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AAR-AXIS - Clearing the Niscemi Highway

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Brutal Steve, but true. ;)

LOL actually I am pretty impressed with your response so far. For a bit there I wondered what you might come up with, however at the moment anyway you seem to have established a level of fire superiority that it makes sense to try and take advantage of. That is not easy in this time period versus Shermans, they are pretty tough beasts before the big cats came out to play.

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Run for the Hill - Analysis

While we wait for ND to return the next turn I thought I would show you my analysis...

I had carefully plotted the truck route so that it avoided the LOS of ND's gun... it is pretty deep in those woods when looking outside in and my truck should be shielded by terrain the entire route in (see the top image below).

It should unload safely and the infantry should take up positions as shown in the bottom image, which should also be safely out of sight.

The bottom image also indicates the gun's position with the blue arrow and the distance, through the trees, ND would have to fire to successfully engage my infantry squad: 70m. That would be an amazing shot.

The crew is a distractor. If ND moves a Sherman into this position then I am hoping they would be spotted and fired on before my truck.

I still like my chances... but why are my palms so damned sweaty?


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The Thirty Third Minute

The Run for the Hill (TM, patent pending) has run in completely safe. This image shows the starting position, the truck and occupants on the way and the final position, they were unloading as the turn ended. Three cheers for that driver!


I did spot an MMG team coming from the back of the Villa towards the squad's position, so I am trying to get some big guns to overwatch the back door so they do not get surprised.

The Run for the Hill Phase 2 is already under way as well. The Platoon HQ and the last remaining R35 are both motoring their way to the objective to provide some backup. I wanted to get the HQ unit there as that infantry squad on its own on a limb like that would be very brittle.


My smoke screen did not fully develop last turn... a few Pz-IV smoke rounds were lost in the treeline to their front, and neither Grille got a smoke round off.. the dust broke up the aim of one of them, the other hadn't gotten into position yet in order to fire. Both are in position now and will lay their smoke screens next turn.

The infantry platoon coming up the other side is making progress and will be in their drop off positions next turn. I am bringing a Pz-IV over to back them up and provide some protection. ND's 4th Sherman is still unaccounted for since it got hit and I'm getting worried about him.


Finally, a linear barrage has started next to the Orchards objective and could be prep fire for an upcoming attack by ND's Infantry Platoon I spotted earlier in the orchard below. I haven't spotted any infantry activity so that might not be the case... regardless ND is wasting his ammo on an empty position.


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Finally, a linear barrage has started next to the Orchards objective and could be prep fire for an upcoming attack by ND's Infantry Platoon I spotted earlier in the orchard below. I haven't spotted any infantry activity so that might not be the case... regardless ND is wasting his ammo on an empty position.

Man you gotta love that. The only time it is nice to see enemy artillery- when it is hitting empty space.

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I did not give that much chance to that truck. That was without counting on the huge difference made between a H2H and the initial game playing against the A.I. Bil surprised me and his attack is masterly made. Bringing troops in trucks to the villa near summit slope is a difficult task, very well planed and done. I am waiting, now to see what he will be finding on the summit and its rear slope.

We are not to the end of our surprises.

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Intelligence Update and Analysis

Scouring through the SPOT reports the following two bits of information, which could be very important to how events unfold, were discovered.

With 3 seconds remaining in the turn this FOW tank icon popped up and then promptly disappeared. This is obviously ND's fourth Sherman that I had lost track of.

That it quickly went away tells me it is probably moving. I believe it traveled down the path highlighted by the arrow and is probably heading straight towards where I have the blue arrows coming together.

In this position, as indicated by the blue arrows, he could interdict both my Run for the Hill and the Infantry Platoon moving up in trucks through KT4.

Luckily I will have 2 Pz-IVs in hull down positions that should be able to cover this entire ridge. Also with the Grille's both firing smoke next turn hopefully it will frustrate his targeting.


On the other side of the Villa, this is where the MMG team stopped... I expected that this team (I think composed of two men, though only one was seen) would occupy the foxholes just to their front, but my scouts say otherwise. This tells me that he is hoping to ambush me as I advance. Interesting information... we'll see how it all pans out in the next turn or two.


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The Thirty Fourth Minute

A very busy turn.. so A LOT of images to show...

As I said in my Intel and Analysis post above I was afraid of this.. I'm only sorry I didn't watch the turn from every angle BEFORE I had given my orders I might have been better prepared for this.

ND's Sherman came around the hill, saw my advancing infantry, fired and destroyed one of my trucks... as well as crippling 1st Platoon inside which lost 2/3rds of its personnel. The GOOD news is a) no other vehicles were shot at, and B) I have a Pz-IV coming to support them that should arrive next turn. That Sherman is in a great spot though... just far enough over the ridge that it can spot my infantry but is still out of sight from my hull down Pz-IVs.

I can blame part of this on my smoke screen not fully being deployed last turn.. timing is everything in combat.


One of my biggest fears was that ND would bring the Sherman that had been on the backside of the Villa to interdict my infantry running for the Hill. Well that did happen... then a Pz-IV spotted the bastard and drilled a hole through its hull. At the end of the turn it was popping smoke and reversing... so it lives yet, but hopefully its crippled.


I was rejoicing when I saw this.. my 105 started to fall this turn! It is slightly off target, but not too much and its still hitting the Villa and the area surrounding it, so I think while that is going on I can count on ND not bringing the infantry he has in the Villa to counter-attack my force on the Hill.


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The Thirty Fourth Minute - Part Zwei

On the forgotten side of the map I moved a Pz-IV forward to try and get a few shots off at one of the Shermans ND has on the back ridge. They spotted in about 10 seconds and got two rounds off.. one was deflected by the trees and the second went long. There was no reaction from the Sherman so I have to believe my tank has yet to be spotted. Hopefully ND wasn't watching this flank and missed this. ;)


Alas, he served well and gave me good service, but my OP took some shrapnel from ND's linear barrage on the ridge next to the Orchard objective. This was my only casualty from that bombardment so far. How is it that when I do have a single casualty to fire like this (remember when I lost my observer?) in this scenario it always tends be a crucial link?


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Alas, he served well and gave me good service, but my OP took some shrapnel from ND's linear barrage on the ridge next to the Orchard objective. This was my only casualty from that bombardment so far. How is it that when I do have a single casualty to fire like this (remember when I lost my observer?) in this scenario it always tends be a crucial link?

Not sure, but I believe some bastard named Murphy has something to do with it.

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Hi Bil,

I am seeing that what I had found the hard way playing that battle, is happening again. That‘s why I wrote the following a little earlier to your attention: The key to a speedy approach is the smoke.

“The truck racing down the road with troopers is a bold dash. That is a gambit. If the others coming through the KT4 gully are unable to be levelled with them (that is if they get where you intend them to go) they will be pretty much on their own.

The smoke screens are good assets to cover your approach through KT4 gully. However I would say that if the truck loaded troops can be brought rather quickly to the bottom of the gully, they will have difficulties moving along it till the area you intend to dismount.

I have found playing that battle (RT –Iron) that the trucks were being slowed by others getting on their way and it looked more like a traffic jam than a coordinated progression. The tanks did it better. However, if fire had been taken it would have been a slaughter. Thanks to the smoke.

Once at the edge of the Villa summit, I have found difficult to reorganize the assault forces as well as deploying the tanks. I wished I had more time allowed to do that safely, since once you are there, you have to face new threats on the other side, not seen very well from your right frontage troops LOS.”

However, I can’t foresee what will happen to your attack. I had an Italian tank and a squad using the same right protected approach till they came to the same spot your truck got. With the 2 150mm propelled guns, I was able to keep a fairly thick smoke curtain (despite the fact that they have very small amount of smoke shells) allowing me to deploy tanks and dismounted troops through the gully and onward to the summit of the left villa corner, where, thankfully, a Sherman had been previously destroyed.

Then the time limit was reached,. I had at that time squad on the other side of the villa and 2 tanks. However, I had been unable to keep on attacking and clearing the villa

Won’t tell you what they saw or not. I don’t want to spoil a so good AAR

“Bienvenue au club” ! Cheer

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Hi Bil,

I am seeing that what I had found the hard way playing that battle, is happening again. That‘s why I wrote the following a little earlier to your attention:


I had at that time squad on the other side of the villa and 2 tanks. However, I had been unable to keep on attacking and clearing the villa Won’t tell you what they saw or not.

Thanks for the advice snake_eye, but please try to not be so specific when giving advice about this scenario... I appreciate any tactical advice you would like to give, but your advice does seem to be pretty close to a spoiler.

As for what's on the other side of the hill.. I have a pretty good idea of what to expect... one T-30 (the second T-30 never reappeared after it moved off the ridge earlier in the battle), I am also expecting another half track that is part of the T-30 platoon.. there is one infantry platoon in the orchard that my OP saw earlier... I also expect there is more infantry as I saw some FOW icons for unidentified infantry a few turns ago on the back side of the Villa.


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To Bil,

I am sincerely sorry about having come close to a spoiler. That was not what I wanted at that crucial time.

The fact of knowing what happened to me while playing it (that is not a spoiler LOL !) does not very frankly make me sure of that battle outcome at this time. Simply, because the odds of war are numerous and a tactic that worked once might not work another time, for different reasons. Timing, forces, FOW, luck ?

For the rest, I take a great pleasure in reading the AAR made by both of you, discovering the close similarities, between a real tactical move and or assault and what we can duplicate in CMFI. Even, if the only things that might annoy me in the game scenarios are the forces power balance. Particularly, if they are set in such a way that the defence or attack power ratio is the contrary of what it should be to achieve a total or partial success depending on the tactical ability of the player. Yet, a success could sometimes be achieved, despites bad ratio if only the time limit was longer.


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