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Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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Really? I'm fairly certain that it's just a map that ce with either CMFI or GL. Do you think you might have had trees turned off?


Here's a Dropbox link:



Really.  At least for me.  Bill mentioned the same thing when I pointed it out in his thread. 


The dropbox link is the same map as my install but there are a LOT less trees and no Café Pinocchio...




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How odd. I'll talk to Bill and see if he wants to continue on with the map I used.


Nah.  I just wanted to follow along on the same map and couldn't find it and got confused when I couldn't find the same map.  Don't let my confusion mess things up.

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Well, I asked Bil if he wanted to continue with my map. I'm guessing he'll say yes.


Can you send me a link to your version of the map? I would like to see the difference.


Don't need to.  The one that you put on your drop box is the same as mine.  But it is different than the youtube video and top down screenshot in Bill's thread. 


Screenshot that shows the lack of trees relative to your youtube video




Screenshot from the top down:




I removed all my mods and saw no difference.


This screenshot is from about the same spot as your setup shot from page 1:




This one is actually the most useful...

Edited by bobo
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Wow, thanks. No idea why I have two different versions of that map, but Bil has decided to continue on with our game because "the trees help him". ;-)


Edit: I suppose it may be possible that I have a version of that map that was modified for a tourney, but I have no recollection of it.

Edited by Doug Williams
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Wow, thanks. No idea why I have two different versions of that map, but Bil has decided to continue on with our game because "the trees help him". ;-)


Edit: I suppose it may be possible that I have a version of that map that was modified for a tourney, but I have no recollection of it.


I agree with Bil.  It should help him. :)

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I have done a bit of experimenting. Whenever I start a QB with map 290 and select Human Unit Purchase for both sides I get the extra trees on the map. When I select Automatic Unit Purchase for both sides, I get the map version with fewer trees.


All maps I get include Casa Finocchio (unlike the screenshots that Bobo posted).




Regardless, Bil wants to continue on with the map we started with, and so do I.

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I have done a bit of experimenting. Whenever I start a QB with map 290 and select Human Unit Purchase for both sides I get the extra trees on the map. When I select Automatic Unit Purchase for both sides, I get the map version with fewer trees.


All maps I get include Casa Finocchio (unlike the screenshots that Bobo posted).




Regardless, Bil wants to continue on with the map we started with, and so do I.

That truly is weird. Wow!

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I have done a bit of experimenting. Whenever I start a QB with map 290 and select Human Unit Purchase for both sides I get the extra trees on the map. When I select Automatic Unit Purchase for both sides, I get the map version with fewer trees.


All maps I get include Casa Finocchio (unlike the screenshots that Bobo posted).




Regardless, Bil wants to continue on with the map we started with, and so do I.


My shots were from the Scenario Editor only...  When I tried a QB I got Casa Finocchio but the same trees as my editor screenshots.   I am NOT on CMFI 3.0 which may be the difference.



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No matter, & enough about map 290. Real men play with the cards they are dealt. ;)


Looking forward to Bil's turn 4. He told me it was ready late yesterday, but somehow forgot to copy it into our Dropbox folder. Perhaps he should consider using GAJ's CM Helper?


While I await Bil's next turn, I shall endeavor to entertain you fine fellows with one of my favorite German ditties.



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Ok, got Bil's file #4 (need to stop calling the files turns, we are actually only on turn 1) today and took a look.


Well, well, well. It seems that we have decent visibility of each other's starting zones right from Turn 1. Bil is roleplaying this well. He has at least two full squads riding in trucks, and a limbered ATG. Bravo! But since I'm so gamey, all my troops are dismounted. :lol:  Of course, there is the possibility that Bil may try to "truck rush" some troops into the VLs. If so, he's gonna be in for a surprise........a RUDE, PAINFUL surprise. ;)


My Panthers moved forward and one of them came under fire by a 75mm Sherman, which scored a weapon mount hit, but did no damage. I'm going to need to get my ground pounders into some cover, and fast!


Here is a video, taken from Bil's starting location. His Sherm seems to be having a bit of trouble shooting through the trees.




So, I gave all my grunts orders to haul ass into cover, and had the Panthers continue to advance forward a bit further along the road, in hope of getting some potshots at Bil's trucks and/or Sherms.

Edited by Doug Williams
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If you take the s off the https your video will appear embedded in the message.



Let's try that.





Didn't seem to work. No matter, embedded videos are so tiny anyway....


@C3K  I assure you, there will be plenty of "shooting back" soon. :D

Edited by Doug Williams
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That's strange. I thought I had it all figured out. Back to the drawing board then.

I have noticed that if you use the link that appears directly after uploading, then it don't get embedded, but if you click on it to view what you've uploaded and then copy that link (from the browser adress window), then it gets embedded. Have only tried few, but it might be a clue.

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Got a bit more action in Turn 2. My Panthers advanced forward, and the one on my right took another hit, which ricocheted harmlessly. My other Panther spotted another Sherm, and fired two shots, the first one hit, to no effect (grrrr), and the second one missed. I wager that Bil backs that Sherm off during the first few seconds of the next turn.


I hate the way my infantry are all bunched up, and am making some progress spreading them out. Taking a risk, I ordered an HMG squad to move to and deploy on the highest piece of ground on my left flank. Hopefully, my Panthers will have frightened Bil's Sherms off of their nice overwatch positions by the time the HMG crew gets there.


The middle VLs are going to be tough go get to, and to control. These early tank battles will probably play a crucial role in the mid game. If Bil gets lucky and disables one of my Panthers with a gun hit, that will make things very tough for me later on. I must admit that I'm surprised that I haven't seen an M10 yet.



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I'm surprised that the 2nd shot missed - normally I expect most shots after a hit to also hit. Bad luck there - although it looked fairly hull-down, so probably not a lot to aim at.


Am also quite curious to see you Moving most of your guys. Even in hilly conditions like this, generally I'd Quick at least the frontmost teams to get to a position where they can see/fire asap. They can then rest while the followup units can push on when you have their intel.


( must remember Doug's cautious approach... :P )

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Thanks for you comments, Ian.


I probably make more use of the Move command than most players do. Perhaps it's just a quirk of mine. Many of my units received their Quick movement orders in the upcoming turn.


Re: the Panther missing the second shot..... If I understand the game mechanics properly, any time an armor unit moves during a WEGO turn, it suffers an accuracy penalty for the entire turn. I'm going to blame that, rather than the crew. :-) Let's see if Bil decides to stay put and slug it out next turn (I doubt he will).

Edited by Doug Williams
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Got a bit more action in Turn 2. My Panthers advanced forward, and the one on my right took another hit, which ricocheted harmlessly. My other Panther spotted another Sherm, and fired two shots, the first one hit, to no effect (grrrr), and the second one missed. I wager that Bil backs that Sherm off during the first few seconds of the next turn.


I hate the way my infantry are all bunched up, and am making some progress spreading them out. Taking a risk, I ordered an HMG squad to move to and deploy on the highest piece of ground on my left flank. Hopefully, my Panthers will have frightened Bil's Sherms off of their nice overwatch positions by the time the HMG crew gets there.


The middle VLs are going to be tough go get to, and to control. These early tank battles will probably play a crucial role in the mid game. If Bil gets lucky and disables one of my Panthers with a gun hit, that will make things very tough for me later on. I must admit that I'm surprised that I haven't seen an M10 yet.


I'll get you workin on this yet sonny. All I did was delete all the url encapsulating shtuff - that is a technical term.

Edited by sburke
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