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Well, I did it and BOY is my wife gonna be pissed!

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Marriage is great, been married for 26 years to the same great woman.

I must admit I was lucky, Finding a good woman now days is like finding the needle in a hay stack. But from what I see, they have about the same odds of finding a good man.

So in general there is just a lot of peaple out there that are not prepared to handle marriage anymore or know how to make one work.

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That makes two of us. I won't marry a girl unless she knows hexes have six sides and at least five differences between the Pz III and PzIV.

I may have narrowed my parameters a little too much...

Yeah, if she either cooks and cleans house or makes more money than you, you'd be well advised to accept that and keep quiet about the rest.



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Finding a good woman now days is like finding the needle in a hay stack.

Not exactly. By my observation there are scads of good women around. I am friends with quite a few. But finding one who is good for you, with all your quirks and idiosyncrasies is the trick, and it's really easy to make a wrong guess.


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No sex for a month...year...forever. And if you don't think that would be any great loss, you might as well go ahead and get the divorce now.


I made the comment in jest...probably should have put the smiley in.

I've set off women for far less...a lot also often depends on the woman and what day it happens to be...

Marriage was never on my bucket list of things to do and looking back I'm glad I listened to the head on my shoulders and not the one in my crotch when it came to that decision in the past.

Ok BF you know its time to release RT when the natives start discussing marriage and relationships.

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I've always found the following 'Happy wife, happy life. Unhappy wife, stone-cold misery for the rest of your life.' to be very accurate. Giving her the credit card and telling her to buy herself something nice after using it yourself after pre ordering something helps too. :)

Better yet, buy her something nice yourself. But carefully note, this only works if you really know what she likes and wants. Otherwise, you just confirm her notion that you're a jerk. Maybe the best tactic is to bring her flowers and then give her the credit card. Then you're both thoughtful and generous.


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Really...how hard can it be to just say you earned the money and you're entitled to spend it as you see fit. What's the worst thing that could happen?

I was going to say death, but that would be waaaayyyy too easy compared with what one would really get :o

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I think we should introduce all our wives/girlfriends/significant others to each other, and give them a hobby. That will give them all something to do, and they will already have a common interest to discuss - their wacky, addicted gents.

BF should do a game, 'Compact Kitchen: From plate to mouth.' and we can buy the ladies that. :)

Friend of mine has just divorced. Reason: Facebook

A couple I know broke up for the same thing, the guy was always on facebook ignoring the missus and the 2 year old kid, very sad.

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I've always found the following 'Happy wife, happy life. Unhappy wife, stone-cold misery for the rest of your life.' to be very accurate. Giving her the credit card and telling her to buy herself something nice after using it yourself after pre ordering something helps too. :)

BINGO! I'll do THAT! :D

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I've never been married, but recently, I came across a description of an arrangement that works--for both parties.

First, cover the fixed overheads, plus food, work and daily clothing, school bills and such, as well as haircuts, nails and more intimate supplies. IOW, the ordinary expenses of living for a couple with or without kids. Allocations for dining and entertainment should also be included. After that, determine how much to invest, how much to retire debt, add to college fund, emergency kitty, vacation account and matters like those.

When all of the above is covered, the unallocated remainder is play money. This is divided equally between the two parties. The rule is simple: Unless somebody's running a meth lab or conducting similar insanity with his or her share, no purchases made from one partner's discretionary money may be questioned by the other.

He wants the new CM game, and it's in his budget? Great! She wants that fancy, expensive handbag? Given what they cost, she's probably going to have to save for it. Or it might be him dying for a pricey, cool RC helicopter (bet it'll take awhile to get the moolah together), while she decides to take up bowling and needs a ball and shoes. Lots cheaper than that not so crashworthy helo!

This is fair, it is just, and it is doable. In your case, though, you'd better get a time machine built forthwith, so you can go back in time and get her to agree to this approach-- before the world as you know it ends in this timeline.


John Kettler

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Well now that we're handing out advice I'll give my uninformed .02 cents.

What JK says makes sense and its been said by other in the past-this should be done and agreed on before you tie the knot as should a pre-nump.

I can see it now...the girl/woman saying its unromantic, not right and shows a lack of faith, trust and what have you.

However, realistically its the right thing to do, but then again when you're young and dumb...well you stick to your gun but it just happens to be the wrong one:p

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The plan is solid, JK. I just wish it was that easy. Retirement savings? College fund? Emergency cash? What are those things? I guess if I didn't spend so much money on my gaming hobby, and my guitar gear, it would be easier.

My priorities are all screwed up. But, thank goodness for my wife to keep me in line and at least put away what we can, when we can.

Ok - enough woe is me. Can we play CMRT yet? I think it has been enough days.

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The plan is solid, JK. I just wish it was that easy. Retirement savings? College fund? Emergency cash? What are those things? I guess if I didn't spend so much money on my gaming hobby, and my guitar gear, it would be easier.

My priorities are all screwed up. But, thank goodness for my wife to keep me in line and at least put away what we can, when we can.

Ok - enough woe is me. Can we play CMRT yet? I think it has been enough days.

Live below your means. Easier said and done-especially in the Western Media Industrial Complex society that worships otherwise.

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