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  1. I ended up making my own from scratch in the end just to make sure I got the entire process right, but it's not great. I uploaded the cleaner version from Kieme too. I wish they were taller too, but that's engine stuff.. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bf1WxuP_SQ2oP0MAgUTQnlEOGrcsMUAa?usp=share_link the new ones (they don't blend well with the rest imo) :
  2. This is originally from "Kieme CMBS alternative crops" but no more white outline, I like it. Looks pretty bad on the picture because of compression tho. I'm going to tweak it a bit more and post the file later. I don't like how the grass is too thin and choppy like near the bottom left corner of the picture.
  3. That was it, didn't work with paint but Pixelformer did it, thanks a lot ! You do your transparency layer on Gimp then export in .png, and finally export again with Pixelformer in A8R8G8B8 and .bmp. I still don't get why it doesn't work with Gimp tho, not that I care too much.
  4. Thanks a lot @kohlenklau Unfortunately color to alpha only turned the background white instead of black. I've tried the export settings in the thread but it doesn't work for me either. Ill keep investigating tomorrow with paint etc but this is pretty weird..
  5. Hi everyone, I could use some advice from the modders here. Basically, how do I make the engine understand the limits of a .bmp texture file (in other words : removing everything that's a black pixel) ? Maybe it's my export settings, I really don't know what I'm doing and there are no resources online that I could find. All ideas welcome at this point, all I did was remove white and bluish pixels on the edges because they looked pretty bad. I then tried to remove the background and make it transparent (adding an alpha layer and removing every black pixel) but that actually breaks the file, and it displays as a completely black box in game..
  6. It's the third apartment block from the right looking north of the "Market Square" objective, for some reason I can't target it from any angle and distance when I should clearly have line of sight. I'm also pretty sure that the AI struggles to target anything in that specific building block but I'm not sure, might be that they just get suppressed too fast. Definitely something to look into.
  7. One last message to say that the bug has been fixed (for me at least) with the latest Steam patch even tho it's not in the patchnote. I wasn't expecting it but at last I can replay the CMBS campaigns without it being a hassle now. Thanks for the help everyone, reporting it multiple times probably made it more visible.
  8. "For single player, can you call a save file the same name as a previous one?" -> I can in both CMFI and CMSF2 + I definitely used to do it in CMBS when I first played it. When I then came back to CMBS after getting more CM experience, I couldn't do it anymore. You didn't miss the point at all, I like to have one save file per mission at the end, so I can't save scum even if I reeeeally want to. I'll just have to find another way of organizing things for now at least. But I already know my OCD is going to push me towards sometimes reloading instead of just accepting that casualty I took last turn... Well see I guess.
  9. Yeah its removed from my yt account now, I can recreate it if that helps ?
  10. You mean like a game dev ? Yeah I know, I've made a bug report but my ticket is now closed after this guy named John wasn't able to properly understand what I was attempting to explain. I made a YouTube video showing the bug step by step. John ended up explaining to me that you "cant overwrite save files" (ofc you can) and then closed the ticket. Just... look at the picture, man. What else can I do ?
  11. The save system is broken, its not in any way related to game mode or even what CM you own. Ive seen people report the same thing with SF2 for example.
  12. Hi people, I've reported this bug both on the steam forums and directly in a ticket but it never got resolved and I never played CMBS as a result, so here it is : When using a similar name to an existing save file, the game just refuses to overwrite it. You are forced to use a different name for every new save making it very annoying, especially when you forget about the bug and loose an hour of progression as a result. I can even see the failed attempts of the game at saving in the main install folder of my CMBS Steam Edition : All of those temp files shouldn't be here and shouldn be .TMP's, obviously. It's quite the game breaking bug and honestly doesn't seem too obscure and difficult to fix, I can literally see the problem unfold in front of my eyes and I'm pleb. Below the link to my original Steam thread and some forum post explaining the bug in more details : https://steamcommunity.com/app/1502380/discussions/0/2953788788219264840/#c2953788788220774775 https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=375985 Any ideas ?
  13. Had the same problem with the Steam edition of CMBS and that's the best answer I got in the picture. Best thing to do is create a ticket reporting the issue here : https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com The more times it shows up on the helpdesk, the more widespread it looks to the devs. They wont fix it if they dont know about it or think its not prevalent enough. Ive made a ticket abotu it some times ago but will make a new one again with the new info collected, good luck.
  14. How insecure are you to somehow think this is a personal attack ? Go out and talk to people once in a while, goddam. Talk about venting your anger...
  15. After some investigating the "no trespassing" sign is actually a selection tool for saves ?! Could you choose a less related icon tho ? Or just, idk let people shift and ctrl click ? So the problem arise when MANUALLY deleting files from the save folder, and from what Ive gathered there is no known fix. I've tried reinstalling, launching as admin, played with the read only setting, tried to find another save folder somewhere else that would confuse the game. No results for now. If anyone as a new idea, Id love to try it because this is unplayable.
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