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Monty's Mighty Moustache

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Everything posted by Monty's Mighty Moustache

  1. The cold will be having an effect then, would be even worse if it was freezing. I can't remember where I read it but I do seem to remember that the only movement command that tires the pixeltruppen out faster is SLOW, but I may be mistaken. I tend to only use it when coming to the crest of a hill/ridge (HUNT to just below the crest and then crawl to the top), in close terrain like forest or when I'm absolutely expecting contact. If I have to HUNT over that kind of distance then I put listening stops in so they can rest and have a look around, seems to keep them getting too knackered. MMM
  2. What was the temperature? If it was cold or freezing then that would affect the rate at which they fatigue. Also their fitness levels will factor in too, but I can't imagine the US troops are unfit. Plus the hunt command tires troops quickly as they are moving slowly on maximum alertness expecting contact any second so they have to have their wits about them. MMM
  3. Oooh, I was just looking at the campaigns in CMFI as I fancy starting one and this did catch my eye, good to hear it's well put together. MMM
  4. Poor time management? Really? I play PBEM because I have a full time job and two kids under 5 so I “manage” maybe an hour a day if I’m lucky. Without PBEM I wouldn’t be able to play multiplayer at all. Guess that’s my fault for managing my time poorly, who knew? Sweeping generalisations aren’t going to do you any favours. I do however think it should offer more alternatives for multiplayer for those that want it. MMM
  5. Yes, campaigns are just linked scenarios with shared units so the author can create multiple AI plans for each scenario if they see fit. Some do, some don't. MMM
  6. He may already have finished but I got the impression that it was more of a DAR but I may be wrong, it happens often. This line made me think he was just starting: Nothing wrong with comparing tactics and I'm not going to report it, just thought it best to check before posting spoilers as others may not have played it either (like me). Perhaps mark the post with a big "***********SPOILERS***********" exclamation at the top so people know to skip it if they don't want to know anything? MMM
  7. Now that is quite the spoiler riddled post. Might be an idea to remove it before BrotherSurplice sees as he may not have played the scenario before. MMM
  8. Until they started starving to death as the Wehrmacht took all the food supplies for the troops as was the plan all along, they were expecting tens of millions to starve as a result. People, and not necessarily anyone here, always mention the oil, but the lack of food doesn’t seem to get much attention. MMM
  9. Sounds like you have just had some bad luck. I have only been playing PBEM for a few months and having a great time, one opponent did disappear mid game but I have no idea why, could be anything so I won’t judge. I could squeeze another game in if you want someone who won’t moan and disappear? I can usually manage a turn a day, sometimes more but I do have two young kids who steal sleep so I may have weeks where the rate slows a bit. My opponents are in different regions so not bothered about time differences or how many turns you get back. What games do you own? MMM
  10. Well there's an exaggeration if ever I saw one. You can always just let the game increment the save number every time you save and then go back and bulk delete when you're finished with the battle you're playing. Not ideal but it works great and the game is certainly playable. I prefer myself to have one save that I keep overwriting so I feel the pain too btw. It's definitely a recent thing as it used to work fine, maybe introduced by latest engine updates. You're not the first to spot it and it's been reported I believe so hopefully a fix will come in the next patch. MMM
  11. Also if it were as simple as it being the same game with a few tweaks then we’d have early Ostfront and Africa by now
  12. Secondary fire sectors. Would be nice to be able to set a cover arc as a primary fire sector and have another as a secondary and units would engage enemy on the secondary sector if there are no contacts in the primary. Anything outside these sectors would be ignored as it is now with cover arcs MMM
  13. How does that work with say, Unreal engine? Why don’t companies offer discounts on every game built using that engine since the first one? Because it’s an engine, not a game. The engine powers the physics, ballistics etc but each game, not module, has a ton of custom code to model the differerent weapons, TO&E, vehicles, terrain, weather and such as other have said. It’s not the first time I’ve seen someone say this and it seems to stem from the gameplay feeling similar but each game is very much its own thing. I also thought that way way back when but I soon was sucked in and now don’t think twice about the price. As for sales as I mentioned earlier Steam had a sale recently and BF did indeed price match and they have stated the intent to do so going forward. But obviously that only applies to the titles that are available on Steam. MMM
  14. I was playing the other night and a rifle shot missed the intended target 100m away and domed a guy who was giving buddy aid nearly 500m away. Love how this game models bullet trajectories. MMM
  15. They discounted CMBS and CMSF2 when they were on sale on Steam so I would expect the WW2 ones will be on sale when they are on sale on Steam (once they have been added). So it could be a while.
  16. I used the engineers to take the objectives as they have much more firepower
  17. I actually played this one last week and struggled with the same. They are a recon force so the key I think is to not get into any heavy firefights with them, I used them to get my scouts into position using their speed and then had a couple of them in hull down positions to engage anyone the scouts found on the low ground (I went straight for the big hill to have a look around) and call in mortars. I then used the engineers to attack the objectives once they arrived, but ran out of time and got a minor victory. Good little scenario.
  18. Not normally, the master maps are provided so scenario editors can cut them down and use the section they want rather than having to create the map from scratch. I’ve found that sometimes the master maps make their way into the Scenarios folder in the Game Data, mostly CMBN (Market Garden maps in particular seem to be in the Scenarios folder) so it’s possible they’re just in the wrong place They usually live in a Master Maps folder. The only way I know of to be sure would be to move them and then try loading all the scenarios and see if any of them break But someone may know of a better way to check. MMM
  19. They should be on the same game engine as all the other titles how though aren’t they (and I genuinely am not sure)? The patch was rolled out a while ago and we had to wait for F&R for Red Thunder to be brought up to the same version but it works on the other games so not sure what is causing it. I’m not expecting it to be fixed tbh unless it’s a really easy one that as soon as the devs heard about it they thought, “Aaah I know what has caused that”. If it was more of a “how has that happened?” reaction then I don’t see them investing too much time into looking into it as it’s hardly game-breaking and isn’t affecting too many of us. You never know though, so fingers crossed. MMM
  20. Wow, that was not my intention. I was not angry, not even mildly miffed, it’s true what they say about tone being lost when you write on the internet, it was intended to be tongue in cheek but clearly that was lost so apologies. But I stand by that it’s a rubbish way to have to do things, I’d rather it was patched MMM
  21. In the biz we call that a workaround. It’s a naff one but I suppose it does work. I for one won’t be using it, I don’t want to have to switch over to the Explorer and delete the save game every time I want to save when it used to handle it for me perfectly well before. 90% of the time I would forget anyway MMM
  22. Fortress Italy doesn't get a lot of love but it's right up there for me as one of my favourites (along with Red Thunder) with all the bundles. The sheer variety of units, the timescale (1943 all the way to war's end) and the different equipment available as time progresses (no organic AT for the Germans), the number of nationalities represented and the variety of terrain makes it a fascinating theatre to play in. But as Sgt Joch says there are demos, so give them a try. It is worth noting however that Shock Force 2 is currently on sale, that's an insane amount of content for that price and if you like Black Sea you'll like this, it's a different type of warfare though, but very interesting (I just bought it myself, couldn't resist the price). https://www.battlefront.com/shock-force-2/cmsf2-big-bundle/ MMM
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