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Scenarios using the Vehicle Pack

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Unfortunately I will not have access to my computer untill next Monday and can't give you any details right now. However, you can find some VP scenarios (perhaps a handful) at the Repository and on GJa's site. The latest one was a scenario for MG, using VP vehicles. Made by Kohlenklau, if I remember right.

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Thanks, that was a good way of getting it to me.

As for going and finding scenarios on my own, it still is a terrible site as to pulling new scenarios out of the files. The search aid is almost worthless. Normally I just start at the front and look through every file and look at the date it was added to the sight.

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Thanks, that was a good way of getting it to me.

As for going and finding scenarios on my own, it still is a terrible site as to pulling new scenarios out of the files. The search aid is almost worthless. Normally I just start at the front and look through every file and look at the date it was added to the sight.



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Really, is that all there is. One for sure and another I should be able to track down.

With all the request for these things you would think there would be special motivation to create scenarios using them.

I just played a battle last night that had Greyhounds, 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, PzIII's and Wirbelwind's.

It was one of the funniest games I have played in a long while just for the fact of the interesting match ups and how they were going to play out.

I had one duel between a Wirbelwind's & 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, which neither could destroy the other.

I think the one reason for that was the M8 rounds kept hitting the hull of the other tank, I kept wanting to see what would happen when it hit the gun shield, never did. Ran out of Ammo first

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I´ve made a couple of VP scenarios. But I no longer release my scenarios, it is not worth the effort: More about that in this thread

Well, I like to dabble in making scenarios also. But I have not made any effort to release anything since getting into the CMX2 series of the game. Just personal stuff, not very refined.

But with how its going, I think maybe a new motivation is needed to get those with the talents to create more scenarios. Like money (it always work).

I always thought it would be cool to have someway of getting a small payment for downloads of any scenario you have made available. Even if it was 1/2 a dollar. With all the downloads of scenarios I furnished for CMX1, I would have at least pocketed $500 or so. I don't know, for me, that would be just enough reward to make the effort to tweek my work and make it quality and release it for others to enjoy.

I would need no feedback, if they keep buying my work, I know it must be worth the effort.

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There's this, too:



Also, I have about 17 scenarios all-but made using the VP, which should be available ... soon :D



Edit: and this ( http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5520/details) by Rocketman



Wow Jon,




That is a Ton of work, no matter how well you know the scenario editor program.


I am sure glad to hear you are doing it though.


You might want to be the guy that should be pushing for a tiny fee for downloaded scenarios, You sure have provided lots in the past out of your own kindness.


Thanks for the efforts, it is a under rewarded gift you give to us all.

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To be honest, my VP pack scenario only uses AT bunkers, so not that many toys from the pack sadly. But still...

I know there is a H2H game I found on GaJ - can't remember the name (about three months ago),with several vehicles from the pack.

In a QB I used the M12 GMC and Lord it was great. If used carefully it can take out Panthers with its HE shells.


Sure, money for making scenarios would be swell, but for me it is all about sharing with the community as it gives so much back to me. But still, more feedback and playtesting would be an incentive to do more. And learn. Especially when new to making scenarios, as I am.

Edited by rocketman
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Well, I like to dabble in making scenarios also. But I have not made any effort to release anything since getting into the CMX2 series of the game. Just personal stuff, not very refined.But with how its going, I think maybe a new motivation is needed to get those with the talents to create more scenarios. Like money (it always work).I always thought it would be cool to have someway of getting a small payment for downloads of any scenario you have made available. Even if it was 1/2 a dollar. With all the downloads of scenarios I furnished for CMX1, I would have at least pocketed $500 or so. I don't know, for me, that would be just enough reward to make the effort to tweek my work and make it quality and release it for others to enjoy.I would need no feedback, if they keep buying my work, I know it must be worth the effort.

50 cents for every download of a scenario. Hmm, let's see. Ah, 3000 dollars for PanzerMike! If only, hehehe.

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50 cents for every download of a scenario. Hmm, let's see. Ah, 3000 dollars for PanzerMike! If only, hehehe.

And the funny thing is, who would not pay 50 cents?


BF could take 10 cents and 40 cents for the designer.


That would provide BF the motivation for setting it up. Those that really get into design would have some added motivation and I think it would increase others interest to give it a try also.

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Another problem with payments is how is quality guaranteed to warrant a payment? So that just about anything isn't uploaded. What would the parameters be?

If implemented (doubt it will from previous posts from BFC) they could pay the scenario maker in store credit, so as to keep it "within the family"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played two of the recommended scenarios vs the AI, here is my report



TWC No Better Place to DIE


I found this one boring playing as the Germans on Elite. The only thing interesting was using the Pz35R's To get any effective use was a interesting task, so I enjoyed that.

But the defense was not that much of a challenge for Single player game and I found moving up the right flank along the rail road tracks not really defended. SO that made the victory too easy. If that had been defended it might have made for a good challenge because forces moving up along the river were having a hard time. But I just held them in check and exploited the right flank.



VP Char a Char Alike


I found this one a excellent battle playing as the German on elite ( And was glad I was not playing h2h or it might have been a loss)


Well designed map

good placement of forces.

Time set for the right amount as to length


So the toys to play with were the Pz35R's, 3 of them, ( So I was familiar with them now - so played them well)

2- Flammpanzer Char B-2  ( the toys I was excited to finally get to use in a Scenario)

1- Spw U304(f) (ok, just a halftrack - but lets get it into the fight just to get some action on it) really should be used to help move the heavy MG's up when the time is needed.


OK, without trying to give too much detail I will just say this battle turned into a fight where the tanks were going to make or break the outcome.

My infantry took a beating, even though they were still there in the end helping me clear the Rail Station, they would not have been able to do it by themselves.

They were a broken bunch of troops, running away often, along with the morale issues they were just shot up and not much of a fighting force by the end.


So the Armor became the focus.


Now a few epic Movie moments


Losing a PZ35 to a mine after 3 other tanks had past the location, then having one Char B-2 left that needed to pass and deciding to try and pass the same location and also getting nailed by a mine. (ouch that hurts)


Beginning the assault on the Rail Station and just managed to get a foothold into town with infantry in 3 buildings and I start moving the tanks into support and I watch a single American trooper run out in the street behind a Pz35 with Germans all around him, he hits the deck, lead flying at him from all directions. He throws a Demo Charge, it hits the back deck killing the tank. He watches his success , then a deadly round finally finds the mark , it was the last thing he saw.


With only two tanks now to help clear the town, one being a Char B-2 Flame, he becomes my only real tool to dislodge and Kill American troopers. And a excellent job he does.

But this is street fighting, and getting tanks in place to see and fire is risky. Sure enough, the moment happens. Facing down one of the small streets, a American bazooka man pops out of no where aiming right at the Char. (intermission happens- get the next wego turn programmed- movie starts. deadly shot, rounds on target, no chance to respond. Hits my tank and does Nothing. (you heard it baby, NOTHING)  OK, that was cool. them Char Tanks do have some thick steel, just like I read about. Early War tank surviving late war munitions hit. Just Awesome


A American paratrooper with a bazooka holding up my assault all by himself, located where my armor could not help and he manages to kill 5 of my troops within other Buildings he targets.



The end score said I won, but the Stats show how maybe I really did not.

Americans had over 100 dead or wounded. I had over 80 in the same state.


Lost two tanks and one immobile.


My one Char  accounted for 30 enemy dead, My remaining Pz35R had 19 and one other tank had 10.  So the Armor as a total had close to 70 of the plus 100 losses given to the Enemy.


(My Infantry Company commander was hung for  his actions within battle - in front of his French Girlfriends eyes)

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