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"Studienka: Napoleon's Ghost" scenario highly recommended to play!

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I've read the previous posts and saw the video someone had posted of some of the action captured in this scenario and knew I had to go and play a H2H PBM with my PBM adversary "Live No More" of this scenario. We have not finished the scenario yet but I had to post some early kudos and impressions of this scenario to the staff of Battlefront for designing this scenario. It is full of action and even though it starts off a little one-sided for the Soviets pushing ahead with their armor and taking out the lightly held German positions as they steadily move forward but with strategically placed AT German defenses they can slow and thin down the Soviet tank forces a bit. But the Germans eventually get their reinforcements and now all Hell breaks loose on this huge map! There are AP and HE rounds criss-crossing and exploding all over the battlefield as well as seeing the exploding recipients from these rounds. You'll see far away tank battle exchanges as well as a few close range exchanges but all in all hang onto your helmets and get ready for the fight of your life. The Soviets get some tank reinforcements not too long after the German reinforcements had arrived but hopefully they arrive not too late to regain and push further what the starting units could not achieve! There's arty in this for the Soviets and a little bit for the Germans but mostly this is a huge tank battle, one of the largest the staff of Battlefront has given us so far in CM. This is a must scenario to play especially if "slinging" armor around is your game!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well George MC, after over 2 hours of battling in this scenario via PBEM, even though there was an hour left for the battle, both sides had to hit cease fire and the results were a "draw". We saw early that it was not a "walk in the park" for the Soviets to take out the Germans that were holding Studienka. Once this side of the bridges were eventually taken now the next job was to push across the bridges and vast open marshland of recced fords to take control of the higher ground of Kutuzov that overlooks this vast open spotty Berezina River marshland. The Soviets did reach Kutuzov with limited forces only to be pushed out and destroyed by the German reinforcements that soon arrived. The Soviets tried again to cross the bridges after their reinforcements arrived and try and reoccupy Kutuzov but this time the Germans stopped the Soviets just after they crossed the bridges outside Studienka.

Each side for the remainder of the game tried to either push down the hgh ground from Kutuzov (The Germans) or cross the marshland recced fords (Soviets) to be stopped in their tracks from longshots from armor from Zutuzov or from Studienka.

The Soviet off-board artillery was not helpful except for the rockets since the off-board artillery was mostly mortars and they could not reach into Kutuzov since they were out of range. LOS was difficult to predetermine for both sides since the terrain varied so much.

The battle remained intense throughout the whole battle. Both sides did a lot of damage to each other to the point that towards the end no one had enough left to make a legitimate offensive push into the lower region of the marshland without having their forces decimated for their attempt which would then open the door for the other to accomplish the remaining of their objectives! So both sides decided to hit "cease fire" and lick their wounds and await for another day.........

This scenario was one of the longest and largest battles with the most armor clashes that we have ever played PBEM and one of the best scenarios we have ever played in CM. My long time PBEM opponent and scenario designing person himself, "Live No More", and myself give you a big thumbs up for the design and playability of this scenario. We hope others make this a scenario a must to play and test their worth!

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This scenario was one of the longest and largest battles with the most armor clashes that we have ever played PBEM and one of the best scenarios we have ever played in CM.

Well a must play for sure. Thanks for the report Bob.

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Hi Bob

Thanks for the AAR. It sounds like you guys had a hell of a battle!

Possible Spoiler Alert




I've found the Soviets have to go all out to get across the river. If they tarry trying to clear the Germans out of Studienka then they will struggle to seize OBJ KUTUZOV, even with reinforcements. On the other hand the German recce boys have to do their hardest to stall the initial Soviet juggernaut.

After that it comes to do an armour vs armour clash for dominance. The easiest place to force a crossing is over the bridges on the German left flank (Soviet right) as that has more in the way of covered approaches. Trying to force a crossing over the marshy area is a high risk option as there is little or no cover. Either way it’s an interesting old fight. :)

I’m glad you both appreciated the map. It took a while to do and I worked to faithfully recreate that area (within the limitations of the CM editor e.g. you can only create roads etc on 45 or 90 degree angles) using a WWII era Soviet map – plus updates about terrain types from the current google earth view.

This actual action was key to holding the Soviets from outflanking the defended crossings near Minsk and it was such a tough fight that the German commander Anton von Plato received the Knights Cross for leading this action.

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Just to second everything that has been said. This scenario was an utter blast to play. Within 10 minutes of my first play through when George was still creating it I was hooked. The desperate struggle of my recon infantry to maintain a toe hold in Studienka was intense. Then there is this huge tank battle while my infantry regrouped and tried to force their way through the back streets and gullies to hit the Russians around the church. Everything that makes CM so special is evident in this scenario.

Hats off again to a master designer

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I'd like to chime in with praise for this as well, I've just started it as a PBEM.

It is a gorgeous naturalistic map (and having looked up the location in Google Earth, seems accurate as well) and the battle looks to be very challenging for both sides.

Sure it's big - but it's not so big that you lose sight of the potentially vital importance of each and every unit you have!

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Thanks to sburke and z-warfare for your gracious feedback. It's always grand to have scenarios appreciated - especially given time spent on creating these things. I appreciate such scenarios are not to everyone's tastes but I like that sort of stuff (hence why I make them) and it's great to hear from others who also like em.

@z-warfare - be keen to hear how it plays out for you mate. good luck :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have just completed this ( began it as a PBEM on reading the first post ;) ).

**** SPOILERS ****

I managed to slow the Soviets down enough that I received my tank reinforcements before they had taken "their" side of the river. My recce guys did excellent work shooting up Russian infantry then melting away before the tanks could get on their case.

I lost several Halftracks which lingered too long and 3 of my 4 Lynx ( who were supposed to scour infantry off the backs of T34's then bug out, but they persisted in trying to kill T34's from the flank ).

When my armour reinforcements did arrive, I positioned them to overwatch the fields just beyond the houses closest to the river. Eventually the Russian tanks came into view and the turkey shoot began.

The Russian player had a hard time targeting my tanks that I had in the thin woods on my side, and eventually his losses forced a Cease-Fire.

Great scenario, perhaps a little too one-sided for the Germans or perhaps the stronger player should take the Russians.

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Have just completed this ( began it as a PBEM on reading the first post ;) ).

**** SPOILERS ****

I managed to slow the Soviets down enough that I received my tank reinforcements before they had taken "their" side of the river. My recce guys did excellent work shooting up Russian infantry then melting away before the tanks could get on their case.

I lost several Halftracks which lingered too long and 3 of my 4 Lynx ( who were supposed to scour infantry off the backs of T34's then bug out, but they persisted in trying to kill T34's from the flank ).

When my armour reinforcements did arrive, I positioned them to overwatch the fields just beyond the houses closest to the river. Eventually the Russian tanks came into view and the turkey shoot began.

The Russian player had a hard time targeting my tanks that I had in the thin woods on my side, and eventually his losses forced a Cease-Fire.

Great scenario, perhaps a little too one-sided for the Germans or perhaps the stronger player should take the Russians.

Hi Baneman

Cheers for the feedback. Sounds like you did a good job of delaying the Russkies :) if the soviets don't concentrate their force and push hard they risk meeting the Germans in the open or trading long range fire with them - neither good options. I agree think the less experienced player might be better playing as the Germans.

Thanks again for the feedback.


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I played this as the Germans, one hell of an intense tank battle. The recon troops all got Iron crosses for close assaulting tanks and taking 80% casualties. Some of the best intense action I've had with CMRT.

Thanks Tdogg :)

Glad you enjoyed it. I'm working on another one from the same period a week later. It's another armour heavy action. Hope it lives up to this one.

Cheers mate :)

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  • 10 years later...

Probus and I just completed this H2H scenario and can confirm its excellence.  Googled "Studienko" to see if there was a vs AI version and found this old thread.  Our experience was very similar with Probus playing the Soviets.  Only new comment was that Greg didn't seem to realize from the Soviet briefing that the Germans are ordered to retake the captured positions and rescue the recon units.  So, he persisted on attacking from the open eastern fields and got shot to pieces whereupon we CF'd after less than an hour.  Got a German minor victory because of the large number of Soviet tanks KIA with only 4 or 5 Germans KO'd.  I was expecting to undertake a bloody assault north across the river, but got to attempt that due to the CF.  

I would agree that it may be harder to play the Soviets in this otherwise superb scenario.  Thank you George!  (Is there a vs AI version??)

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Yes. A great scenario and a tuffy for the Soviets.  @Erwin, you forgot to mention the postumous Iron Cross your lone Panther received on your right flank for destroying 7 of my glorious attacking T-34/85s!  Who was that? Michael Wittmann? 🤣 Wrong front I suppose.

Excellent use of your Lynx tanks suppressing fire along with your AT infantry. Also your blocking half tracks.  They all slowed me down considerably. Then the wall of panzers that you set up when your reinforcements arrived were devastating.

@George MC, I do have one question. What was I supposed to do with the spotters in the ford recon unit? I just ended up losing them all. I was able to do a little recon with my jeeps, but that was about it.

Again, great scenario!

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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

IIRC Wittman made his rep on Eastern Front leading Stugs.  By 1944 maybe leading Tigers on western front?

You're perfectly correct that he established his reputation on the Eastern Front. Firstly commanding Stugs and then PanzerIIIs. As for Tigers he was already serving in a Heavy Tank unit by the time of Kursk, so pretty much 11 months before Normandy.

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7 hours ago, Erwin said:

Probus and I just completed this H2H scenario and can confirm its excellence.  Googled "Studienko" to see if there was a vs AI version and found this old thread.  Our experience was very similar with Probus playing the Soviets.  Only new comment was that Greg didn't seem to realize from the Soviet briefing that the Germans are ordered to retake the captured positions and rescue the recon units.  So, he persisted on attacking from the open eastern fields and got shot to pieces whereupon we CF'd after less than an hour.  Got a German minor victory because of the large number of Soviet tanks KIA with only 4 or 5 Germans KO'd.  I was expecting to undertake a bloody assault north across the river, but got to attempt that due to the CF.  

I would agree that it may be harder to play the Soviets in this otherwise superb scenario.  Thank you George!  (Is there a vs AI version??)

Thanks Erwin. Glad you enjoyed it - aye it’s  one of my favourites  PS if you play CMBS I updated the map to modern and switched sides  so Russians on the west side of the river…

I’m assuming you played the Red Thunder stock scenario? It was originally tested and designed as vs AI so should be AI plans for both sides. Though given German OOB (half tracks so AI units can only dismount) on balance better playing as German vs Soviet AI. 

Thanks again for the positive feedback. Much appreciated thank you. 

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6 hours ago, Probus said:

Yes. A great scenario and a tuffy for the Soviets.  @Erwin, you forgot to mention the postumous Iron Cross your lone Panther received on your right flank for destroying 7 of my glorious attacking T-34/85s!  Who was that? Michael Wittmann? 🤣 Wrong front I suppose.

Excellent use of your Lynx tanks suppressing fire along with your AT infantry. Also your blocking half tracks.  They all slowed me down considerably. Then the wall of panzers that you set up when your reinforcements arrived were devastating.

@George MC, I do have one question. What was I supposed to do with the spotters in the ford recon unit? I just ended up losing them all. I was able to do a little recon with my jeeps, but that was about it.

Again, great scenario!

Panthers 🐆 in this are deadly!

Ah the scouts. IIRC they had infiltrated and been scouting out crossing points for the attacking armour. So as this was originally vs AI I didn’t expect the scouts to do too much. Though in my PBEM I sent German units to setup ambushes at the crossing points. So they ran up against these scout teams at close range. 

Ah glad you enjoyed it. Sounds like you guys had a blast playing it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone got a link to the download of this scenario?  I've gone through the RT scenarios (twice) on TSD III, and then the authors list under @George MC.  A google search brings nothing but this thread.



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50 minutes ago, Rake said:

Has anyone got a link to the download of this scenario?  I've gone through the RT scenarios (twice) on TSD III, and then the authors list under @George MC.  A google search brings nothing but this thread.




Its on the base game CMRT Studienka or grab it here at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/t/bZD78l8PfKEHmTZJ The original name was too long for the scenario title in game!

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On 8/21/2024 at 4:00 AM, Erwin said:

We're looking for something in CMBS so will take a look at that version.  What is the CMBS scenario called?  Thank you yet again for your terrific campaigns and scenarios, George.

Sorry @Erwin forgot to reply.

Its Bridgehead at Kharalyk. I'd suggest go in and remove any APS from the Blue Team in the editor as it makes it a tougher challenge for Blue sans APS. 

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49 minutes ago, George MC said:


Its on the base game CMRT Studienka or grab it here at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/t/bZD78l8PfKEHmTZJ The original name was too long for the scenario title in game!

Thanks @George MC.  I saw the "Napoleon's Ghost" appendage and took this for a different scenario.  Obviously, since I have the entire series, I have the scenario, but thanks for the link anyhow!

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