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Oh for f***s sake!

I thought this place was more adult than this!

Whining about something that hasn't even been released?

We have a 41 second video of a tank driving over a bridge and suddenly everyone knows what will and will not be in this module?

Also, this is a module, not a new game. It will add new units, new terrain and new missions. Thats about it. Thats what all modules do.

Stop acting like children.

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Can you draw a moving or running plot on a bridge correctly at one try?

So why we have so big bridges without to be correctted this issue?

Well, they have corrected this issue. The fix is in the patch for CMFI. If you have CMFI and GL you can plot movement orders quite nicely around the bridge. I find it quite pleasant work work with.

Fixes in the game are like playing leap frog. MGs get tweaked in CMBN next patch for CMFI the fix is in there. Bridge movement gets fixed in CMFI next patch for CMBN will likely have that fix too. Pay attention - the fix is nigh.

Also we need performance issues to be handled in a module or a patch

One scenario, I have to wait 2.5 minutes to load with high end system, I 'm sure it's better in CMX1 system

Odd. Monty's butcher and my 20 000 point battle don't even take that long on my crappy low end system. Me thinks you have some other issue going on there.

Also they're opened a page in order to correct the graphical bugs, everyone issued the problems that have been seen by them, but we haven't seen any action or patch yet. (for 3 months)

Keep in mind, all you impatient people, three months is a minimum for getting any kind of major work done, tested and out the door. Let me repeat that - 3 months is a minimum. I would not be surprised if it takes BFC longer since they only have two guys working on the coding side of things.

Having expectations is one thing but come on guys get the in line with reality.

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totally unrelated trivia: did you guys know Audrey Hepburn, later an international film star, lived in Holland during the war? In september 1944, she was 15 and living in her grandparent's house in Velp, just outside of Arnhem. ;)

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is a matter of expectations, if you satisfied with the campaign, several scenarios, the new bridge and the mill is okay - let me,

Well then your expectations need a reset. Steve from BFC has been talking about their development process on and off for the last year and he has set expectations quite clearly. Modules don't include features. There your expectations are reset - assuming you listen.

however, that I will have higher expectations so as to finally fix the problem with shadows (alt + w = - 50% fps) or just added the infamous flame-throwers, camouflage for gun, or by the end of the tank crew stopped attacking on foot, etc., the real changes / improvements - which you and I am waiting for a few years.

It has been a long time since I saw an uber tank crew cut down anybody after bailing. Flamethrowers - again Steve has set expectations - at some point on the eastern front. He did not even commit to having it right away in the eastern front game either. So, don't hold your breath.

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Whining about something that hasn't even been released?

Whining about known informations about product. In this way clients who are interested can inform producers if their product is going good or bad way and what are the problems in their opinions. Producer can draw conclusions or ignore them that's their choice. You don't have to agree with them too. For most people this is something normal but you here instead prefer to flame at everyone who dares to whine or criticize your holy Battlefront instead of being happy of whatever they will do. This is what should be called acting like children.

I agree with this sentence :expect nothing, you get nothing.

And BF cant be blame for that. Why should they make something more if you don't want them to do that. This is how this whole free market (your best argument against people who are whining) works

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Well, they have corrected this issue. The fix is in the patch for CMFI. If you have CMFI and GL you can plot movement orders quite nicely around the bridge. I find it quite pleasant work work with.

Fixes in the game are like playing leap frog. MGs get tweaked in CMBN next patch for CMFI the fix is in there. Bridge movement gets fixed in CMFI next patch for CMBN will likely have that fix too. Pay attention - the fix is nigh.

Are you sure that?

I was playing a tourney at Few good men gaming club.

Map in this tourney has bridge and I can't plot on or next to the bridge easily

Are we playing different games?

I have 7870xt radeon card with fx8320 processor. And game is very slow.

I couldn't understand this optimistic approach about optimization about game.

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Whining about known informations about product. In this way clients who are interested can inform producers if their product is going good or bad way and what are the problems in their opinions. Producer can draw conclusions or ignore them that's their choice. You don't have to agree with them too. For most people this is something normal but you here instead prefer to flame at everyone who dares to whine or criticize your holy Battlefront instead of being happy of whatever they will do. This is what should be called acting like children.

I agree with this sentence :expect nothing, you get nothing.

And BF cant be blame for that. Why should they make something more if you don't want them to do that. This is how this whole free market (your best argument against people who are whining) works

Oh im sorry. I guess its totally fine for people to whine about a module not having xxxx and yyyy because they didnt see it in a 41 second teaser showing off a bridge then...

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A few things I can say:

- It´s plain smoke and smoke from blasts. (there is fog too but it´s mostly smoke you see in the images.)

- Tiger II (H) will be introduced in this module. Tiger II (P) is not in, but was in the Commonwealth module. If you have both modules you have both vehicles.

- The teaser is on Pete´s master map. There will be a few massive master maps in the disk. They depict big areas that include major bridges like Arnhem and Nijmegen. Other designers then can cut the bit that they want for their own scenario.


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- It´s plain smoke and smoke from blasts. (there is fog too but it´s mostly smoke you see in the images.)


Damn! I had hoped that this kind of fog were about to enter the game.

There will be a few massive master maps in the disk. They depict big areas that include major bridges like Arnhem and Nijmegen. Other designers then can cut the bit that they want for their own scenario.


Sounds great. Really looking forward to playing them. The one in the video looks really good.

By the way, I laughed out loud when watching the video:

Just when I read "How far is this bridge?", my son called out from the other room: "Far!!"

(that´s danish for "Dad")

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Oh im sorry. I guess its totally fine for people to whine about a module not having xxxx and yyyy because they didnt see it in a 41 second teaser showing off a bridge then...

No, people who are whining are referring to informations that where officially announced about what they are planning to include in this module not this "amazing" trailer. And right now it looks really weak compered to other published modules. They even said that they considered canceling MG module. I hope BF will draw some conclusion and they will get some interesting idea how to make it more attractive. But why they should do that if you are happy of this.

"How far is this bridge?"

A bridge too far...

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No, people who are whining are referring to informations that where officially announced about what they are planning to include in this module not this "amazing" trailer. And right now it looks really weak compered to other published modules. They even said that they considered canceling MG module. I hope BF will draw some conclusion and they will get some interesting idea how to make it more attractive. But why they should do that if you are happy of this.

A bridge too far...

As far as I'm aware there was never any announcement that there would be fire in the Market Garden module, or anything else that was mentioned above. In fact, I'm not sure there has even been anything officially announced for Market Garden yet. I don't think anything new was introduced with Commonwealth Module either in terms of the game engine as I recall. There were changes with the 2.0 upgrade but that was separate from Commonwealth.

If this isn't what you want then don't buy it and wait for Eastern Front if that's what floats your boat.

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Are you sure that?

I was playing a tourney at Few good men gaming club.

Map in this tourney has bridge and I can't plot on or next to the bridge easily

Yes 100% sure. I was plotting way points for two tanks around a bridge just this morning. I am even having one of them drive just onto the bridge something I would have have dared to do before. Wish me luck with that :). I did all this at camera level 2 and 3. It just worked.

Are we playing different games?

That certainly is possible. I am talking about CMFI with GL version 1.10.

I have 7870xt radeon card with fx8320 processor. And game is very slow.

I couldn't understand this optimistic approach about optimization about game.

I am not sure what you mean by optimistic approach. It is true I am optimistic by nature though :)

Do I think the devs are looking at optimizing the game where and when they can - yes I do. Do I think it would be good for the game to be faster - hell yes. The thing I was concerned about was your load times are worse than mine and you machine, from the sounds of it, is much faster than mine. That makes me wonder if you might have some things you can do on your machine that will make you happier.

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For most people this is something normal but you here instead prefer to flame at everyone who dares to whine or criticize your holy Battlefront instead of being happy of whatever they will do. This is what should be called acting like children.

Ah, what? This is something I just don't get. The flame reaction comes from the bombastic attitude and the strong declarations that black is not black enough and white is not white enough. This crowd flames back when people sound like toddlers having tantrums. That is what people are reacting to.

Read our posts.

I, for one, have made countless suggestions for improvements to the game, told BFC about problems I was experiencing and gave my opinions about how thins work and what I would like. I have even expressed my disappointment with regressions when they happen. No one has ever flamed me for it.

Same goes for others here that you clam are part of a cabal that worships BFC. Like I said I just don't get reactions like yours.

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Can you draw a moving or running plot on a bridge correctly at one try?

Yes. It's not exactly neurosurgery or rocket science. When the BN demo came out I had some problems with screwy behavior around bridges. But I quickly figured it out (probably with some help from other posters) and haven't had a problem since.


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ASL Veteran- I'm referring to first side of http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109972

I don't think anything new was introduced with Commonwealth Module either in terms of the game engine as I recall.

Yes, but there was whole new nation(s) with new units same as Gustav Line(I don't have it but there was even more as I see). Right now I see that plans for MG are this: some OOB changes, some AA vehicles(that even can't fire at planes, or maybe something has changed maybe I'm wrong?) and bridges... lots of them lol

And as always.. if you dont find the perticular module interesting enough. Dont buy it!

Yes, as always... Don't like don't buy. Thats obvious for god sake. But there are people who like Combat Mission and people who were waiting for this module(like me) and they potentially interested buying this game/module. They have their own opinions, expectations and their worries of certain things BF can listen to them or ignore them. That's their choice. You don't have agree with them just don't flame whenever someone has different opinion or expectation, because it's stupid and it's quite common here to flame every time someone will write something different than Yippeeeeeeeee it's awesome

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You don't have agree with them just don't flame whenever someone has different opinion or expectation, because it's stupid

It is, but that cuts both ways. Criticism is alright, even necessary. But petulant and ignorant criticism deserves no respect. Reference ian.leslie's comment just above. And BTW, this has come up many times before, so why are people needing to be reminded now?


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it's quite common here to flame every time someone will write something different than Yippeeeeeeeee it's awesome

No, it isn´t. As Ian Leslie stated very well above. But if you behave like a spoiled brat, expect to be treated like one.

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Yes, as always... Don't like don't buy. Thats obvious for god sake. But there are people who like Combat Mission and people who were waiting for this module(like me) and they potentially interested buying this game/module. They have their own opinions, expectations and their worries of certain things BF can listen to them or ignore them. That's their choice. You don't have agree with them just don't flame whenever someone has different opinion or expectation, because it's stupid

You're certainly entitled to your opinion but you need to also pay attention in how you present it. If you come off sounding like a child then that's how people will treat you. Of course it's obvious to say "don't buy it if you don't like it" but there is really nothing else to say on the matter. BF has been very clear on what you should and should not expect from a module.

You can either buy the module and wait for a future upgrades to the engine that adds or fixes what you consider to be wrong with the game or you can not buy it and wait until the fixes are made. Which may be never.

As or your expectations, BF has never given out absolutes about when something will be changed or added. They may give some indications that there are certain features they want to add at some point but they never give absolutes on when it will be done. Bottom line, when this Module is finally offically anounced and they give details about what will and will not be included then you should decide if it's worth buying.

Ranting about things is never going to get you anything except higher blood pressure. If CM:MG doesn't sell well because most players don't think the content is worth the price then that will send a louder message to BF than your rants ever will

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And for example waclaw's posts were so petulant and ignorant that deserve no respect, right?

Well frankly... yes.

pessimism? for several years, buying all the games and the module of the series and I'm still waiting for the f****ing flame throwers, but they give us a new bridge! Yippeeeeeeeee!

expect nothing, you get nothing.

Does that sound like mature, thought through critizism to you? Because to me it sounds like a child whining about not getting the toys he wanted for christmas.

No, people who are whining are referring to informations that where officially announced about what they are planning to include in this module not this "amazing" trailer. And right now it looks really weak compered to other published modules. They even said that they considered canceling MG module. I hope BF will draw some conclusion and they will get some interesting idea how to make it more attractive. But why they should do that if you are happy of this.

A bridge too far...

No... "people" (that is, waclaw) are complaining about what is NOT announced to be in the module (with no comprehension that those things are what is usually included in patches or new games, not just DLC addons or expansions, which is what a module IS)

(and for reference ill put this quote here)

is a matter of expectations, if you satisfied with the campaign, several scenarios, the new bridge and the mill is okay - let me, however, that I will have higher expectations so as to finally fix the problem with shadows (alt + w = - 50% fps) or just added the infamous flame-throwers, camouflage for gun, or by the end of the tank crew stopped attacking on foot, etc., the real changes / improvements - which you and I am waiting for a few years.
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Seriously, what is it with the flamethrower fetish? A marginal weapon system that saw marginal use. You get fuel for a few flame bursts and that's it. Wow, totally a feature worth the time it takes to implement, wait, not...I can understand a gripe about flames, they're tactically important, but flamers? Puhh....

Sometimes you get a feeling people play too much Call of Duty and try to drag one of the few realistic games out there into shallow Hollywood waters. Flamers and visible air support have to be some of the most laughable feature requests when you consider the intensity and volume. Flamers and Jabos twisting, circling and diving over an active, high intensity combat zone is very rare, trying to present these as somesort of critical features to model a realistic battlefield only mean you have a unrealistic view of history and combat.

Guns that aren't moved after setup enjoy a camouflage bonus anyway, so it's kind of moot to complain that it is a missing feature.

Should I be throwing a tantrum because Nazi occultism is missing? No zombies, no flying saucers, no Spear of Destiny...If Soviet troops in Bagration don't practice proper Sambo moves in close combat, I will be mad as fukuk.

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everything is correct, BF clearly define what will be in the module, and we have defined our expectations tiny (really tiny) - it is very simple, there are no significant improvements, it will not be our money - it works both ways.

and if someone does not have any expectations, you will be happy with what you get, it's simple.

funny thing is that you do not want to BF improved his game ;)

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