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Everything posted by OldSarge

  1. You may have already considered this, but Operation Lüttich has some interesting possibilities for both sides - including hypothetical missions. Since it occurred in August it wouldn't have stopped the invasion, but it had the chance of stopping Operation Cobra and preventing the Falaise pocket.
  2. It was reclassified in 1946. Though, that was a bit problematic because U.S. doctrine had a role for medium tanks and the Pershing was too heavy and under-powered to be able to fill that role.
  3. Ouch! Been there done that! The earlier screenshots you posted are very nice! So, hopefully you won't give up the effort.
  4. You're mentioning platoon instead of squad. By any chance are you using a group movement to move all of the elements of the platoon together (i.e. double clicking on the platoon HQ and issuing a quick command)? Group movement can easily cause undesirable behavior, you have to check the path lines for each of the platoon's sub-units to be sure they're following a safe path.
  5. Hmm. that'd be a first. Slitherine traditionally releases games on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They prefer Thursdays for new full releases so I'd expect the 25th. Not that it makes a difference, as I won't be able to even look at it until the weekend. Anyway, I know how we're all going to spend the 27th.
  6. CMFB Downfall module is an instant buy. CMBN Utah Beach BP is an instant buy. CMFI BP1 is an instant buy. CMCW BAOR module is an instant buy. Already registered for @Mr.X's CMRT BP. And almost forgot, @Paper Tiger CMSF2 Gung Ho! Campaign and his updated Road To Montebourg Campaign. Looks like I'm going to have to clear my busy social calendar for the rest of the year!
  7. I've just downloaded it and look forward to finding new ways to lose! Happy New Year and thank you!
  8. It isn't much of a bone, not enough there for a hearty soup, but maybe just enough for a watery broth.
  9. According to today's Tea Time it looks like FB will be the first product release of 2024, in January with a 'surprise'!
  10. Matrix has been releasing these titles on the last month of the quarter, so I'd wait until December to see if they can get it done before the holidays. Looks like they have done the first steps on their "Coming soon" page.
  11. Very nicely done! The previous uniform mod I had, made the uniforms almost look like freshly issued. Your mod looks much better, like they've been in the field for awhile.
  12. Thank you for the TTPs! I've only just found out about them and have only had the chance to make sure they load up correctly. I've the enjoyed the Lessons found in BP1 and found it very worthwhile for honing tactical skills. So, I look forward to going to panzerschule. The maps are very nice! The PDF is very well done and quite readable!
  13. I got started in wargaming a lifetime ago. My high school history teacher, fresh back from a tour with the 11th ACR in Viet Nam, decided that the school needed a military history course. He was also an avid wargamer both board games and miniatures, so he used wargaming as part of his class starting with AH's Tactics II. He also setup a wargaming club, and during spring breaks we'd take over the gym and convert it to whatever battle that he had the rule books for, I was hooked. I picked up Panzer Blitz and Panzer Leader, then on to Squad Leader (with all the modules) still later ASL. Followed by GDW's Assault series. I had some of the earlier SSI titles from the '80s but the graphics just weren't a catch at the time. Steel Panthers and Close Combat got me out of the board game cycle, so when CMx1 came out I popped for it instantly. I dabbled around with the Command Ops series for a long while, it has some really good mechanics, but I was still wanting something a little more tactical. The Flashpoint Campaign series hit a chord and I love it, including the latest title. When I realized CM was still active I checked out the demo, and here I am! I limited this to the tactical games, but I also play others as well like Field of Glory 2, WITE1/WITW, WITP and Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich, and other titles.
  14. From what I remember, the Vietnam era flak vests weren't considered very effective at stopping ballistic rounds, not even from typical military pistols, though it was useful for some types of small shrapnel. We had them, but nobody wore them. They were produced before the US had established a set of standards for ballistic protection from specific threats that LEO regularly encountered, like 9mm, .38 and.45 cal pistol rounds. It wasn't until the mid-70's that a national standards board finally started adopting performance standards and testing procedures for body armor.
  15. I'm glad to hear that you're back in business! I just did a quick check and LATIN 1 is Windows-1252 (on Windows 1x) and on my machine maps directly into the ANSI encoding, Notepad++ allows me to choose each but they're the same, from the older Windows 9x machines. I think they do this just to drive us crazy!
  16. In the scenario editor, I first create a template file by exporting it. Then, I use Notepad++ and set the encoding to ANSI and then enter the appropriate Unicode for the character. In this case alt+0232: è Of course, I'm using a machine with all of the US character setups. Windows can do funny things across cultures. template.txt
  17. I have both and they're both excellent for different reasons. Congratulations on purchasing SF2, plenty of content, Coming from CMBN, you probably already know about 37mm's ( = Ki OB) All In One package, he has one for SF2 as well, IIRC it includes many SF1 scenarios. A good place to start. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/izmk6muctniv5/Combat_Mission
  18. It would be a total miscalculation on Putin's part. Downing a drone might get a shrug, but downing an AWACS would immediately become the top story of every Western media site. As It isn't uncommon for AWACS to be manned by service people from throughout NATO, everyone would have a dog in the fight at that point. Putin isn't that desperate yet, or is he?
  19. Today, during Tea Time, the date for CMBN release is now the 28th. That makes sense since it is on a Tuesday, Matrix/Slitherine seem to prefer releasing on either Tuesdays or Thursdays.
  20. Ithikial_AU Matrix announced that the patches for CMBS and CMSF2 were available on Friday. As @Ithikial_AU mentioned they announced during the Tea Time broadcast that CMBN and all of the modules will be released on the 27th. It was also mentioned that going forward they expect to make a CM release each quarter.
  21. Thanks for the information, Steve! This year, I just may be able to catch up on all of the CM titles.
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