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Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation

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Tiger Late with Woodland/Snow Camo

- a camo port of the previous one for the late Tiger with standard woodland + [snow] tagged version added.

- should work in all CMWW2 games as AFAIK they all have the late Tiger.

- alignment wasn´t modified from the previous mod and thus is not perfect as obviously the late Tiger is different from the early one.

- commander hatch now without issues, perhaps something wrent wrong in the previous camo net release one as the "origin" (the three colored arrows in blender) of the hatch was not placed at the hinge of the hatch (thanks @sbobovyc for the info).

- the video shows just a light snowy base skin but for the demo its okay. The camo nets would look more beautiful with a proper snowy Tiger skin.


Simple method to create snow and desert skins in seconds in GIMP 2

1) GIMP2 free photoshop tool
2) With it open your texture of interest

3)Decide if you want to modify the complete texture, or select specific parts of the texture, or temporarily cut out parts you don´t want to colorize (vehicle lights etc.) and paste them in back in place when you´re done.  

4a) Upper UI -> Colors -> Desaturate -> Colors to Gray will turn it into a snow skin

4b) Upper UI -> Colors -> Desaturate -> Sepia will turn it into a desert skin

5) done and save it

6 optional) refine it further (some good options are color-> saturation/brightness and contrast/hue chroma)



And be a cool guy and provide your creations to the community by either uploading it to CMMODS, clouds, or file hosters. Some options just take seconds and don´t be afraid about people being judgemental, The majority of the CM community are happy about every mod or skin.





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MTVR Full Desert

The Marines of my Rolling Lords of War campaign playthrough decided to give their beloved trucks a complete desert paintjob:



You can see them in action here:

I´ve recorded the method I´m using for these jobs. Its not perfect but shows a quick/cheap way and requires little photoshop expertise. Use it along the info in my recent post:


About Terrain Modding

Alot of the terrains are exchangeable between the CM games and some additional where created by modders. When it comes to CMSF2 Syria (and other Middle Eastern countries) aren´t all about desert and just arid terrain but you can find plenty of diverse conditions and regions there. To give you some visual diversity or to depict specific regions you have plenty of terrain options that can be quickly utilized: 

Euroscape terrain:

Gives a green/"European" like experience. As it is hard to find a public link I´ve uploaded it to my clouds. It is just the terrain & buildings not the full package and neither the original mod. Combine it with the Russian Forces Mod and CMBS buildings in order to get a Euro Cold War experience.

In action (together with the US/Marines Woodland & Russian Forces conversion & CMBSHD Mod Buildings)


Syrope Terrain:

Its greener than Euroscape and links are still available here: 


In action:


Using Terrain files from your other CM games

 By using the tool rezexplode which ships with your CM game you can unpack the terrain from your CM games. Its a folder called "terrain" and you can then copy it into the z folder of another CM game. The ground and roads folders are pretty straightforward and also buidlings work for the most part but watch out with foliage files. I´ve experimented with porting trees or bushes but for me it often ended up with invisible bushes or trees. I don´t know much about foliage modding and porting may know more about the limitations or how to get it done. For beginners I recommend only to copy ground, roads, and if desired buildings files. Buildings are like a surprise bag you never know how they will look like in your other CM game. Especially the CMBS buildings provide you with a more colorful buildings palette which can be very pleasing after seeing the same grey/tan CMSF buildings for a long time or especially for heavy urban scenarios.

My buildings favorite:  CMBSHD Buldings mod in CMSF2

My terrain favorite: CM Fortress Italy terrain in CMSF2

Both in action:


Syria Winter Terrain

Yes it can snow in Syria. You´ll find the winter mod in the clouds. I think I extracted it from the CM Red Thunder Winter mod. 




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36 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Could the billboards be set to attach to the second floor frontage of a building? 

They are ground level only right now.  However with the "Blender" I suspect they could be made taller so they appear at the second floor level.  A second floor billboard could maybe be positioned so they are above a road and cars drive under them.............. That would be kind of cool to place a sign above the gate to a FOB...........  

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36 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

They are ground level only right now.  However with the "Blender" I suspect they could be made taller so they appear at the second floor level.  A second floor billboard could maybe be positioned so they are above a road and cars drive under them.............. That would be kind of cool to place a sign above the gate to a FOB...........  

Either make them taller or much easier simply raise the billboard model into air to match 2nd 3rd 4rd etc. floors of buildings. Every custom 3D model can made to "float" in the air like the underground cover was, just the base "primer" flavor object needs to stay on the ground but it requires no "physical contact" with the custom model. You should be also able to create WW2 barrage balloons.

From what I´ve learned you should also be able to create vehicles that float in the air, their base is still on the ground which then is be made invisible. But the usability of floating flying vehicles is questionable as FOV and fire source stays on ground level.

Also an billboard bridge or whatever you can drive trough under should be possible. The invisible primer flavor object would be on the ground but it doesn´t impede movement so everything fine. One could stretch/reposition the billboard feet in blender so cars can fit under or attach the bb to two sturdier looking lamp/telephone poles that are already in the game or again simply let it float in the air and attach it to neighbouring walls and buildings as the billboard is wider than a road.


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19 minutes ago, Aquila-CM said:

Also an billboard bridge or whatever you can drive trough under should be possible. The invisible primer flavor object would be on the ground but it doesn´t impede movement so everything fine. One could stretch/reposition the billboard feet in blender so cars can fit under or attach them to two sturdier looking lamp/telephone poles that are already in the game or again simply let it float in the air and attach it to neighbouring walls and buildings as the billboard is wider than a road.

+1 Excellent!!  I've been to busy playing around with the mods to try Blender yet but it is on my list.  

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38 minutes ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

"Rampart, Squad 51..."  Brings back good memories MOS.  

+1  :D  You got it!!  I was wondering who might remember.  In the editor the two paramedics are named Roy Desoto and John Gage. :lol:  Below is a screenshot of Fire House 51. 

The basic campaign is built around the Hill Street Blues TV show but several other shows are also represented.  The Dante Projects are from Hill Street Blues.  The mayor on the sign, Clarence Royce, is from HBO's The Wire.  There is another neighborhood Hamsterdam from HBOs' The Wire. 


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Great stuff in here. B) How´s about game performance with custom made stuff? (in case it´s been mentioned already and I missed it) From some past experiments with standard trees beeing reused as flavor objects I know that (unwanted) shadowing could have a huge impact on FPS. So would be good to know about the "flags" buried in *.mdr files that decide on shadowing and other relevant data. And path finding? From experience I know it´s basically just the center point on x-y-z axis taking a place in the 8x8m mesh beeing considered. Everything else remains unrecognized for the purpose I think.

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By the way is there a standard operating procedure in most armies in a heliborne insertion for the helos to remain on the ground to allow quick withdrawal if needed or to take off and fly somewhere safer until called upon, or is it mission specific?

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About Model Part Exchange and Mounting Different Weapon Stations and Guns

Stryker with 30mm Mount (Proof of Concept Prototype, no Release)



British Scorpion with 76mm cannon (released, part of Falklands Vehicle Collection)


Also see the UAZ MG, or the Jeep conversions for the H&E Mod.

1) Moving parts/turrets/weapons between existing models is pretty straight forward. Simply import the 2nd vehicle model you want to take a part from and remove it/ "unparent" and install/"parent" it on your target vehicle.

 2) With Blender/CM2T I´ve noticed that there is a tendency that when you move/install multi part gun/turret and then export your new model, there is a tendency for the gun/turret parts to get distorted in their position. You need to reimport, correct, reexport. This is perhaps required several times until all parts stay in place. 

3) When planning a vehicle modificaton involving new turrets and weapons naturally think about what vehicle you want to replace with it. The vehicle to be replaced should resemble the new weapon/turret characteristics. You don´t need to stay with the original military branch or even nationality as Combat Mission enables scenario designers to setup missions with mixed forces involving ALL branches, factions, Bluefor/Redfor assets at the same time for one side.

4) Also its good to put your new vehicle in context of its environment and technology, especially when recreating specific time frames. For example with the 1967 Six-Day war vehicle collection a good choice would be to do a Red vs Red and replace all the oldest Syrian Tank slots with the Arab/Israeli tanks and then pitch them against each other. The oldest Syrian vehicles don´t come with this superior optics and the ability to kill everything on the battlespace in matter of seconds which then results in a more authentic depiction.  It isn´t hard to guess that replacing a new gen M1A2 or T72T-T/T90 with a Arab T-34  would result in a tank that over-performs in its 67´ environment. Alot factors can also be influenced by crew experience.

5) Don´t forget to turn "Export Metadata" on when your vehicle has tire wheels or track wheels. Check Blender tutorial in this thread to understand importance and current limitation of this setting. 

And yes technically it would be possible to depict the Korean War with replacing all CMWW2 German assets with existing Soviet Red Thunder assets (preferably waiting for the Late War RT module) to create an US/Commonwealth vs Soviet-equipped force situation. it would require some consideration on what to replace with what, alot of file renaming, and considering how to set the experience levels to depict the conflict in a best possible way but it could be done. Furthermore the H&E mod advances and assets will open up more options for Asian scenarios.



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6 hours ago, Sequoia said:

By the way is there a standard operating procedure in most armies in a heliborne insertion for the helos to remain on the ground to allow quick withdrawal if needed or to take off and fly somewhere safer until called upon, or is it mission specific?

The preferred procedure is to get the hell out of dodge once the self-loading cargo has disembarked. If a quick extraction is needed then they will go to a previously secured forward LZ close by.

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The weapon model has an arrow named "weapon muzzle"  attached that tell the game engine where to create an effect. You can freely move it to match your model but for most CM model swaps it isn´t required as naming conventions are almost always the same for all CM2 engine games.


Some examples for engine specific arrows/markers you will see in Blender: 


weapon eject (1,2,3...) where brass is thrown out.

driver, gunner, commander, loader, radiooperator soldier (1,2,3,4,5...), leader etc.: tells the game the position of crew member and passengers. However what stance he has (sitting, standing etc.) is I believe defined by the internal part of the game. There are often duplicates an a or bc attached i. e. "commander a" and "commander bc", don´t know exactly what it means.

gear (1,2,3...) see the post where I explain it

-option (a,b,c...) see the post where I explain it

groundpoint (1,2,3...) for what spot crew/passengers will leave the vehicle

firespot (1,2,3...) where a flame is created when the vehicle burns, but I believe when this is not defined the engine randomly assigns firespots.

hatch (1,2,3...) hatches and doors of vehicles that may be opened by the engine when crew/passengers exit. Model swaps have the tendency to use wrong hatches. For me the unbuttoned commander hatch is important, especially in WW2 games, so I check ingame which wrong hatch opens up and then go into blender and rename the hatch names (for example hatch 2 and hatch 4 switch names) and eventually the correct commander hatch then opens up. Can be used to define hatches or bulkheads on boats and other custom models.

exhaust (1,2,3...) where fumes are coming out

turret/mount/weapon (1,2,3...)don´t know exactly how they work but I guess they tell the engine what part is what so it can be moved/animated properly the turret will traverse, the mount will elevate/slightly traverse depending on the type and the weapon may have a recoil animation. Also seen the term "fixed-gun" on the Tiger model its probably the part of the gun that doesn´t recoil 

wheel (1,2,3...) all tire wheels and track wheels are called wheels in CM models, don´t know if their rotation/jerking is defined by the engine internals or if the rotation information is stored in the models metadata or both. Could probably used to create rotating radars or boat propellers but I did no tests in this direction.

clip defines the part that is removed when an infantry weapon´s mag is reloaded

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