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New Scenario - Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division

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This scenario covers the following action (as recorded by von Plato in his history of 5th Panzer Division) in the closing stages of Operation Bagration. Smorgon is on the main rail line from Minsk to Vilnius – hence it was strategically vital for allowing Germans to bring units into action. They were low on fuel/transport so railways were a vital component for keeping armies supplied and flow of reinforcements/moving units etc. The Soviets had just cut the rail line. 5th Panzer Division under the command of Major -General Karl Decker (His General Staff Officer or Ia was Lieutenant-Colonel Anton Detlev von Plato) or at least what was left of it, was concentrated into one group for a last gasp attack.


"Early on 6 July an armored group with I./ Pz. Gren. Rgt.14 and I./ Pz. Gren. Rgt. 13 and Pz.Rgt. 31 is formed under Colonel Lippert. The II./ Pz. Gren. Rgt.14 takes Sakowice and II. / Pz. 13 the section west of it on the road of advance. The armored group moves out at about 11.00 am. After short, heavy fighting the enemy is thrown north of Sakowice. The armored group thrusts above Krasne Osinowka until just before the railway, southwest of Smorgon, nearly 10 km deep. Then our power is exhausted at Osinowka - Bialkoszcyna as the enemy throws new armored units against us." 


The scenario covers later part of this attack i.e. the armoured kampfgruppe's thrust to Osinowka - Bialkoszcyna. By this stage in the fighting 5th Panzer had been in continuous heavy combat since 27th June, moving to and fro across a huge area. By the evening of the 5th July it had endured several cycles of full on combat. By the 6th July and was starting to show signs of strain and this final throw of the diec was to be it's last major offensive and combat cycle during Operation Bagration. Many of the panzergrenadier companies were down to 35 men. Their armoured strength had gone from 70 Panzer V Panthers and 55 Panzer IVs to a recorded strength on the evening of the 5th July of 25 Panthers and 25 PzIVs.


From a CM perspective such heavy casualties mean it's possible to simulate this without having hundreds of units on the map. Correspondingly the map is huge - 3km wide x 4.5km deep. The map is based on a contemporary Russian map of the area. What it highlights is this area was at least fairly suitable for a large scale armoured attack. It's one of the few areas in this part that's not bog and wood infested - being mostly rolling terrain with patches of wood but generally fairly open sight lines. The down side is several rivers/streams run across the terrain which mean the Germans had to attack across these natural barriers. The attack did make headway but the Soviets managed to very quickly push armoured units (from the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps and 3rd Guards Mech Corps under General Oslikovski) into the area. These are the attacks that halt the tired and run down 5th Panzer.


Playing the Scenario
This scenario was originally designed to be played first and foremost from the perspective of the German side against the Soviet AI. It is playable head to head (H2H) but has not been playtested for balance in this regard. I suspect it’ll be a tough one for the German player – so if playing H2H let the less experienced player take the Soviets.
When playing this do so with the mindset you are playing a min campaign. Due to the size of map and tactical challenges you’ll need to tackle this as a linked series of actions rather than one decisive action.


It's now available for download at the following links:


Scenario Depot III


The Repository


The image below is taken looking north. It shows the first water barrier a mainly marshy/boggy stream. Behind is a low ridge and rolling terrain. The village ahead is KARAVAI




Another shot - this time looking east across the German line of attack.




This is further north. It's the small hamlet of LIAUKI about 700m south of OSINOWKA.




Another full scale view of the map. Again looking north.




From the Soviet side of the hill. T34s from 3rd Guards Mech Corps counterattack the German armoured spearhead. This view is looking south towards LIAUKI/CHADAKI



Edited by George MC
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Did someone say 5th Panzer Division?


portrait_german_armor_5th_Pz_Div.png   portrait_german_armored_infantry_5th_Pz_



Looks sweeping and legendary, George. I am really looking forward to playing all your latest stuff once I am done this mod from East Front Hell.






Edited by Mord
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This looks like it' s going to be an awesome scenario. I recommend changing the scenario title though, the current mix of (slightly incorrect) german and english sounds a bit weird, it doesnt do justice to your talent as scenario designer. The correct german title would be "Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division".

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This looks like it' s going to be an awesome scenario. I recommend changing the scenario title though, the current mix of (slightly incorrect) german and english sounds a bit weird, it doesnt do justice to your talent as scenario designer. The correct german title would be "Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division".

No worries. I stand corrected :) I've amended the title accordingly. I assume in it's correct form it makes sense?


Thanks for all the comments guys. I'll post a few more screenshots as I go. Working on a Soviet AI Plan at the moment.

Edited by George MC
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The aufklärungsabteilung from 5th Panzer were the eyes and ears of the division. Keeping tabs on the Soviet armoured spearheads.


Here a 250/9 keeps an eye out for enemy units.On this map your recce units will be useful for screening your flanks and scouting possible attack avenues.




A recce patrol of 2 x 250/9 and a 250/3 move up to check out a bridge and village.




Overwatch as his buddy moves forward.





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A Tiger (one of only a handful left running by this date) from 505 Heavy Panzer Battalion supports Panthers from I/Pz.Rgt 31. At this point they are taking flanking long range fire from some AT guns. You can see some battle damage on the Tiger's front glacis.




View from similar position looking north.




Panther's eye view of the battlefield.




Panzer IVs move up for the attack.




Accompanied by a handful of panzergrenadiers in SPW.




Another Tiger's eye view - in the distance (combat ranges here were around 1.8 to 2km) you can see a Soviet T34 going up in a fireball after being hit.




A shot of the hapless T34 and it's mates.



Edited by George MC
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Is it supposed to be a reference to Wagners opera Der Ring des Nibelungen?

It is Augusto - does it make sense or am I off beam?


It's based on the idea that 5th Panzer went through multiple cycles of combat during German attempts to stem Operation Bagration. Each cycle involved a specific operation involved in countering Soviet attacks. So it was linking that concept of multiple events with a similar series of events as in Wagner's opera.

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Will it be a HtH one or just AI? I guess will be ready in July?

It's primarily aimed at playing against the Soviet AI but (although it's early days) I suspect it will be playable H2H - not sure on balance until a/ I get the Soviet AI Plan done so can play it fully (give me an idea how tough it is) b/ it's then had some playtesting.


I'm thinking July might be optimistic - although depends on RL stuff for me TBH. I'd like to aim for July but no promises...

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It is Augusto - does it make sense or am I off beam?


It's based on the idea that 5th Panzer went through multiple cycles of combat during German attempts to stem Operation Bagration. Each cycle involved a specific operation involved in countering Soviet attacks. So it was linking that concept of multiple events with a similar series of events as in Wagner's opera.


Ahh yes, that' s also a possible interpretation. I am not particularily familiar with Wagner, i only know small parts of the Nibelungenlied, so i cant really judge how reasonable your interpretation is.


When i tried to interpret the title, I was quite fixated on the ring. I was desperately trying to link your scenario with the ring that exists in the Nibelungenlied. The ring in the Nibelungenlied is owned by Fafnir, a dragon that was once a dwarf but turned into a dragon because he was so evil and greedy. Sigurd ambushes Fafnir by stabbing his sword Gram ('rage' or 'anger') in Fafnirs heart. He then drinks the dragons blood and eats his heart, gaining magic powers by doing so, and he also takes Fafnirs magic ring.


Now my interpretation of the title was that Fafnir represents the Russians, Sigurd represents the Germans and the Ring represents the village they are fighting for in this scenario. Gram represents the 5th Panzer-Division, which is thrusted into the heart of the Russians like a deadly sword and kills them, which then allows the Germans to take the village.

Edited by agusto
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Ahh yes, that' s also a possible interpretation. I am not particularily familiar with Wagner, i only know small parts of the Nibelungenlied, so i cant really judge how reasonable your interpretation is.


When i tried to interpret the title, I was quite fixated on the ring. I was desperately trying to link your scenario with the ring that exists in the Nibelungenlied. The ring in the Nibelungenlied is owned by Fafnir, a dragon that was once a dwarf but turned into a dragon because he was so evil and greedy. Sigurd ambushes Fafnir by stabbing his sword Gram ('rage' or 'anger') in Fafnirs heart. He then drinks the dragons blood and eats his heart, gaining magic powers by doing so, and he also takes Fafnirs magic ring.


Now my interpretation of the title was that Fafnir represents the Russians, Sigurd represents the Germans and the Ring represents the village they are fighting for in this scenario. Gram represents the 5th Panzer-Division, which is thrusted into the heart of the Russians like a deadly sword and kills them, which then allows the Germans to take the village.

Hi Augusto

That works for me - far more poetic than my original concept! He! I'll pinch this interpretation to include in the designer notes if that's cool with you?  :) You'll get a mention in despatches!

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Cheers guys :)


It's getting closer! The Soviet Ai plan is taking a wee while to finalise (once I have one workable Soviet AI plan it's easier to then cut and paste and adjust). I've got the briefings done and also working on the op and tac maps.


I'll post some screenies over the next few days of some of the armoured firefights you can expect in this.


Cheers for the interest :)

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