on you! tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

I am a complete moron and will continue to post painfully idiotic crap until blood spurts out your ears and my IQ increases by two full standard deviations - since the former is unlikely and the latter is completely beyond the realm of possibility, I will continue to post forever, adding absolutely nothing of any value to this thread, or life on earth or anywhere else for that matter. It is really great to be such a horrid wanking little pissant like me.

P. S. I learned to spell today


Welcome aboard you vile little prick. Please take note of my sig. It is intended for your consumption and for foul little crap-artists like you. Do you like it? Good. Now you have my permission to die from a plague of flesh eating bacteria.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

...I am apoplectic with rage. I am ranting and randomly bolding words like some kind of a maniac Frenchman!.GAH.

I will have nothing to do with this fetid, abysmal, foriegn-owned piece of FEH{!} until someone with a least a modicum of sense, a dram of reason and a big goddam boatload of hate and piss and vinegar takes charge.

Christ on a goddam bike.

With utter disgust,

I remain



Oh goodie!! We're on the right track then! Keep up the good work laddies.

Peng, I must say, that Christ on a goddam bike line brought a bit of a tear to my eye.


In other news, the complete and utter (or udder in chup's case) destruction of chup and morse is in progress. The setup files have been sent. There is no turning back for these sloths now. Tom's Combat Wombat's are ready and poised for action. I will keep you all updated on how badly they are losing as we go. Goodie for all of you. And, if by some remote chance I lose, it's obvious that they will of course have cheated. (I learned this disclaimer crap from morse in earlier posts.)

That is all for now. Carry on.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Welcome aboard you vile little prick. Please take note of my sig. It is intended for your consumption and for foul little crap-artists like you. Do you like it? Good. Now you have my permission to die from a plague of flesh eating bacteria.I know I am a fool but don't bug me about it.Miss Pang.



Well if that is how you feal. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Aussie Smith:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>it’s lovely that I can walk the streets here without being bashed/shot/robbed/harassed/victimised/slandered etc<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Careful there, big fella, I could always organise a road trip.

The rest of you scum-sucking dogs bollocks - I want to see some verbal flaying in here

As I am temporarily out of CM playing mode, I am required to live vicariously through some of you lot. Sheepshagger this is not a "CM Challenge Thread", it is (and I should know as I witnessed the very first penging and said "man, that's gonna leave a mark") a "CM Taunt Thread" for when you are playing someone and winning or losing just want to (a) even the score through some brilliant propaganda, or (B) put the slipper in once you have that mongrel you are currently playing on the carpet.

You want a challenge, go try and find your ass with both hands and a road map.

Berli - you got 22 games going. Plan on winning any of them, or just obscuring everything with smoke as usual and moving your guys in one of those patented Marine heaps into the waiting guns?

I think what we need is someone who is playing Peng that really pisses him off too. Ah, remember the days of SS_Pantyeater, now there was some vitriol.

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An Aussie thread? What to do with the evil little pricks who sent us Paul Hogan, Men at Work and that brain damaged 'Croc Hunter' and his horse-faced 'ol lady. Curse every stinking Aussie to hell!

Now go douse yourself in chum and take a swim you island of criminals! I hate you all more than Herr Eggbert who is making mashed potato's out of my poor troops and almost as much as Croda but not as much as Seanacoocoo.

BTW....there is only one football and it involves a pig-skinned ball and actually HITTING each other.

'Mommy pull the card. He touched me in our kickball game'.

Now run along soccer boys.

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Cor blimey, I can't bleedin' stand it no more. If it ain't a bunch of bleedin' tourists wanderin' abou' the place like that French trollop Madelin the bleedin' school girl and her stinkin' retard mates, it's that little snot gobbler, Rob/1 poncin' about. I don't mind Rob/1 when he's out on the bleedin' main board and not in here but enuff is a bleedin' enuff.

Bleeedin' sod off the bleedin' lot of you.

meanwhile, Speedy has learned that assaulting the infantry of ObergrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhererBastard with nothing but an armoured attack force leads to nothing but ruin (for him).

BustedBubbles is being soundly whipped in a more routine combined arms meeting engagement.

Meeks is being thrashed in suspended animation until his return.

Lorak seems to have been caught up in Real Life - I hope all is well there for him.

As for the rest of you, stop posting so much crap! Ah couldnae give a spooty Anglishman's arrrse fer tha majority o' your stupad blatherins', sae shat ye festerin' moo holes!

As for the rest of youse Aussies, top effort with the kultural tour.


PS And no Rob/1, I didn't see your bleedin opolgey and I don't bloody want to.

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