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About Cirrus

  • Birthday 09/02/1978

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  1. Next turn notification arrived normally again.
  2. Yes I am sure. Maybe I should have been clear that I received notifications up to turn 36. Turn 38 notification is missing. And for next I still can`t say.
  3. Sure. I did that already. I actually do every day anyways. Because of email redirector etc. etc. gmail throws lots of mail to spam.
  4. I checked yesterday my one PBEM++ game status from inside game and I had turn. However email notification had not arrived nor did not arrive today. Has anyone else found instability on these email notifications? Should I start checking for turns daily?
  5. I kind of interpreted that in scenario design phase the campaign start scenario file is used to save core units status. Then if ever start scenario is played again the resupply etc settings are "full" in that scecnario and playing it from start gives you fresh units. Where is is saved during campaign I can only speculate. I did not check if .cam file save/modified dates get's changed. But this would have been my assumption.
  6. I have a same question than poster before me. Any way to get hold of this tool today?
  7. Is the above mentioned universal utility lost forever? Latest versions (I guess) had this thread: None of the links work anymore. I believe it had capability of getting/writing the campaign script of existing campaigns and/or repacking modified campaigns. If anyone has the tool I would appreciate it! Thanks!
  8. It is the all in one project. I guess it has threads in every subforum, but last time I clicked link in BN-thread:
  9. Now I tested the short waypoint behavior. Routing wise it works yes! But it has the downside that it slows down running as they stop on every waypoint of quick command. But I guess conclusion is to run safe side, use many waypoints. At least when there are "obstacles" in some form.
  10. Image below. Possible explanations for their behavior to jump fence: AI might be avoiding those other guys hugging the wall. Although they seem fine running over sometimes the guy lying down close to wall. If environments seem strange to CMFI, this is campaign map from Raiding Party V0.2.cam
  11. Well I had two squads doing the running and I used them separately. I should have written more clearly that. I did bit more testing and I do not think anymore that facing helps. I was running (quick) along low rock fence and all dudes wanted jump over other side where german 4-5 recon squads were firing. Dudes had facing orders all the way. Team size was 3 and all jumped to wrong side. However I did not test "very short" waypoints at this time.
  12. No we can't assume anything. There was no splitting. I do not understand why it would make any difference on running safest route. Especially if there is command to tell direction of danger. (like I assume now facing is). If it makes AI select safer route then I have to do splitting cases like this. What is short? If it is 20m then maybe not. But it was so short that quick line never even crossed the slope, but stayed on road. If very short waypoint interval helps in this I have to try that too. I am under impression that dudes can try to stop on waypoints so too many waypoints could slow them down. Which would also be bad in this case.
  13. I had to run road front of bunker today. I am very "hobbyist" level player altough I have owned these games loong time and seems that I do not understand yet how I tell my platoons to run "safely" in certain situations. Let me try to explain the situation: There was bunker on hill. Let's say it is north direction. There was road directly going east-west direction directly front of bunker then road curves to north so that you end up 80m west of bunker. My guys are on south side slope below the road so bunker can not see me. There is also slope on road north (and right hand side when running west curving north)all way to the target point. Bunker has been smoked, My intention is to use quick command to run on the road partially also covered by slope to west side of bunker while smoke lasts. What a diffucult task that was. Platoon idiots did not want to stay on the road but some guys tried intentionally always go up the slope and let the bunker massacre them for sure when they momentarily have vision. Yellow quick-line was all the time perfectly aligned on the road. So this lead me to do some testing from save. 1. Quick command perfectly middle of the road. Half of the guys go from road up the slope and offer full body to be shot 2. Quick command perfectly middle of the road + target arcs on waypoints so that direction is towards bunker and over the bunker. Some guys go and offer full body to be shot. 3. Quick command perfectly middle of the road + target arcs on waypoints so that direction is towards bunker, but not reaching bunker. Some guys go and offer full body to be shot. 4. Quick command perfectly middle of the road + facing command towards bunker on every waypoint. And behold. This seemed to do the trick. Only one guy tried very briefly their luck on the slope and offer full body to be shot at. Now the question is: What command there is to tell my guys that bunker is huge danger? You all saw it 2 minutes ago before you smoked it. When you run, run in a way that you absolutely positively reveal least of you to that direction. In practice this case just stay on road and do not climb the slope. My answer I managed to test today seems to be waypoint facing command towards the danger. Is this the official way? Thanks! P.S. This is quite general CM2 question I guess. But game I was playing today was Fortress Italy
  14. Back for this game for long time with engine 4. I am pure ”hobbyist” gamer for these type of games. Now trying to play CMBN ”Panzer Marsch!” Campaign and scenario ”Le Dezert” I believe. I do not think I can finish it. Try to make vechiles move rationally in narrow roads just make my head explode. I really wish for and miss simple order I could give as army transportation NCO back in the day: ”Follow that vehicle”
  15. My opinion is also that it is you who needs attitude check and some politeness. There was nothing offensive and you wanted to take it as insult. That has nothing to do with people hiding behind screen etc.
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