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AXIS : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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Here is the map showing all of the OAKOC overlays showing how they interrelate.

By the way, the red grid on the topo map are spaced at 200m. I think you can get an idea of the scale of this 1.6 x 2 km map...

Bil, many thanks for providing the details that lead to this insightful document, it is very much appreciated. I will do any game related favor you might ask of me as proof of my gratitude.

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Bil, many thanks for providing the details that lead to this insightful document, it is very much appreciated. ...

+1 to this, as someone who usually "wings it", it's good to see tools and techniques that can be applied.

Each scrap of learning brings world domination that much closer ;)

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Bil ;-), you gotta set-up a symposium, we fly in to Richmond on a friday, grab us by mini-van, take us to the Omni, a casual mixer cocktail party that evening, the next day cram us into the hotel conference room, go over this OKOAC stuff, lots of little break-out groups and roll-play, the wives all go shopping, later we gather for more cocktails and dinner, sunday some H2H battles, we fly-out that evening. yada yada yada

tax deductible probably I am thinking.

I think you are awesome. I really gotta start doing this type disciplined analysis before I hit the red button. Wow.

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Bil ;-), you gotta set-up a symposium, we fly in to Richmond on a friday, grab us by mini-van, take us to the Omni, a casual mixer cocktail party that evening, the next day cram us into the hotel conference room, go over this OKOAC stuff, lots of little break-out groups and roll-play, the wives all go shopping, later we gather for more cocktails and dinner, sunday some H2H battles, we fly-out that evening. yada yada yada

tax deductible probably I am thinking.

I think you are awesome. I really gotta start doing this type disciplined analysis before I hit the red button. Wow.

Set it up. It can be like Woodstock ... Umm Warstock perhaps. ;)

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Just posted this over in GaJ's thread:

Thank you for providing us all such great entertainment while we wait for our chance to play CM:GL.

If I could get it past "she who must be obeyed", a Warstock would be well worth the investment. Play on good sir, and we'll just have to enjoy the education as it proceeds.

Oh, and remind me to NEVER play you in a QB. I don't think my gaming ego could take the beating.

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Estimate of the situation—Before attempting to draft a combat order, the commander must first male an estimate of the situation in which he considers the main factors affecting the operations of his command and arrives at a definite decision as to his plan of action.

FM 101-5 (1940)

Field Order

maps: refer to maps and overlays previously disseminated

KG Hardenberger

Attack on the S. Maria Infante Ridge Road


----a. Enemy - the enemy positions and organization are unknown. Expect to see an armored reaction force along with numerous AT guns, HMGs, pillboxes, artillery, entrenchments, and obstacles including mines, wire, and road blocks. Enemy infantry in zone is expected to be light. No enemy air support is expected.

----b. Friendly Forces - KG Hardenberger is an ad hoc group of units including elements of Maj. Hardenberger's Battalion including: 1 Ko. (PzG), 4 Ko. (Heavy) (-); other support elements assigned are:

-------------x1 TD Elefant

-------------x2 Sturmpanzer (Brummbar)

-------------x1 Jpz IV

-------------x8 Medium Mortar (81mm)

-------------Panzer Platoon (Pz-IVH)

-------------Pioneer Platoon (mounted on trucks)

2. MISSION - Clear the enemy held zone and especially the ridge road leading up the town of S. Maria Infante. This will entail at a minimum capturing or clearing of enemy presence the two forward objectives (left tit and right tit), the S Ridge, and the Spur. We must make this sector safe for our logistics train and to enable a good jump off point for the next phase of the Division attack towards XXXXXX (redacted)


-------------1 Ko. (PzG) - the main reconnaissance and assault force of the KG. This company will reconnoiter forward, identify enemy forces and in concert with the fire support elements of the KG assault and carry each objective in turn. Immediately the company will reorganize on the cleared objective and continue the fight as quickly as possible

-------------4 Ko. (Heavy) (-) - this company will provide indirect fire support for both suppression of enemy defenses and obscuration as ordered

-------------x1 TD Elefant - this unit will provide long range AT and fire support as required

-------------x2 Sturmpanzer (Brummbar) -this unit will provide long range fire support and obscuration as required

-------------x1 Jpz IV - this unit will provide long range AT and fire support as required, particulary protecting the Sturmpanzer in its zone

-------------x8 Medium Mortar (81mm) - these assets will provide direct and indirect fire support for both suppression of enemy defenses and obscuration as ordered

-------------Panzer Platoon (Pz-IVH) - this unit will comprise our quick reaction force for countering any enemy armor in zone, once all enemy armor has been destroyed or forced to withdraw this unit will take up an offensive role and join 1 Ko. (PzG) in attacking and assaulting the objectives

-------------Pioneer Platoon (mounted on trucks) - this platoon has an important role to follow up any assaults and assist keeping the KG moving forward by clearing obstacles and providing combat duties as required

4. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS - this KG will be under the sole command of Maj. Hardenberger and his staff until relieved by higher headquarters

5. SIGNAL COMMUNICATION - the signal plan for the KG mainly involves keeping one or two radio equipped units in constant contact with the 81mm mortar section so all tubes are available for fire support. Forward teams will be radio equipped as well in order to be able to call down timely indirect fire as the situation warrants.


Signed - Commander

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You know.. the more I think of this battle from GaJ's perspective I think it would have been best for him to go with a tank force, almost exclusively, with a few mounted support units to do some recon and back them up. A tank company (+) (with as many Sherman 76's as possible) would be a tough SOB of a force to break through, even with my Elefant.

I hope that isn't what he did... he could be the aggressor from the beginning if he did... yikes. ;)

The only thing I know he had to buy was an AA gun of some sort... the rest is yet a mystery.

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Bill, great Job with your analysis and operation order.

For CMBN Market Garden I would like to suggest at least one AAR between you and Jeffrey Paulding at Armchair General, that would be an epic show down for sure.

If you throw down the gauntlet maybe Jeff will pick it up if he's watching ....

Thanks, and hey, you know that sounds like fun. My favorite (and most frequent) competitors are ex or serving military officers. I always get a good clean competitve game from them.

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The First Minute

The battle is open! It starts with a few 120mm rounds falling on the left tit and the right tit. That should wake him up.


Meanwhile the Brummbar and Jpz IV move up and into their support by fire position.


The 3rd Platoon HQ halftrack takes up it's support by fire position and starts to lay some MG fire onto the left tit front slope while the squad halftracks pass it by on their way to their drop off positions.


I am moving the Elefant up behind 3rd Platoon in order to overwatch the slope near hill 109.


I'm starting to get worried about my unit's in the rear.. GaJ has great visibility from hills 109 and 126.. while checking LOS with my 2d Platoon and Panzer Platoon it seems like he can see into my setup zone (at least I can see onto those ridges).. so they will both be moving into the blind spot next to the ridge road as indicated on the overview map.

The one thing I am really worried about is GaJ being able to place some indirect fire onto my setup zone and take out a platoons worth of troops or so. There are precious few safe areas for me to muster... it appears that until at least the tit objectives fall I will be forced into the center.

I have no doubt that next turn (or even this turn) he will have a great many contacts to think about.


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Sorry guys, I meant to pass on the conditions for this scenario, here they are:

Weather: Clear

Temp: Hot

Ground Condition: Dry

Wind: Heavy from North - this means that I need to fire smoke as far into his rear as possible to get the best and longest obscuration as it will blow towards me.

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