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A grenade flies at 3rd platoon B company from an unknown assailant.


Sgt Peters 1st squad, 3rd pltn B Co. loses a man from an insurgent ambush.  The alley had been considered cleared a few minutes earlier.


The insurgent RPG team as Sgt Peter's man goes down.


3rd Platoon responds with a volley of automatic fire that eliminates them.


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Sgt Calhoun 2nd Sq 3rd Pltn C company engaged in a firefight with insurgents while advancing on the Al Qadr Al Kilami Mosque.  C Company has managed to move forward even less than B Company and is now receiving the call to send their reserve Lt Van Wyk's 3rd Platoon up route Michigan to hit the insurgents at the Gay Palace from the rear.


On the floor above another team provides additional support.


Despite the amount of fire from multiple teams an insurgent manages to fire an RPG at the building.  Fortunately no one is hurt and the assailant is put down.





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Cpt Heverly (3rd from left) of A company and his XO Lt McAndrews (2nd from left) report back to Bn that the Madrassa has been secured.  He's lost 7 men and a Stryker.


He does not know that at that moment he lost an 8th soldier to a sniper in the Saddam Mosque.


Sgt Garcia and 2nd platoon infantry firing on the sniper.


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  • 6 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Coincidentally I'm playing the Dutch campaign at the moment too.....I took a slightly different approach to that mission, doing most of my work at extreme range, IIRC the AI surrendered before I got into the second compound.   

I would've liked to have attacked through the complex terrain on my right and just let the Leopards sit there and dominate half the map from the cover of the orchard, but I broke a cardinal rule and spread my recon out into sections rather than keep it concentrated to brush away the Syrians dug-in there. Oppurtunity was lost. Wasn't keen on rooting them out either in a dismounted action where they could actually do some damage.

The AI surrendered before I had to breach the second fort as well, which was welcome. I had just finished clearing the enemy astride the road in those marshy areas when the surrender came. Most of the second half of the mission was at range, using the captured fort to ping away at the enemy.

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I had quite a squabble for possession of that low orchard covered hill on the right, but luck was with me and my APCs nailed each threat as they emerged allowing my infantry to sweep the area clear.  In my game the RR team that you took out with the Leopoards had almost a full infantry platoon descend on him, point-blank in hail of gunfire (he didn't last too long at all).  The clattering they took up there and in the first compound, plus all the little gifts I dropped on the second compound were enough for the AI and it showed the white flag.  ;)

Did you have trouble with the ATGM teams on the little mounds?  The one on the left gave one of my Leopards a nasty scare!  :o

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No I actually had very little trouble from ATGMs; most of the Saggers were KO'd by Apache's gun-running and the AT-4s were either out of ammo or taken at close range at the rear of the map when I got into the second fort. Most of the trouble came from RPGs and those two pesky SPG-9s. Then again, I spent almost 40 minutes destroying spotted weaponry with the recon platoon. Again, much welcome luck.

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I don't recall what type it was, but it must have got supressed early on and I'd discounted it as a target.  The Leopard must have been sat side/rear on to it for best part of a quarter-hour before it suddenly popped up and loosed off a missile (which makes it an AT-4 as Saggers can't fire at targets under 500m and I was a lot closer than that) which missed fortunately.....I play real-time so it didn't get to launch another.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I wish I can say the rest of the firefight went as well; but my opponent wisely pulled back into a reverse slope defense after the first nasty surprise. My local success has helped to 'reset the board' as my reinforcements come in so, hope remains for a Syrian upset.

From a PBEM of "Armour Attacks"

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I hope you are talking about the outcome there.....Fortunately it's just something from a testing session, the vehicles were left sat in their starting positions while I monitored the AI Plans, but all those red crosses popping up at once really caught my eye, so I thought I'd see what happened and get a screenie!  ;)

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Yes, fighting up to a T junction is one of the most lethal MOUT problems you can face in RL* as well as CM life.

Compound walls give you some protection vs shooters either side, but defilade along a street means only parked cars protect you. This attacker is paying the appropriate price for his incaution and lack of overwatch/ suppression.

* I haven't personally tried it in RL, but I doubt I am wrong.... 

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