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Infantry Attacking Tanks

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I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck using foot soldiers to attack armor. I read in the manual that light-armored vehicles can be assalted somewhat easily by squads with enough chutzpah. Anyone record a kill doing this?

Also, what command do you give your squad? Do you tell them to fire at the armor or to charge (move fast) towards the armor?


No, it can't wait till CM2.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck using foot soldiers to attack armor. I read in the manual that light-armored vehicles can be assalted somewhat easily by squads with enough chutzpah. Anyone record a kill doing this?

Also, what command do you give your squad? Do you tell them to fire at the armor or to charge (move fast) towards the armor?


I have killed German several HTs with Polish infantry in my last, and only so far, PBEM game. As for command, my guys where "hiding" in the woods but the ranges were very short.


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Actually, with German troops and their panzerfausts, it is quite successful, if you can get in close (Right Chris?). With allied troops, the results are mixed, but if you can get a lot of troops up close, they sometimes disable the tank with grenades and cause it to be abandoned. Engineers with satchel charges can often take a tank out also.

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Just forced an abandonment of a Hetzer with grenade-tossing Ami infantry. It rolled up next to a treeline and stopped right in front of the squad's position, in very dark and snowy conditions, and they went after it on their own. About 4-5 grenades went off at the Hetzer location before the crew bailed and surrendered.

The engineer squad which had quietly been stalking it with satchel charges were probably relieved to let the grunts have some glory.

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Guest Patrik

With enough troops you can take out every tank in the game, but engineers do it best germans doesnt realy count cus they cheat.

My next quest will be using flamethrowerteams.

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of course hope the tank stays still. Sent a squad orders to use satchel charges to take out tank only 20m away. Turn starts only to find the tank got orders to back up also. So my guys come barrelling out of the woods and skid to a stop, sort of keystone cops like, looking for that pesky wabbit...er tank.......

Uhhh sarge (tapping him on the shoulder)

Quiet Kowlaski, that tank is supposed to be here, our orders, say so,

Uhh sarge, look behind you

Boom, brrrratttt etc.

Run like hell

dang nab it


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

-- King Henry VI, Part II, Act 4, sc.2, l.86

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-03-2000).]

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Try this thread:


Yes I have taken out German tanks with U.S. engineers...

I love those engineers.....

To close assault a tank, first try to get it immbolized. Then kill or supress all its infantry support, then attack it from both sides and the rear if possible with at least two squads. To do this have both squads RUN to where the tank is, (they will crawl on it and under it), at the same time give both squads orders to target the tank, make sure both squads are still in command radius of a leader, the better the skill of the Platoon leader the more likely they will KO the tank.

If they are engineers they will use their demo charges to attempt to KO the tank.

It has worked for me.

-tom w

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I too have killed tanks using both US and German infantry, with internal support weapons.

In both cases, I let the AI target the vehicles as they moved within close firing range of my troops. In some cases troops were in woods, in some, bldgs.

The Germans engaged with Panzerfausts, while the US engaged with rifle grenades. However, the Germans were regulars, while the US troops were Airborne. In other scenarios I've played the regular US troops don't seem to want to wait until the AV gets close enough before they "beat feet."

Also, had an AV get "flamed" once with a flamethrower. Crew was not killed but they abandoned immediately; Visual effects were very interesting!

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I just had infantry do this for the first time yesterday..! I snuck a whole platoon through the woods to where a German 105mm SP Gun was hiding. I had a bazooka team with one shell left, and they immobilized it from the woods, then everyone attacked it until it was abandoned. It took 2 or 3 turns, but it was cool to watch.

Even cooler was when one of my Shermans managed to sneak up right behind a German halftrack that was busy firing into the woods along a road... My tank drove right up to it and they didn't notice until the first shell went right through 'em. They freaked, threw their rig into reverse and tried to get away, but the next shell brewed 'em up good. The replay was great, I think you could pinpoint the exact moment the halftrack's crew all wet their pants. smile.gif

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One of my favorite "just for funzies" things to do is start a QB with a Bn of infantry attacking a company of armor in the heavy fog. The ground pounders always kick ass.


"Then we shall fight in the shade." (Greek general's comment upon being told that the Persian archers could blot-out the sun with their arrows.)

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I played a QB against the PO last Fri, my German combined forces holding a village against American armor attacks.

The panzers, 1 STuG H, 1 STuG IIIG and 1 Wribelwind (sp), went out of business when the American are vis but when the American panzers entered the village, my troops hidden behind houses killed them with 'fraust. It was a very tough battle and iirc, one squad had done particular well that they got 2 Shermans, of which one was a M4A3W(75). I finally got a tactical victory.

It is quite hard sometimes to motivate your men to move in for a kill. YMMV. But it is better to lay ambushes.



"+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

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In Stomount I took several tanks with infantry, I was laying smoke then BOOM tank goes up! It was very exciting.


"Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after they occur."

General Guilio Douhet


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan Fredriksson:

Just had a thought: can tanks run over infantry in CM? I have not seen it yet. Which is not strange, since people tend to run away before getting run over.

But - is it possible?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No. But tanks can run over guns.


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I just had a very frustrating battle where I tried to take out a Tiger with veteran British Airborne troops. I had one platoon hidden (I believe my opponent didn't know about them) and about 80m from where a Tiger had found a good firing position.

I put down smoke around the Tiger and had all 3 squads rush it under cover. As it happens, the Tiger backed up and actually drew closer to my men... I figured it'd be Gammon-bombed out of existence. The smoke obscured visibility a little, but at one point all 3 squads were from 6-25m away and "firing" at the tank, but never used their bombs. The tank kept moving, but wasn't moving too fast.

It eventually moved away, but later in the game found itself in a similar position... surrounded by infantry. My Gammon bombs were all gone (from casualties) but I saw several close-assaults being made. None worked until the Tiger had stopped at one point, then it was knocked out. I almost missed it though, as there was no penetration report... just that familiar knock-out sound and I then noticed the barrel went down.

Needless to say I was upset... for two turns my first platoon had several chances to take it out. There were no other targets visible to them, and all were in command (+2 combat too).


“Fortune favors the brave" - Terence

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I've had pretty good luck stalking the iron monsters. In a recent PBEM game one of my Bazooka Teams took out two Tiger I's. smile.gif I also had a Hellcat creamed by a Panzerfaust as it sped past a hidden squad. eek.gif

The trick is to either manuever within range without being detected by the target or to lay in wait and trigger an ambush. The TacAI takes it from there. A successful kill is one of the great CM delights! biggrin.gif


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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Snake Eyes - Bazooka/PIAT/Panzerschrek kills are relatively easy... I think we're talking more about infantry squads close-assaulting tanks with or without Panzerfausts/Rifle Grenades, etc.


“Fortune favors the brave" - Terence

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Daveman - Sorry if I misunderstood the thread, but there are several references to SC weapon attacks here. I must admit that I have not had the opportunity to try a close assault on an AFV with bare knuckles yet. wink.gif


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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I was playing the "Walk Through Paris" scenario as the French and managed to kill several German tanks with suicidal infantry assualts. You apparently do not need demolition charges - when an officer unit got close enough to a tank, he would stoop down and put what looked like a satchel charge under the tank (of course, he carries no such charges). The charge go boom, the tank she die, and the officer yells "Touche!" Of course, crossing the 100 meters of open ground to the tank is a bit tricky, but even that is possible provided you offer lots of distraction and are sufficiently desperate.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck using foot soldiers to attack armor. I read in the manual that light-armored vehicles can be assalted somewhat easily by squads with enough chutzpah. Anyone record a kill doing this?

Also, what command do you give your squad? Do you tell them to fire at the armor or to charge (move fast) towards the armor?


In one user-created scenario versus the AI, I virtually destroyed the entire Jerry Kampfgruppe; the only remaining units were routed infantry and a King Tiger. The buttoned-up KT backed into a hull-down position near a grove of trees waiting to take out my armor. I sent two infantry platoons through the woods to take out the KT and had my tanks use shoot&scoot tactics to distract the Jerry. Before leaving the woods, I ordered one platoon to suppress any remaining infantry near the tank and send the other platoon to engage the KT from the rear. Two squads were ordered to target the tank (with grenade rifles) and one squad was used to assault (aka run) with grenades. Needless to say, after a few grenades from this one platoon, the KT crew bailed and surrendered. It was apparent that the Jerry morale had dropped significantly.

If I had played against a human, the odds of this situation occurring are slim since a human would pull the KT out sooner.

[This message has been edited by Monticello (edited 10-09-2000).]

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