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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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Since this discussion doesn't seem to be stopping I want to say that both sides need to cut each other some slack. What consenting adults do with each other is none of my business and if my friends or family have a same-sex relationship it does not harm me in any way. 

On the other hand some people are uncomfortable with that and they are not going to change their mind by your disapproval. They just need time and space to realise the whole country isn't going to burn down because some man decides to wear a dress or something. 

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1 hour ago, sburke said:

well Congress may have woken up.  Seems they recently heard about all the appliance theft by Russian troops so now they are focused on eliminating that threat.


Don't worry Haiduk, we got your back!  😕

OMG... I wish this was a joke, but what sburke just posted is real. 


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38 minutes ago, hcrof said:

Since this discussion doesn't seem to be stopping I want to say that both sides need to cut each other some slack.

Yes, and let's stop pretending this is some sort of national thing.  There's plenty of US States right now that are pushing hard to be overtly discriminating against non-white-heterosexual-Christians or women of any type.  I don't want my country to tarred and feathered just because parts of it do not believe in basic Human Rights.  Heck, my State just made national news because two state lawmakers said a mass shooting and bad weather were because of legislation passed to assure women who receive legal care in our state aren't subjected to lawsuits from people of other states.  At least they were quickly censured, but sheesh... people elected them.

So can we move on from this complex and totally irrelevant topic?


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1 hour ago, The Steppenwulf said:

As a lawyer you should know better that it's much more than just an 'attitude'. It's an entire legal framework underpinning the political ideology of liberal democracy.

But my point is that not only liberal democracies should be allies against a country which uses a war of aggression as means of policy and wants to upset the political balance. First things first - let's fight the aggressor together with everyone who wants to protect the status quo and principle of peaceful resolution of international disputes, and then the EU can drag the Ukraine over the coals over fulfillment of accession criteria.  They are different things.

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3 minutes ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

But my point is that not only liberal democracies should be allies against a country which uses a war of aggression as means of policy and wants to upset the political balance. First things first - let's fight the aggressor together with everyone who wants to protect the status quo and principle of peaceful resolution of international disputes, and then the EU can drag the Ukraine over the coals over fulfillment of accession criteria.  They are different things.

Exactly this.

There is a difference between providing aid to a generally compatible country and that which is inherently incompatible.  During the Cold War this distinction was often not made and aid went to some really, really, really bad regimes.  Iraq being a prime example.  I believe it is right to question the wisdom of aiding countries that are potential adversaries and/or inherently anti-democratic.  I also believe it is insane to withhold aid to countries that are obvious allies and/or inherently democratic because they somehow fall short of some specific ideal.  Especially when the nation making such judgements are hardly perfect themselves.


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With respect to social issues, I think it is worth mentioning that attitudes to all sorts of stuff have shifted massively in the last 30 years, and even the last decade. I don’t think we can criticize other countries for staying on top of the latest stance that some portion of the US population holds to LGTBQIA2+.

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20 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Even wrong clock shows a right time twice for a day. As for me "western values" is that, what was in gold 70-90th. Not this sh...t, like a hate of J.Rowling because she dare to use a word "women" instead "menstruating persons". I don't want to live in such idiotic society

Portraying this sort of dumb stuff when extreme fringes scream at each other on social media as how normal western society functions is disconnected from reality.

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5 minutes ago, Peregrine said:

Portraying this sort of dumb stuff when extreme fringes scream at each other on social media as how normal western society functions is disconnected from reality.

What the extreme fringes do and say affects regular people, at least in rich coastal cities. It’s certainly not just idiots screaming at each other online. One ridiculous example of this is hosptials at least where I am no longer can say “mother”, but have to use the word “birthing person”. Remember the Stanford guide for acceptable words? It does bleed into our lives. More practically, at my previous employer, a major software company, anything but the most progressive political stance was unacceptable to voice- and that stance was voiced quite a bit- much to the befuddlement of all the foreign employees. This is not atypical at large, well-paying software companies.


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Oh, are we gay bashing?  Definitely the root of all our problems!  I thought it was jews but the insightful & informative views here have convinced me it's actually the gays.  Or is it the muslims?  I can't keep up on who is currently destroying western culture/society so thanks for all this information on things that really matter.  Why, in the US 20 years ago we were told how gay marriage would destroy america, and it certainly has!  

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7 minutes ago, kimbosbread said:

What the extreme fringes do and say affects regular people, at least in rich coastal cities. It’s certainly not just idiots screaming at each other online. One ridiculous example of this is hosptials at least where I am no longer can say “mother”, but have to use the word “birthing person”. Remember the Stanford guide for acceptable words? It does bleed into our lives. More practically, at my previous employer, a major software company, anything but the most progressive political stance was unacceptable to voice- and that stance was voiced quite a bit- much to the befuddlement of all the foreign employees. This is not atypical at large, well-paying software companies.


We are often lamenting the pendulum swinging this way these days. On the other hand, not long ago a woman had to be given permission by her husband to take a job, had to have sex with him whenever he felt like it and could be beaten by him - legally. (In Germany, don't know about other countries)

If you were anything but strictly heterosexual you faced going to jail or get electro shock therapy.

So not being allowed to use certain words is annoying, true, but on a different level, I think.

But we are straying off topic, I guess.

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16 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

Oh, are we gay bashing?  Definitely the root of all our problems!  I thought it was jews but the insightful & informative views here have convinced me it's actually the gays.  Or is it the muslims?  I can't keep up on who is currently destroying western culture/society so thanks for all this information on things that really matter.  Why, in the US 20 years ago we were told how gay marriage would destroy america, and it certainly has!  



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OK, let's put it this way.  The next person that drones on about Culture Wars will get the next few days as a Vacation from this Forum.

Whatever point there was to make has been made many times over already.  And it won't stop because, well, that's the nature of Culture Wars.


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1 hour ago, Butschi said:

We are often lamenting the pendulum swinging this way these days. On the other hand, not long ago a woman had to be given permission by her husband to take a job, had to have sex with him whenever he felt like it and could be beaten by him - legally. (In Germany, don't know about other countries)

Just to set the record straight: 'not long ago' is about 60 years (depending on which law you mean).

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Interesting.  The curved rubber flaps along the turret might actually do something against standard FPV drones.  The chain hanging in front also has a better than zero chance of snagging/deflecting an FPV.  Still lots of surface area to hit that won't likely keep the tank from being disabled, but things like German style skirt armor could help it from tossing its turret.


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Russian money well spent and an explanation as to why House Republicans aren't bending over backwards to force Johnson to take action.  According to this poll, Republicans trust Trump's views on Ukraine more than any other source by a wide margin:


Trump seems to be more of an asset to Russia now than when he was in the White House.


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So his wording was subtle, emphasizing his meeting with Trump in Florida, preference for loans rather than aid, but also mentioning the proposed Repo act of taking money from Russian oligarchs to fund Ukraine's defense (about 1 minute 30 into the YouTube clip):


Edited by cesmonkey
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3 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Russian money well spent and an explanation as to why House Republicans aren't bending over backwards to force Johnson to take action.  According to this poll, Republicans trust Trump's views on Ukraine more than any other source by a wide margin:


Trump seems to be more of an asset to Russia now than when he was in the White House.


While the messenger is important I think it is as much how that message is transmitted to those who fall for this.

There are certain TV channels that are as important to this undermining of trust and spread out right lies. Without this support Trump wouldn't get any traction.

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Just FYI Europe is trying to deal with the attacks on Ukraines energy infrastructure...



Following a series of targeted missile and drone strikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure by Russia over the past weeks, Ukraine's power supply has suffered significant damage. Responding to this crisis, the EU has swiftly mobilised emergency energy assistance which is on its way to Ukraine.

In response to Ukraine's call for assistance, Austria, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands have offered 157 power generators in various sizes via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

. To further strengthen Ukrainian energy infrastructure, the EU has also deployed 10 large capacity power generators (1MW) from its own strategic rescEU

 stockpiles, with a financial value of €3.57 million. Each of these powerful 1MW generators has the capacity to supply electricity to a medium-sized hospital under emergency conditions.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “Russia's plan to bomb Ukraine into darkness will not succeed. The EU is working around the clock to sustain power supply in Ukraine. We are mobilising a new batch of generators to Ukraine from our rescEU reserves, which have already proved to be a critical tool in responding to urgent needs in war-torn Ukraine. This underscores the importance of preparedness in efficient crisis response. I also thank Austria, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands for their immediate offers of generators to Ukraine via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.”

The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre

 is in close contact with the Ukrainian authorities on the ground to provide further aid as necessary. 

Long term and near term if Ukraine can get Wind Turbines and Solar (all time cheap prices on solar) a lot of what Russia is trying to do will be undone and Ukraine will be in a way better position after the war as it will not be reliant on Russian Gas or Fossil Fuels.

The Energy market is changing and it will remove the stranglehold of the Axis of Evil as some folk like to call them..


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1 hour ago, Holien said:

Just FYI Europe is trying to deal with the attacks on Ukraines energy infrastructure...


Long term and near term if Ukraine can get Wind Turbines and Solar (all time cheap prices on solar) a lot of what Russia is trying to do will be undone and Ukraine will be in a way better position after the war as it will not be reliant on Russian Gas or Fossil Fuels.

The Energy market is changing and it will remove the stranglehold of the Axis of Evil as some folk like to call them..


I believe that Ukraine is also part of the European energy net (as of last year?), so as long as transmission lines remain to a town or city, Europe can just pump energy directly into Ukraine's grid.

Most EU countries have significant unused power generation capacity. 

The smaller, mobile generators provide better local independence, of course.

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4 minutes ago, Joe982 said:

I hope you are right but from where exactly?


In about an hour I will be drawing electric from the grid at 0p.

This last weekend we had too much power and I was actually paid to store energy. EV and house batteries were topped up and I got paid!!!

The UK right at the moment is pumping water back uphill in Norway...

Europe is well on the way to having a pretty good integrated energy system and during high wind high sun we easily generate more than needed.

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