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Official US Army training film on countering the T-62

John Kettler

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Firstly, your photo evidence (pay stubs) is of dicey quality at best, and It doesn't help your case that there is nothing that is connected to analyzing "Soviets" or "Threats". I know you mentioned you were "Backdoored", but that is ultimately nothing more than conjecture without evidence.

Nothing you linked to, proved you were ever a Soviet Threat Analyst. Also, nothing you posted has proven your previous claims regarding the 76mm HEAT shells being able to frontally penetrate an M1 Abrams.

PS: I'm not going radio silent, I'm just busy.

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Showed you an award I got while working at Rockwell and W-2s for almost every year I was there. Had NO Unclassified docs to show you in terms of work product, for as I said, everything I did was at least SECRET--because it was sourced from SECRET or higher intelligence documents. Have gone into great detail about what I did, who I worked with, of whom my briefing audiences consisted and more. I gave you considerable details on what I learned at the Soviet Threat Technology Conference at CIA HQ and held under the auspices of the AIAA (American Institute of Aviation and Astronautics). And that PRIDE Award, as far as my contribution to that ABM program, was precisely for defining and analyzing the Soviet ballistic missile threats and secondarily for figuring out how to install the system in standard Navy vertical launchers. 

Where I did have Unclassified documents to present (from my work as a Soviet Threat Analyst at Hughes Missile Systems Group), I did so, showing you work I myself did on two identified programs. I also provided you with my start doc and one of my promotion docs. On the laser decoy program, I evaluated the laser-guided missile threat to US armor. In the ASSAULT BREAKER case, the task was to evaluate Soviet and Warsaw Pact follow-on forces in terms of specific target arrays and their vulnerabilities to use as ways of determining weapon system effectiveness for a variety of potential smart submunition payloads. In both cases, if you look at the charts and text, it is immediately apparent that the subject matter explicitly deals with Soviet threats. The bibliography I provided clearly shows multiple publications specifically referring to Soviet Army matters.

Don't know why you're so incredibly resistant to accepting that I was a professional military intelligence analyst, a well-respected Soviet Threat Analyst for 11+ years. Is it because accepting that I was those things means that my statements about intelligence matters carry a weight they otherwise wouldn't in your eyes and that you now have to deal with the possibility, even likelihood, that the armor-antiarmor situation during the Cold War was as I described it; that there was indeed an obsolete (in the Red Army, therefore exportable)) HEAT round which could frontally penetrate a Gen One Abrams because its armor array was vulnerable to a HEAT shell designed to pierce the canceled T95 and its steel-glass-steel sandwich armor AKA siliceous core armor, which is what the Gen One Abrams had? Would also point out that I not only named the CIA SME who told us about the dire armor-antiarmor situation, but the Abrams penetrating PT-76 HEAT round. You also were provided with a wealth of material showing that CIA HEAT SME Joseph Backofen was real and not just an expert on shaped charges but was also a co-inventor of specialized shaped charges that were patented.

Much of what we were told about about the armor-antiarmor situation, Soviet lead in explosives and other related matters subsequently was reported in Soviet Military Power. Have searched in vain for the relevant parts of the 1986 issue, where I believe the revelations of the 1985 conference were discussed.

While I can, at some point, produce declassified SECRET articles with charts, tables, histograms, etc., from the CIA FOIA Reading Room and elsewhere showing how dire the armor-antarmor situation was, I still won't be able to provide you with direct proof I was a Soviet Threat Analyst, for I simply can't show you what I do not have and would not have been allowed to keep. Believe or disbelieve the things I've said about Threat matters, but please stop attacking me over proof of my creds. Have given you all I have.


John Kettler


Edited by John Kettler
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@John Kettler


As I understand, you had to re-specialize after the wall came down. I'll be reading it, looks like solid work. Don't mind Rice, he's bitter... Wish I knew a rice-based dish that was bitter in taste so I could make the joke, but you know, gotta work with the intel you have, a bit of a motto for us military analysts. 

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Mr. Kettler, 

There are things that destroy your credibility and people's ability to believe you were backdoored through an HR slot as a Soviet Threat Analyst.

I find it hard believing the US Government (Which I have experience with personally), would vet an individual that shares certain views and not deem them a security risk. 

Exhibit A:https://johnkettler.com/how-qs-cumulative-strategy-devastates-the-deep-state-part-1/

Exhibit B: https://johnkettler.com/cannibalism-and-hollywood-area-elites/comment-page-1/#comment-34100

Exhibit C; https://johnkettler.com/black-eyed-children-kids-real-and-deadly-says-my-new-ebook/

Exhibit D; https://johnkettler.com/ufo-war-now-covers-entire-pacific-exploding-story/

These are just some to name a few. 

Also your views expressed on Facebook before you made certain posts private since I had looked you up about a week ago. 

Additionally, your Facebook post about your time as an analyst don't match up with your claimed 11 years experience. If I had to wager a guess, I'd say you spent 7 months as one, and then were asked to leave or were terminated and coming to the forums with your knowledge/academic experience is a way to relive your glory days. 

To put it simply, you just lack clout my guy.

Note: I did not dox you, since you simply gave us your facebook. Just providing proof of my statements. 


Edited by Rooks And Kings
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3 minutes ago, Codreanu said:

Oh wow, reading this I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.

Believe me, when I started reading my brain cells stopped holding hands. I have no issue with someone flexing their credentials, however I've never heard of any Top-Secret Clearance holder that held such a position willingly exposing that. His statements about classified documents etc. don't make any sense either. 

There are two scenarios;

A - Anything he worked on is declassified at this point, in which he could discuss it freely without being cryptic. 

B - Things he worked on are still classified, meaning he shouldn't even be alluding to any specifics contrary to his content in this thread. 

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3 minutes ago, Rooks And Kings said:

Believe me, when I started reading my brain cells stopped holding hands. I have no issue with someone flexing their credentials, however I've never heard of any Top-Secret Clearance holder that held such a position willingly exposing that. His statements about classified documents etc. don't make any sense either. 

It seems like his blog has been mentioned a few times in the past. I have absolutely zero experience in the defense sector or handling classified documents but I feel like most people with that level of experience wouldn't feel the need to bring it up whenever possible, or at least when they make outlandish claims would have some sort of related declassified document they could share. After reading his blog I question whether Rockwell would have even let him past security at the front door.

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Just now, Codreanu said:

It seems like his blog has been mentioned a few times in the past. I have absolutely zero experience in the defense sector or handling classified documents but I feel like most people with that level of experience wouldn't feel the need to bring it up whenever possible, or at least when they make outlandish claims would have some sort of related declassified document they could share. After reading his blog I question whether Rockwell would have even let him past security at the front door.


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1 hour ago, Rooks And Kings said:

Mr. Kettler, 

There are things that destroy your credibility and people's ability to believe you were backdoored through an HR slot as a Soviet Threat Analyst.

I find it hard believing the US Government (Which I have experience with personally), would vet an individual that shares certain views and not deem them a security risk. 

Exhibit A:https://johnkettler.com/how-qs-cumulative-strategy-devastates-the-deep-state-part-1/

Exhibit B: https://johnkettler.com/cannibalism-and-hollywood-area-elites/comment-page-1/#comment-34100

Exhibit C; https://johnkettler.com/black-eyed-children-kids-real-and-deadly-says-my-new-ebook/

Exhibit D; https://johnkettler.com/ufo-war-now-covers-entire-pacific-exploding-story/

These are just some to name a few. 

Also your views expressed on Facebook before you made certain posts private since I had looked you up about a week ago. 

Additionally, your Facebook post about your time as an analyst don't match up with your claimed 11 years experience. If I had to wager a guess, I'd say you spent 7 months as one, and then were asked to leave or were terminated and coming to the forums with your knowledge/academic experience is a way to relive your glory days. 

To put it simply, you just lack clout my guy.

Note: I did not dox you, since you simply gave us your facebook. Just providing proof of my statements. 


Rooks and Kings,

Every last one of those was written over two decades after I left military aerospace. Novel intel collection techniques were discovered or invented and used operationally, techniques you'd consider impossible and insane even to contemplate. If you PM me, I'll be happy to provide some examples, but this isn't the place or the time. Don't wish to annoy Steve and/or get this thread locked!

Let me help you with my employment history. Hughes Aircraft Company Missile Systems Group February 14, 1978-September 12, 1984, followed by Rockwell International North American Aviation Operations (later renamed North American Aerospace Operations) September 24-June 20, 1989. In those time periods I was continuously employed in the Operations Analysis Department of each firm. 

As for the highlighted item. Thanks for pointing it out. Should've read 1984, so fixed it! Don't know anything about making a post private. What I worked on is ancient history or was never built. Even the CIA only put a 20 year stricture on highly classified super sensitive stuff. The Soviet Threat Technology Conference was in 1985, 36 years ago. 

7 hours ago, Xorg_Xalargsky said:

@John Kettler


As I understand, you had to re-specialize after the wall came down. I'll be reading it, looks like solid work. Don't mind Rice, he's bitter... Wish I knew a rice-based dish that was bitter in taste so I could make the joke, but you know, gotta work with the intel you have, a bit of a motto for us military analysts. 


Tried to find parallel work in such areas as competitor intelligence and such, but got nowhere. After winding up in the Washington, D.C. area, I also went after jobs at defense think tanks, only to find that the lack of a doctorate, former high rank/government position or both left me in a no win situation. The closest thing I've come to my old job was in doing Primary Research for the Empowerment Project's "The Panama Deception". Please PM me after you've read the item your showed the link for.


John Kettler


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3 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

So glad to see the newer crop of forum members getting to see the three ring circus :)

I do appreciate how Kettler has not proved any of his claims, and has instead opted to continue walking in circles with word salads that ultimately mean nothing.

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15 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

So glad to see the newer crop of forum members getting to see the three ring circus :)

Honestly the story of an American with supposed mental deficiencies getting into a position of supreme importance through nepotism is very believable, in fact, it reminds me of something else, but I can't remember exactly what...




Just can't put my finger on it. 🤔

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Just now, sid_burn said:

Honestly the story of an American with supposed mental deficiencies getting into a position of supreme importance through nepotism is very believable, in fact, it reminds me of something else, but I can't remember exactly what...




Just can't put my finger on it. 🤔

Makes u think

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52 minutes ago, Rice said:

I do appreciate how Kettler has not proved any of his claims, and has instead opted to continue walking in circles with word salads that ultimately mean nothing.


In this case, for sure, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Have many times told you, in great detail, why I have almost nothing to show for my 11+ years as a Soviet Threat Analyst, including telling you that my official HR slot at Hughes was not the same as my job description. Likewise, my HR slot on entry at Rockwell International NAAO, MTS 1 (Member of the Technical Staff 1), was not my functional job description, which was to have been Soviet Strategic Analyst--before some internal reorg screwed up everything planned both by me and my interviewing boss. By the time I left Rockwell, I was MTS II (MTS III promotable). Even were I to produce resumes from my military aerospace days, I have every confidence you'd reject them out of hand as fabrications. Also, since I'm no masochist, what possible value would there be in telling people all sorts of controversial Cold War military intelligence things, over a period of two decades, and often being attacked as a result? Please tell me what I've gained as a result of what you clearly believe to be fronting by me.


John Kettler 

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Hey guys, been tracking this and a couple points that may defuse things a little:

- I don't think John can prove his identity/work history without seriously compromising his personal security/information...so let's not go there

- Ultimately John (along with others) are sources of information and because they are human, they are going to be imperfect sources of information.

- When we do research for the game we not going to simply take any one person's word for it. (and John, taken at his word, knows exactly why).  We do a lot of deep digging and cross referencing before we put anything into the game in order to try and be as accurate as possible (e.g. filtering out bias and myth).

So this is not a game issue as we factor this sort of stuff in.  Now if it is personal, well that is different and frankly why the forum has a private message system.  But if it is worrying that somehow we are going to introduce features based on single sources...let me put your minds at ease.


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Thanks for your calming words, understanding my very real limitations here and for reassuring the troops that BFC isn't going to rush out and make changes on the strength of just what I've said. All I've ever sought to do in my 21 years on the Forums is to have the games correctly model battlefield realities and to give the players the ability to do in-game what their real life counterparts could and did do in battle.


John Kettler

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Here is the next video in the How To Fight series, and it's about defeating the T-64 and T-72. This has terrible video quality in places, and generally bad at best, but the audio is fine. This thing is so old there's no mention of the T-64B at all. Nor is there so much as a still, let alone film, of the T-64. Obviously, the keyframe does not show either a T-64 or T-72.


John Kettler

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Soviet Tank Programs, (now sanitized) dated December 1984 looks at the T-64, T-72 and T-80 in light of available information at the TOP SECRET level. It goes into the programs, the manufacturing base, armor, gun performance, sensors and other matters. For modern Soviet tanks at this time, the above survey is a great one stop shop.

US Intelligence And Soviet Armor


This originally appeared as a 1980 article by US Army Major General Paul F. Gorman in the CIA classified Journal Studies In Intelligence. Some of you may recognize the hit probability plots and such as, in sanitized form, old friends from the early 1980s US FMs. This is a must read for the CMCW players, and the crux of the discussion starts on Page 13. He meticulously lays out chapter and verse what the real armor-antiarmor situation was then. It conclusively shows the Soviets had an enormous set of military technical advantages over US in the period on both ends of the equation, and you can see for yourselves how dire that situation was, both in our poor survivability against their weapons and the ineffectiveness of our weapons against their tanks. Even the new DU round was no panacea, nor were claims that NATO ATGMs canceled Russian tank advantages. Those who rejected one shocking truth after another because it came from me, who had no Classified documents as proof, can now figure out how to deal with the same kinds of informations from a real high ranking military pro (MAJ GEN Gorman was one of the key people in revolutionizing Army training for war at TRADOC), who has a wealth of Classified material to back him, writing in a respected Classified intelligence journal. 


John Kettler

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On 10/6/2021 at 6:33 AM, Xorg_Xalargsky said:

@John Kettler


As I understand, you had to re-specialize after the wall came down. I'll be reading it, looks like solid work. Don't mind Rice, he's bitter... Wish I knew a rice-based dish that was bitter in taste so I could make the joke, but you know, gotta work with the intel you have, a bit of a motto for us military analysts. 

Please tell me you are joking.

While we're here, John wanna tell everyone again your evidence of nukes being used at Kursk? 

Edited by LukeFF
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