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The patch?

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7 minutes ago, Sulomon said:

Me and some people I know do half expect it to be a bankruptcy post and/or NZ contract failed post.

Listen to your other half, it is much much more realistic.  For what it is worth I expect you won’t hear anything about NZ as frankly that is none of our business and likely subject to NDA for all involved. You should however hear a bunch of news to put you in a better frame of mind. ;)

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21 minutes ago, IanL said:

Yeah, sigh. There will be a lot of people who think their whining and whinging got them attention from Steve.

Or perhaps Steve is just a good bussinessman who isn't too proud or too stubborn to give his customers what they are asking for. Within reason. Sounds a lot better and less hostile, don't you think?

Steve himself admits it's a much, much, much needed update. You just don't know when to quit IanL. And you do keep dwelling on past booboos.  No offense, but really...


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If you guys think asking about an overdue patch is whining you haven't seen anything in the gaming industry lol. This is one of the tamest "hey guys wheres the patch" threads I've ever seen, yeah there's a few silly people but the majority of people asking for an update are being completely reasonable.

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2 minutes ago, Raptorx7 said:

If you guys think asking about an overdue patch is whining you haven't seen anything in the gaming industry lol. This is one of the tamest "hey guys wheres the patch" threads I've ever seen, yeah there's a few silly people but the majority of people asking for an update are being completely reasonable.

Reasonable - what here? ;) No one has a problem with asking about where is the patch. Heck if I was not a tester I would have asked a few times too. The problem is the ranting and raving about no communications and no one answering the "are we there yet" questions every time they get asked and the bitching about the world coming to an end. It's rude, entitled and immature. I don't know about you guys but there were times when my wife and I pulled the car over and said we are not driving any future until you stop it with the questions!

And BTW I don't have any reason to doubt you about other forms being worse - heck I am *know* you are right. But ya know what when my kids said "my room is way neater than johnny's from down the street why are you giving me a hard time" that held no little water with me either.


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Of course Im sure Carl will never say oh I was wrong or anything. Going out on a limb but based on things he.s said and the auto jump to conspiracy theories he seems a Russian and on my humble experience Russia as a nation never admits to mistakes or outright lies, and unfortunately most Russians Ive encountered in the last 4 years ( wtf happened? ) are the same.

Then again he wouldnt need to apologize because any post 'from steve' is clearly NATO agitprop on a sockpuppet wargame company to bash Russia. Or something.

Sorry I just still cant believe the constant insanely stupid conspiracy theories online actually are about something in my life now - namely the idea steve and bfc are fake. lmao. Ive never met steve but all indications lead me to believe hes real and is really living in maine. a great example is a joke he made about the city i live in which is notorious for obnoxious @$$holes (ring a bell? ;) )

and this is something that someone living outside new england would most likely not know.

theres about a million other shreds of proof that steve et al are not sock puppets but yeah. im remembering why i left originally. i used to escape from my problems here and in CM. Now this forum often irritates me moreso. Ah well..  wish you guys the best ( you guys who i wish well know who you are )

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Well looks like Steve is alive and reading the forums, at least every now and then. He posted this about 4 hours ago in another, now locked, thread:


You really don't get it, do you?  People aren't calling you out because you support critical thought, but because you are incapable of it yourself.  Name calling, abusive comments, snarky passive/aggressive comments are not indicative of critical thought.  They're indicative of a personality disorder, often times referred to as a waste orifice.  If you want to impress people in a positive way, my 2 cents is to figure out the difference between being a critic and being an orifice.

And with that said, I'm locking this thread and will post a much, much, much needed update sometime tonight.


I just wish conversation didn't have to come to this point where people start to lose their patience. Especially when all you'd need is a small amount of communication that doesn't take time. I'd be cool with "it's done when it's done" but when even that is not said it starts to seem a bit suspicious.

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Well frankly its done when its done has been BFCs policy since I remember reading Moon and someone else fighting a pbem beta of CMBO.

How many times do they have to repeat themselves? Its ALWAYS been when its ready and its never changed.  What I dont understand is where this extreme pessimism is coming from - people are acting like they contributed to a gofundme and dont have a product already or that BFC hasnt made about a dozen games now.

These prophecies of bankruptcy doom and gloom or sock puppet companies.. it all seems to be realllllllly jumping to extreme conclusions.



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1 hour ago, Sulomon said:

Me and some people I know do half expect it to be a bankruptcy post and/or NZ contract failed post.

Harken, Dear Sulomon. Sit and I shall spin ye a tale.

Once upon a time there lived a haunted forum full of angry trolls led by an evil Canadian wizard who drew his dark powers from a magical Waffen SS manikin. This cult of personality disorder, bound by their hatred for the light, began predicting the downfall of BF in the year of our lord, 2000 and 7. They'd gather together, under the jaundiced light of a gibbous moon to gnash their teeth and drown kittens, while fantasizing about how Steve was gonna run his company into the ground do to all his bad game making decisions. For a fortnight and a grand age did they conspire and ruminate. During all their dire predictions and dark prophecies did BF persevere; releasing CMSF and it's 3 modules, CMA, CMBN, CMFI, CMRT, CMBS, CMFB, 3 upgrades, 3 modules, double digit patches, 1 vehicle pack and 2 battle packs. 11 years later, the vile Canadian Wizard having been banished to the blackest anus of the internet by the very devils he worshiped, his mutinous followers either turned to stone from years of hate or consumed by the very hellfire in their souls, the forum now consists of one guy who sits around talking to himself. The Wargaming Gods call that irony.

Harken well, dear Sulomon, for there is a moral to this tale I tell to thee. Sometimes, gentle Sulomon, a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes games and patches are delayed because they just need more time. Let not the demons of rumor and despair take thee. Seek enlightenment, reach for the truth, for if ye don't ye may just end up with a Waffen SS manikin in thy boudoir and a penchant for dunking baby cats!


The End.



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Pessimism tends to take hold when the patch is promised to become available in the coming weeks at the beginning of 2018 but then instead of the promised patch you get only silence for almost six months. It'd much easier on the developers and the community if you'd just post something along the lines "hey guys, there are some unexpected problems wee need to look at and this might take time". People understand when you communicate, when you don't they don't. And the bankruptcy wasn't a prophecy, it was a figure of speech. If you can't tell the difference I really see no point in discussing any further. 

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2 minutes ago, Mord said:


Harken well, dear Sulomon, for there is a moral to this tale I tell to thee. Sometimes, gentle Sulomon, a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes games and patches are delayed because they just need more time. Let not the demons of rumor and despair take thee. Seek enlightenment, reach for the truth, for if ye don't ye may just end up with a Waffen SS manikin in your boudoir and a penchant for dunking baby cats!


The End.



Exactly what me and many others have been doing only to hear silence.  But now as of several hours ago Steve said he will say something so we may finally have enlightenment.  

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23 minutes ago, Sublime said:

...Going out on a limb but based on things he.s said and the auto jump to conspiracy theories he seems a Russian and on my humble experience Russia as a nation never admits to mistakes or outright lies, and unfortunately most Russians Ive encountered in the last 4 years ( wtf happened? ) are the same.

Then again he wouldnt need to apologize because any post 'from steve' is clearly NATO agitprop on a sockpuppet wargame company to bash Russia...

That's some next level Russia-hating right there lol

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58 minutes ago, Kozlice said:

That's some next level Russia-hating right there lol

no really dude I dont hate Russians. But I will call out behavior I see. Thats not to say I havent met tons of pr!cks from all countries especially America. Then again I live here.

Ive had off the boat Russian friends. Online Russian friends.  But I will call it how I see it its my opinion. And lately I cannot understand the seeming utter willingness large amounts of Russians I encounter online and read about to collectively set asixe their intelligence to wholeheartedly buy into the absolute nonsense Putin and Co. propagate and how the toxic mix of insane conapiracy theories, rewritimg history, lies, and nationalism has trickled down to where now I see outright pro Russia biases for anything Russian in Russian made video games and Russian posters will go to the greatest lengths to propagate inane or bizarre conspiracy theories.On Arrse. com the Brit Army rumor svc site theres plenty of great examples of this.

Still I think the biggest blowhard leader in the world isnt Putin but Americas own 'dear leader'. 

It really saddens me. I used to be impressed by the general level of intelligence of Russians I encountered.Now it just seems so many are willing to turn off their brain and let sputnik choose. 

and stalin as the most popular russian leader ever? Imagine if Germans smugly proclaimed how awesme Hitler was and F You if you dont agree. Stalin wasnt evem Russian anyways!

Anyways at the end of the day I dnt think any govt is on my team. Im on my team. I expect nothing else and have no fondness of authorities. wherever they may be. Some may know why because my past but Im not going to go into it.

edit : Id like to add I will freely bash on any nation state as I see it different than its people who I see as individuals. I assumed Carl was Russian from his very first response to me about me being the 1st person he met to believe in Russian trolls or influence on the election. I didnt mean to offend anyone.. err well I didnt mean to apologize anyone simply bexause theyre russian, and apologize if I did of course.

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13 minutes ago, sburke said:

Mord you are on a roll.   That was freakin hysterical.  I bow before you oh master of the slashing tongue of merciless razor sharp wit.  

That was done strictly out of love. And having read Sulomon's reply, I can now rest easy knowing his soul and bedroom shall remain unsoiled.

And thank you!



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@sublime why would you be so surprised at allegiance to Putin after what we have been going through here in the US?  No need to look overseas for examples of blind allegiance.  People like simple answers that don’t require they change their behavior or challenge their beliefs. Life is just easier if it conforms to your own predetermined bias. It is the very reason human social evolution is so damn slow and will probably be the reason humans become a failed evolutionary branch. 

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11 minutes ago, Sublime said:

you havent been fooling around with 99 balloons lately have you? the end is nigh!

I've got Nena bound and gagged in my footlocker.

9 minutes ago, para said:

Also nice to see lots of the forum old timers posting especially that rascal Mord :-)

Backatchya, my friend! Long time no post. Glad to see you are still around.



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2 minutes ago, Mord said:

I've got Nena bound and gagged in my footlocker.

Backatchya, my friend! Long time no post. Glad to see you are still around.



Yes, still here buddy..glad you are well and still in fine form. ;-) me? im always lurking. 

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2 hours ago, Raptorx7 said:

If you guys think asking about an overdue patch is whining you haven't seen anything in the gaming industry lol. This is one of the tamest "hey guys wheres the patch" threads I've ever seen, yeah there's a few silly people but the majority of people asking for an update are being completely reasonable.

He's right @IanL- until people are threatening to toss piss jugs at the dev team, you haven't seen anything. 


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Is it me but 18 years on this forum and life seemed better then? Is it because I can't remember accurately what was going on then?

I guess people felt the same madness during the Cuban missile crisis or Vietnam war...

Still govts lying to their people...

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