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Moon, exemption request

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It would greatly facilitate direct discussions of CM related game matters if we didn't have to sanitize links to avoid breaking Forum Rules. Please consider modifying the Rules so that we may more effectively carry on our discussions on topics directly pertinent to BFC's games.


John Kettler

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Not at all! There is a blanket prohibition in the Forum Rules against posting commercial links. I thought it applied only to the GDF but was disabused of this notion by a missive from Moon. From what I can tell, YouTube is okay, but commercial sites in general are not. That's why I asked for the exemption, which would be applicable, if granted, to all of us engaged in the kind of discussion to which I referred. Zero to do with anything else, your pokes at me notwithstanding.


John Kettler

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I blame the Illuminati.

I was just having a quick chat with them over tea and carrots when the topic of London Olympics 2012 Legacy came up. I said using the athletics arena as a holding compound for future servitude, although contributing massively to sustainable development of E. London wasn't exactly what Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin had in mind as an Olympics ideal. They, quite reasonably I thought, countered with well, with a moustache like the Baron's are you seriously suggesting he isn't one of the "special ones", stay away from him we will awake him later.

As we moved on to the crumpets I did suggest that we can use as many Web links as we wanted and they said, yeh, okay, all links go to the Zeta mothership currently holding geostationary positioning over Scunthorpe, it won't matter a jot when we scramble your brains with microwave transmissions.

Fair enough, sounds all reasonable to me.

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You can anyways just give instructions such as "search the internets with words Ron Jeremy rides a bicycle".

Interesting search. I usually don't watch Ron Jeremy "footage" for his bicycling ability. :D It's the way his co-stars peddle their assets I'm most interested in.:rolleyes:

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It's BFC's forum, so if they want they can ban all words that have a "W" in them. ;-)

But yea, the "all commercial links" ban is rather draconian, in my opinion. It's probably just less work for Moon to enforce a "blanket ban" than try to have exceptions and listen to us whine about why I was given a naughty note frowny face for my link, while John Kettler gets away with linking all sorts of flim-flam.

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It's BFC's forum, so if they want they can ban all words that have a "W" in them. ;-)

Even better, ban all users with a "W" in their name. :D

And who ever said that Moon isn't draconian? He was even born in Stalinist* Poland, for god's sake. Now behave nicely before he pulls out his trusty Nagant to scratch that itch in the back of your neck...

* never let the truth get in the way of a good story

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The rules are pretty clear. Links to things which are directly related to CM discussions, and I mean directly, are perfectly fine. Commercial, personal blog, other Forums, whatever. Not a problem at all. Links to things which are there for humor purposes, in the context of a discussion, are also OK. Good taste and some degree of common sense applies. Same thing goes for images.

The gray area is posting stuff about other games. Generally it's fine when it's a compare/contrast of something specifically relevant to CM. The more it drifts from that... the more likely we are to shut down the thread or remove the link. People occasionally try to use our forums to promote other games or try and recruit our players for someone else's product. It should be no surprise we don't find that an acceptable use of our resources.


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Historically the ban has also applied to posts spamming the board with advertising for products and services more or less irrelevant to the purpose of the board.


Does spamming include signatures longer than one line? Can we ban Emrys? Pretty please???

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