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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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Re Section 3/B: They're TIRED, Ken. You've been running them ragged. Tired troops can't spot for sour apples. Don't shoot too well either. You can't expect them to make up for your bad planning and conduct of the battle.



Dude. Seriously? I'm calling you out. Mano vs. Mano. Set the parameters. Hell, pick my forces for me. I'm easy. We'll post our game publicly. Do it.

Ken out.

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Dude. Seriously? I'm calling you out. Mano vs. Mano. Set the parameters. Hell, pick my forces for me. I'm easy. We'll post our game publicly. Do it.

Ken out.

Oh goodie, I was suffering withdrawal symptoms before the end of this one! AARs are way better than movies. You guys should give up your day jobs and do this full time! Real life is over-rated....

Emrys vs c3k - this should be interesting :)

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Dude. Seriously? I'm calling you out. Mano vs. Mano. Set the parameters. Hell, pick my forces for me. I'm easy. We'll post our game publicly. Do it.

Ken out.

LOL was wondering when you would get tired of the sniping from the "I don't play against humans" peanut gallery.

C'mon Emerys, take the challenge!!

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I wouldn’t take Michael too seriously. I’m sure he is just busting balls in the way you have commanded Ken. Still, He is missing out on HvH if never playing it against humans. It is where the game shines the most offering it’s greatest challenge. It is just a game for fun. You can’t fear losing.

As far as fatigue goes Michael is correct in its effects on the units spotting, and shooting. Not staying in the yellow, or avoiding yellow really is a good practice. I try to conserve energy by giving more quick, than fast orders with more waypoints with perhaps adding a pause 15 sec here, 20 sec there ect.. Also, giving a HIDE order instead of a move for a turn especially if in good cover is a good way to recharge some energy.

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Emrys is just speaking up for The Lads, since they cannot speak the truth to Power. If they do they will be stepped on, pepper sprayed, tear-gassed, whacked with billy-clubs, and then ordered to take out a jaggie with a pea-shooter. Power don't wanna hear no truth.

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Dude. Seriously? I'm calling you out. Mano vs. Mano. Set the parameters. Hell, pick my forces for me. I'm easy. We'll post our game publicly. Do it.

You're out of luck, "dude". I don't play against mere mortals. And if I did, I'd still be too lazy to write up an AAR.

Ken out.

Yeah, we know.



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I wouldn’t take Michael too seriously. I’m sure he is just busting balls in the way you have commanded Ken. Still, He is missing out on HvH if never playing it against humans. It is where the game shines the most offering it’s greatest challenge. It is just a game for fun. You can’t fear losing.

You don't understand, I don't play for the same reasons you do. I'm not looking for a competitive game or bragging rights (I get those in other ways). I like CM because it helps me to envision what happened in the war. It isn't perfect for that, but it's pretty good.

As far as fatigue goes Michael is correct in its effects on the units spotting, and shooting. Not staying in the yellow, or avoiding yellow really is a good practice. I try to conserve energy by giving more quick, than fast orders with more waypoints with perhaps adding a pause 15 sec here, 20 sec there ect.. Also, giving a HIDE order instead of a move for a turn especially if in good cover is a good way to recharge some energy.

Good advice.


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Emrys is just speaking up for The Lads, since they cannot speak the truth to Power. If they do they will be stepped on, pepper sprayed, tear-gassed, whacked with billy-clubs, and then ordered to take out a jaggie with a pea-shooter. Power don't wanna hear no truth.

Hear, hear! Think of me as the union spokesperson. Or if you prefer, an investigator from the Inspector General's office looking into incompetence in the middle command levels.


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Well, since Mr. Emrys is fond of pointing out the perceived flaws of others in AARs while turning down challenges from those he slights I have take the liberty of appointing myself his unofficial 2nd and have taken c3k up on his gauntlet drop.

I have designed a battle and chosen his forces for him as per his challenge. I have kept to the standards of honor and bravery that the person I'm unofficially representing has shown in the AARs. I will, as per c3k's challenge, post the results.

And, not to say c3k is losing this fight with Bil, as one who has posted the losing side of a battle, especially a battle wherein I made a huge blunder, I personally don't think people who aren't willing to jump into a fight themselves should point out the perceived flaws of those who are in the thick of it.

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Seconds, official or unofficial, notwithstanding (and yes, sfhand, that does look like a pretty "emrized" position you've set up for me!), back to the thread at hand.

Bil has not replied.

Now, some may blame something like "real life" for the interregnum. "External causes" may be an excuse for a few. However, as I sipped upon my last cup of coffee this morning, I realized the only, true, cause for this long delay: every one of my traps must've borne fruit! I can only imagine that Bil has lost two jaggies, a wirbelwind, and a mobelwagen (the 37mm flak on Dune Road). Yes, 4 afv's lost in the first moments of the latest turn. He's probably weeping, head down on the keyboard, salted tears running in rivulets down the crannies betwixt the keys.

I almost feel pity for him.


Tick, tock, Bil. Tick, tock.



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Trenchant Tactical Tips from Troops in Trenches

Some of the more observant may've asked themselves, "why is c3k using the Piat HQ team in that manner?" Let me expand on my reasons.

They have a slim shot on that wirbelwind.

No one else has a shot on that wirbelwind. (Damn, you, Piat Prime! Damn you!!)

That wirbelwind can do a lot of damage to my defense (such as it is).

I don't think I will get closer to the wirbelwind than I am now.

Ergo, a slim chance now is better none later.

A very cool, tactically adept solution, would've been to give them a TARGET order, with a PAUSE (say 30 or 45 seconds) then a FAST to move behind the brick wall to their rear.

While that is happening, the 2" mortar team could lay smoke just behind them, such that it'd drift over them and cover their move. The 30 to 45 second movement delay would allow the smoke to work its magic.

That would've been cool. But I didn't do it.

Reason 1: Sometimes delays don't work the way you think. Some teams will delay FIRING, then move. That would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?

Reason 2: As well, perhaps the team will get pinned by some incoming fire. Then, just as they recover and get a firing solution, it'd be time for them to FAST away.

Reason 3: Movement in the open could, and most likely will, cause their death. I'd rather not predict what will occur for the next turn. Instead, I can re-assess their situation at the beginning of next turn and make a better decision, then.

Reason 4: This is the opening salvo. It will set the tone for Bil's expectations for the rest of my defense. I've got another Piat which will be firing from the back of the town at Jaggie 241. I want Bil to see piat shells flying everywhere. It will force him to be cautious.

Those are the types of thought processes that went into that particular team's orders. Yes, I'm glad I put them where they are. I like their positioning. This target order will allow them to fulfill the purpose for which they were moved into that small copse.

Ken out.

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Well, Bil has sent me a turn. I watched it. I re-watched it. Then, I re-re-watched it. I can comfortably predict that Bil's keyboard was not ruined due to immersion. However, I am not displeased with the results.

A lot of exciting action! It'll be hard to convey the swirling maelstrom of armor and explosions which took place before the town, like a mechanical danse macabre, but I'll try. I'll use pictures. I'll use words. I'll use hyperbolic hyperbole. I'll use it every tool I have. In the morning.

Me men are surrounded. We are outgunned. The Germans press their assault. It's time to attack.

Like a porcupine which a python tries to swallow, I bristle at my adversary. I stab at thee, Bil! My quills draw blood! Were I a skunk, rather than a porcupine, you'd be covered in my stench! Fie! Were I a rabid badger, I could not bite thee more!



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Seconds, official or unofficial, notwithstanding (and yes, sfhand, that does look like a pretty "emrized" position you've set up for me!), back to the thread at hand.

Bil has not replied.

Now, some may blame something like "real life" for the interregnum. "External causes" may be an excuse for a few. However, as I sipped upon my last cup of coffee this morning, I realized the only, true, cause for this long delay: every one of my traps must've borne fruit! I can only imagine that Bil has lost two jaggies, a wirbelwind, and a mobelwagen (the 37mm flak on Dune Road). Yes, 4 afv's lost in the first moments of the latest turn. He's probably weeping, head down on the keyboard, salted tears running in rivulets down the crannies betwixt the keys.

I almost feel pity for him.


Tick, tock, Bil. Tick, tock.

See? Now it's this kind of attitude that gets you sniped at. I figure you are declaring open season on Ken here, come one come all. Now, you can easily claim that it is all just in good fun. I accept that. But then I can make the same claim, now can't I?



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