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AAR: Battle for the Niscemi Highway

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You know, with all the improvenents to, well, everything--GUI, models, theaters of war-- covering almost all of the usual suspects' "it's broken" complaints, I wonder what they will complain about now? Maybe even some of them will become fanbois.

mjkerner. I found a moan among all the lovely goodies..They are not shipping from their Euro warehouse. Therefore, us brits are going to get stung if we want the tin.

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Sorry to hear that, para. How about I buy it and ship it to you, or would that not work?

Hey, you owe me a file! :-)

I would imagine that would still mean VAT mate. You sent me a file? Sorry, i have been on 24hr call this week. I am also going away tonight for this weekend. It's the wife anniversary and i have to go apparently ;)

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LOL, yea, ain't that a pisser!:D

There's an 001 file in our DB. I assumed you were consumed by Euro football this past week.

Haven't women got bloody good memories for these sort of things? yet they always seem to forget about hanky panky night.

Football is a girls game. I watch Rugby League buddy

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Ask a Leeds soccer fan in your area. There are smarter than rugby fans it seems.

On a serious note, the gift-giver fills out a sticky form, states it's a gift and the value is $20. Of course, if CMFI costs more than $20 I am not sure what the gift-giver can do!?!?


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really? for the thicko in the room (me) how does this work?

I am assuming that mjkerner lives in N America. If not then ignore the following.

Person A in US buys a second copy and realises he doesn't need two and decides to send it as a present to his best buddy, person B in the UK. As it is a gift person A (who is not a company) marks gift and a low value on customs form. Second copy is now a second hand item with a poor resale value. Who would have thought that small stain on the tin would devalue it so much.

Person B is so happy he makes a donation, via person A, to person A's favourite charity. ;)

I can't remember off the top of my head the personal value limit but for commercial companies it's around £18 ($27??). Personal is around £30

($45??). I could be wrong but the HMRC website should have the exact figure.


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Ask a Leeds soccer fan in your area. There are smarter than rugby fans it seems.

On a serious note, the gift-giver fills out a sticky form, states it's a gift and the value is $20. Of course, if CMFI costs more than $20 I am not sure what the gift-giver can do!?!?


Leeds soccer fans in my area? extinct species GerryCMBB :) this sounds pretty good but it is the serial number issue again.

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At first, I thought how nice of Normal Dude to go to all that effort for a new scenario for the Repository. Using spd's Italian mod to boot! Then I read the rest of the thread. And a good choice for a scenario. Nordyke's All Americans covers the battle well, and it seemed like it would make a good one when I read it.

This scenario is very loosely based on that battle. The terrain is the same at any rate. I also managed to mess up the unit involved, it should the 504th PIR, not the 505.

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I've found the most valuable addition to American culture in the last 30 years has to be the Homer Simpson line "D'oh!" I've had occassion to use it on countless occassions. :)

It's use is endless,it's going to be turning up in a dictionary any day now.

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Hot Damn! Been playing Star Trek online all day just to find this!!!! Saw this thread earlier, but there is so much more information. I am buying this day one!!! A cover armor arc? Really? Do my eyes deceive me? This is great stuff BF! I don't care if it takes doubling up charles brain nutrients to get this done quickly, even if you can't see through the 'medium' it floats in.

Happy days are here again........

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Spectacular. Hard to believe how fast things are happening.

And BFC continues to improve the game play with the updated engine.

I will just make two observations, which are not criticisms:

1. CMFI seems to me, like CMBN to take its lineage from ASL, rather than SquadLeader/Panzerleader. I felt the opposite with CM1. CM2 is "SectionLeader" to me. I am still struggling to adjust to the small number of soldiers we are dealing with, each then more precious--and vulnerable to a fluke projectile, making play feel more random (more realistic, probably, but one likes to feel--even if reality is often otherwise--that your command choices are decisive)

2. The pic of the soldiers kneeling behind the wall......first, thank goodness we are getting out of the bocage....but, if walls are going to be more important, can those soldiers be non-prone behind the wall, with the wall being more realistic protection?

The vulnerability of kneeling soldiers in the open still bothers me--or, the idea that when the metal is flying, that would be a common stance for a unit to take.

But, really, what Battlefront has done is breathtaking. The launches of their products seem to be increasingly smooth, non-bugged, finished game experiences. As I sort of implied above, they have things looking so realistic, so not like the super-hero ethos of simulations in its genre, that I sometimes shudder when my guys get hit.

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1. CMFI seems to me, like CMBN to take its lineage from ASL, rather than SquadLeader/Panzerleader.

One of the reasons I enjoy CM:BN (and soon CM:FI) is that it is a lot like ASL and the later gamette's of SL, loads of details and small unit action as its base. BUT without having to leaf through pages of rules to remember that: sewer movement, when conducted at night, with a +1 leader who is wounded and carrying a captured SMG doesn't need a dice modifier...

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I have just ordered CMFI since it appears offering new ways for a designer. The new way of designing roads and to order different LOS at different waypoints are welcome features. There might be others. The new armored cars, tanks and troops being seen in that Italian ETO are also a gold mine for someone whishing to depict some actions having taken place there

I have however a question. Will it be possible to use the R-35 (or other new stuff) in CBMN, since it looks like that CMFI is a stand alone? The R-35 has been missing in CBMN as well as in CW. It was too bad not to have it to depict the first few days of action after the 6th June.

Another remark, since I received my last invoices with damages on the metallic box for CBMN and on the CD casing for NATO (The CD’s were fortunately not damaged), I had stopped ordering the CD’s and relying on the downloading for CW.

Since that is not at the time possible. The only way to have it being to order a download and the mail invoice could Battlefront look at the packaging a bit closer. A non padded envelope is not sufficient to avoid damages to the content. At 75 bucks for Europe an effort could be done.

For the rest I can’t wait till August to try CMFI. Good work BF!

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I am assuming that mjkerner lives in N America. If not then ignore the following.

Person A in US buys a second copy and realises he doesn't need two and decides to send it as a present to his best buddy, person B in the UK. As it is a gift person A (who is not a company) marks gift and a low value on customs form. Second copy is now a second hand item with a poor resale value. Who would have thought that small stain on the tin would devalue it so much.

Person B is so happy he makes a donation, via person A, to person A's favourite charity. ;)

I can't remember off the top of my head the personal value limit but for commercial companies it's around £18 ($27??). Personal is around £30

($45??). I could be wrong but the HMRC website should have the exact figure.


I did something like this back in the CMBB days. I ordered a copy for a friend in the UK, had it sent to my address and then re-mailed it to the UK. My friend then reciprocated by gifting me a book via AmazonUS. Everything worked out ducky and I greatly enjoyed the book.


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I have however a question. Will it be possible to use the R-35 (or other new stuff) in CBMN, since it looks like that CMFI is a stand alone? The R-35 has been missing in CBMN as well as in CW. It was too bad not to have it to depict the first few days of action after the 6th June.

My guess would be, seeing that they already made the tank for CMFI, it'll probably show up in one of the modules for CMBN. Units however cannot be shared between game titles.


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