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So is CMSF for MAC the big stuff that's been hinted at?

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Maybe they have alllowed a 3rd party to work on the Eastern front version of the game.

Now that would be something Big

It would make my day, anyway

But I can hear it now, Many saying "No, dont do that, we want 4 more years of engine tweeks by BF (to the perfect game engine- which by way will never happen) so that the game will be much better for the Eastern front."

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Tha above was stated by Moon on the 2nd April of this year just after the release of Combat MIssion Touch. It's now 6 weeks on from there. Any news? Is it still in the pipeline? Has the "bigger thing" involving CMBN been shelved? Anything?



It's classic BFC public relations: hint at an announcement, then go silent for so long that the only possible explanation is that the entire team died in a plane crash, and just when people start to drift away they give in and release a paragraph of info and two screenshots. Then Steve goes off on a least a few people, writing 6 paragraph long posts about how they are too busy to release more than a paragraph of information and how taking more than two screenshots just isn't in the budget. The inevitable grumbling about the lack of new features and "why didn't they include such and such" is quashed by the beta testers with an iron fist. People begin using ridiculous phrases like "our rights as customers" and "you should be happy with what you are given". Then, just when things look their bleakest (2-3 weeks later) they come back with a big release of information and screenshots and a video, to the joy of children and children at heart everywhere.

It's public relations 101 really.

I kid, but only a little.

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It's simple, really... the time when we are the busiest is the time when no one is available to take care of you children :) Incidentally, we're the busiest right before something new and big is coming up.

Part of this is due to the fact that we don't have a marketing department to keep you entertained while everyone else is busy actually making games. We went independent to get rid of the marketing suits after all.

Another part of it is also the way we make games. Most game developers do fancy artwork first (for the marketing department that needs to sell the title to retailers). We do them last. This keeps the head free for the important stuff, like, making a good game and stuff.

So we don't really have much to show usually until sometime late into beta.

And the last piece of the puzzle is that showing you stuff is quite a distraction for the entire team. Especially when the news require explanation, answering of questions etc.

To quote Steve: "Patience grasshoppers"


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Thanks for popping in Moon. However, you are wrong on one point, most every developer does artwork last. What big developers do is have a third party create an entirely useless but somewhat entertaining CGI trailer. That keeps the sheeple content for awhile :P

On a serious note, I wish you guys did just a little marketing. At least once a week there will be a post by someone on reddit (giant internet forum thingy) looking for a game just like this, but they have no idea the Combat Mission series even exists. Of course, I steer them straight to CMBN/CMSF.

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...we don't have a marketing department to keep you entertained while everyone else is busy actually making games.

I have no idea what your budget allows, so probably this will fall on deaf ears. But I do wonder if at some point it might be worth your while to hire someone whose entire job it is to serve as some kind of liaison between customers and developers. He (or she) would maintain a list of customer requests for features, bug reports, suggestions, etc. on the one hand, and on the other to provide regular, say weekly, updates on upcoming titles.

Just a thought. Thanks for listening. You may return to your siesta now.


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Gotta take issue with you there. Keeping track of the discussions on all the boards here, and making replies where called for, would indeed be a full time job.


More than a couple of hours, perhaps, but nowhere near a full time job. Most of the time. It's not like every thread needs a BFC presence, and many wouldn't even need reading after the first day of their existence.

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This is all part of BF's strategy to grow the wargame market.

They hint something's coming and then go (more or less) silent.

What to we have to do?

Exercise patience.

What do many gamers need more of to appreciate a good wargame?


So every time BF drops a hint and then drinks a mug of STFU they create more customers.

This also explains the patching schedule and why they made public the many-years-long CMx2 development path.

The King Tiger skin thing, as you can see, was no accident but one tiny part of a far reaching social engineering project to shape consumer demographics.

When you're a brain in a jar you can afford to think in the very long term.

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It would be better if Battlefront replies to the repeated appeals by many gamers inquiring when they shall be replacing the 3d models of the King Tiger and other vehicles which were released far below the standard advertised.

I think a reply would be in place.


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It would be better if Battlefront replies to the repeated appeals by many gamers inquiring when they shall be replacing the 3d models of the King Tiger and other vehicles which were released far below the standard advertised.

I think a reply would be in place.


It is. Next patch release.

If that isn't enough I suggest re reading the post by Tarquelne.

Specifically this part

What to we have to do?

Exercise patience.

What do many gamers need more of to appreciate a good wargame?


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The problem isn't one of budget. A dedicated marketing person still couldn't give you any more info than is available.

Sorry Moon, but that's just a little disingenuous. The information is available, but BFC are choosing not to share it with us. Or are you saying that Steve has had some vision that there'll be something to announce, and it'll be big, but that he doesn't know what it is yet?

Tease marketing is what you're doing.

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Sorry Moon, but that's just a little disingenuous.

Depends on the announcement. Most companies (particularly successful ones) release information about products when they are ready to, not when their user base is clamoring for information that they can do nothing with yet except formulate still more questions.

Moon that will teach you to provide us with any info at all.

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It's classic BFC public relations: hint at an announcement, then go silent for so long that the only possible explanation is that the entire team died in a plane crash, and just when people start to drift away they give in and release a paragraph of info and two screenshots. Then Steve goes off on a least a few people, writing 6 paragraph long posts about how they are too busy to release more than a paragraph of information and how taking more than two screenshots just isn't in the budget. The inevitable grumbling about the lack of new features and "why didn't they include such and such" is quashed by the beta testers with an iron fist. People begin using ridiculous phrases like "our rights as customers" and "you should be happy with what you are given". Then, just when things look their bleakest (2-3 weeks later) they come back with a big release of information and screenshots and a video, to the joy of children and children at heart everywhere.

Classic. You pretty much nailed the process :D.

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It's classic BFC public relations: hint at an announcement, then go silent for so long that the only possible explanation is that the entire team died in a plane crash, and just when people start to drift away they give in and release a paragraph of info and two screenshots. Then Steve goes off on a least a few people, writing 6 paragraph long posts about how they are too busy to release more than a paragraph of information and how taking more than two screenshots just isn't in the budget. The inevitable grumbling about the lack of new features and "why didn't they include such and such" is quashed by the beta testers with an iron fist. People begin using ridiculous phrases like "our rights as customers" and "you should be happy with what you are given". Then, just when things look their bleakest (2-3 weeks later) they come back with a big release of information and screenshots and a video, to the joy of children and children at heart everywhere.

It's public relations 101 really.

I kid, but only a little.

Classic. You pretty much nailed the process :D.

You guys sound incredibly addicted to a computer game ... :P

Is it really that important? :D :D :D



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Sorry Moon, but that's just a little disingenuous. The information is available, but BFC are choosing not to share it with us. ....

Tease marketing is what you're doing.

Well, yeah. Or maybe just not *bad* marketing. If they gave us a bunch of details well before the release date we'd (everybody) get excited, we'd talk about it, we'd generate a little buzz... and then we'd get on with our lives. When the actual release drew near we'd get excited - but maybe not quite as excited, we'd talk about it - but maybe not as much, and we'd most likely generate a little less buzz.

By teasing perhaps all they're doing is lightly tormenting some people.

Personally, I'm 100% behind that.

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It's simple, really... the time when we are the busiest is the time when no one is available to take care of you children :) Incidentally, we're the busiest right before something new and big is coming up.

Part of this is due to the fact that we don't have a marketing department to keep you entertained while everyone else is busy actually making games. We went independent to get rid of the marketing suits after all.

Another part of it is also the way we make games. Most game developers do fancy artwork first (for the marketing department that needs to sell the title to retailers). We do them last. This keeps the head free for the important stuff, like, making a good game and stuff.

So we don't really have much to show usually until sometime late into beta.

And the last piece of the puzzle is that showing you stuff is quite a distraction for the entire team. Especially when the news require explanation, answering of questions etc.

To quote Steve: "Patience grasshoppers"


If that's the case and I don't doubt it is, then why bother announcing anything at all until your ready? Your argument is sort of self cancelling.

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