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IED not working?


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so whats the trick to use ieds? the manual states that only radio ieds require LOS i tried several times using IEDS against syrian army but they dont explode even if the enemy units pass 2 meters away from them and yes i used target to activate them my triggerman was in range on hidding command but didnt have LOS but they were cell and cable IEDs so whats the deal?

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Others will proabably be able to add more, but I believe the radio IED needs line of sight in order for, what is presumably a VHF radio signal, to work. However in all cases the IED operator needs to be able to see the target so the IED can be exploded at the correct time. So in other words all IEDs in effect do need  line of sight 


Edited by Pete Wenman
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you also can activate the ied and set for a specific target or any but again I think you need line of sight when the target approaches and likely to set as target.  I’ll play around this evening and see if I can provide specific examples.  


okay did a bit of cursory testing

first item is you need to activate the IED.  either just select a point on the ground or hover over a specific enemy unit (you will see specify target text)

in both cases it appears you need LOS on the enemy unit for the ied to "attack".  It need not be the triggerman for that specific ied, any triggerman will do.  You can activate area target without los to the IED then move into position later at which point if it is area targeted it will hit whichever enemy unit you see near enough.

I did not see any difference in wired versus cell or radio other than activation. If you do not have a triggerman with LOS to a radio IED the combat target command is greyed out.

Below is from the manual and seems to be completely accurate in what I saw with the one addition that the triggerman is not specifically associated to an IED.  I have activated an IED that the triggerman associated at purchase never had visibility to while a different triggerman did and the device activated and detonated.  Regarding malfunctions, if you select the ied, you will be provided info as to whether the device has done so.

IEDs: Improvised Explosive Devices (i.e. bombs). Three different types, in various sizes, are simulated in the game. The size determines the strength of the explosion and therefore ability to cause damage and casualties. The different types determine reliability as well as the distance at which the triggerman can be positioned.
Wire – shortest distance (about 100m), 10% failure chance
Radio – medium distance (about 300m), requires line of sight, 20% failure rate
Cell phone – long distance (about 600m), 10% failure chance

In order for an IED to detonate it must first be activated, otherwise it remains inert. To activate an IED, select it and choose the Target command from the Combat panel, then click on the map to arm it. If you want the IED to target the first unit that comes near it, click anywhere on the map. If you instead want
to target a specific enemy unit, click on that unit and the IED will ignore other possible targets. You can re-designate the target at any time by repeating these steps.
Activation is not just a matter of specifying a target, however. For activation to occur the triggerman, at the time the Target command is used, must be in good shape (e.g. not panicked), have an undamaged trigger device in its inventory, be within the maximum range (and/or LOS if required) of the IED, and pass a reliability check. The reliability check determines if the IED itself, or the ability to detonate it, has failed. IEDs that malfunction can’t be made to detonate no matter what. If there is a change to one of these factors, such as the triggerman being eliminated, then the IED remains activated but will not detonate until all requirements are fulfilled again.


The net result in answer to your question is yes you need LOS to detonate the IED regardless of type.  The LOS item for Radio IEDs only applies for activation.

by the way thanks for raising this.  It has been a while since I have read the manual and there are few items here I'd forgotten.  CMSF2 is coming, have to bone up again!



Edited by sburke
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18 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Have never understood how IED's work. So, very useful summary.  Thanks...  (Should be a sticky.)

If everything that SHOULD be stickied was stickied, you'd have to go to page 12 in order to see the new threads.

The alternative solution however, is to RTFM.

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8 hours ago, SLIM said:

If everything that SHOULD be stickied was stickied, you'd have to go to page 12 in order to see the new threads.

The alternative solution however, is to RTFM.

Better make the above a sticky as well.  Have no idea what RTFM means...   (You kids with your new fangled jargon and abbreviations...)

Edited by Erwin
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9 hours ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

Read the f*****g manual

LOL   I read all 8+(?) of the f********* manuals since CM1 one came out in 1999.   If you can remember every detail after all those years, then you are a superman with eidetic memory!   (Am assuming you know what "eidetic" means as well.)  :) 

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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

LOL   I read all 8+(?) of the f********* manuals since CM1 one came out in 1999.   If you can remember every detail after all those years, then you are a superman with eidetic memory!   (Am assuming you know what "eidetic" means as well.)  :) 

I have forgotten more than I will ever remember. That's how you know you're an oldbie.

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3 hours ago, Erwin said:

LOL   I read all 8+(?) of the f********* manuals since CM1 one came out in 1999.   If you can remember every detail after all those years, then you are a superman with eidetic memory!   (Am assuming you know what "eidetic" means as well.)  :) 

what I was taught years ago by a mentor in the telecom business was - it isn't what you keep in immediate memory, but your ability to use a manual or other means to find what you need to know.  Reading the manual once counts for very little.  Your ability to use the manual to find an answer is what makes you able to do your job.

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1 hour ago, SLIM said:

I have forgotten more than I will ever remember. That's how you know you're an oldbie.

I go through this with modding, a lot. I'll get a technique down, or figure something out and then forget it after I take a break. I've learned hex editing three times since CMSF came out, and have completely forgotten again. But apparently BFC pulled the plug on that altogether from what I gather. So, I guess the last time I learned it was actually the last time.


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9 minutes ago, sburke said:

 Your ability to use the manual to find an answer is what makes you able to do your job.

Is there a page in there that tells you that you turned the icons off, so to stop you from coming to the boards to exclaim how all your icons are missing in game? LMAO! I am pretty sure I did that in the SF early days.



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13 hours ago, Erwin said:

LOL   I read all 8+(?) of the f********* manuals since CM1 one came out in 1999.   If you can remember every detail after all those years, then you are a superman with eidetic memory!   (Am assuming you know what "eidetic" means as well.)  :) 

I know them well but I wouldn't pretend to remember every detail after all these years.  You just said you have no idea what RTFM means, so I answered.

And yep, very familiar with eidetic memory.

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2 hours ago, borg said:

so just a dumb question., can I use (activate) an IED during a mission or is this something scripted into the scenario ? and its controlled by AI. thanks guys.

In a Quick Battle you purchase IEDs and VBIEDs just like any other team.  Then use them how you see fit including activating them.  With a scenario if the scenario author gave you IEDs in your TOE then again you use them as you see fit within the normal game mechanics of course.   

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2 hours ago, SLIM said:

>Place large IED inside building.
>Place triggerman in same building.
>Activate IED.
>Wait for enemy infantry to walk in.

I don't think that is doable - I tried it for my NEPTUNE SPEAR mission and the editor wouldn't allow me to place an IED in the main building in Osama Bin Laden's compound.

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Just now, Erwin said:

Is it a question of which item is placed first?  The IED or the unit?

Not as far as I am aware - both appear on the map at the same time when you select 'deploy forces'. I think IEDs are coded with similar attributes to vehicles which means that you cannot place them in buildings. To be honest it isn't a showstopper, placing a massive IED at the front door of a structure and detonating it will yield the same or close enough result to that if the thing was inside the building.

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