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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Or they could be overhauled by one of the resident experts here if they need it? I don't mean myself unfortunately, I'm a as far as modding goes.
  2. Think I'll check my emails over the weekend.
  3. An interesting read John (the first one, haven't got onto your brother's yet). In amongst the action, two things stood out. 1. He said God told him to turn right. I'm sure any watching Germans would have said "aber Gott ist mit uns?" . 2. He said a white hot 18 pound round penetrated his Sherman just before they bailed out (from an AT gun firing at extreme range)? Oh and perhaps a third... 3. He said a Panzerfaust was fired out of a building. I thought this was a no-no? But I'm sure it happened in the heat (literally) of the moment.
  4. Yes I think you're probably right, but even so your input expands many things. Keep up the great work, it's much appreciated .
  5. Interesting, thanks. Downloaded and ready to read. A quick look suggests the debate still goes on about Prokhorovka, but perhaps not to the extent that it used to? If the Wheatley papers are anywhere near correct (and they seem to be) it's clear that the old history we read was part cover-up and part propaganda?
  6. Sights Phil, sights . You are doing an unbelievable job, please keep it up .
  7. I hope they'd washed them, particularly after the last days in WW2.
  8. I'm guessing it'll be a day when I'm not reading my email. If there is such a day .
  9. Haha George, I like the cut of your gib (sorry, vernacular). As a big fan of your CM work, I will also take your advice on reading material. I'm quite well versed in Tiger crew positions so I imagine that would have raised an eyebrow with me too.
  10. I don't think @Mord has been on for a while, although the last visit info is turned off in his profile. Hope he's back soon. On the wider Stalingrad subject, I can only commend the work done. I'd also love a BFC Stalingrad but that sounds unlikely from recent posts.
  11. Not in Fire and Rubble . Feel like I'm saying no a lot, but it's not up to me of course .
  12. Don't think so . Some after-war modded scenarios could make use of the IS3 I suppose, like an early Cold War game. I did that once in Talonsoft's East Front 2, a long long time ago...
  13. Interesting, I'd not read that before. Don't think so, wasn't really involved in WW2?
  14. If nothing else, thanks for the reading suggestions. I'm reading Zamulin's 'Demolishing the myth' at the moment but will check them out. As for new campaigns I would wholeheartedly welcome (and play-test ) them. And of course F&R is nearly here, so if later content is needed it should be available soon...
  15. I know what you mean, I can still remember - for now at least .
  16. Thanks @kohlenklau, downloaded and just need to find the time. Loving your work as always .
  17. Does that mean you're a young whippersnapper ?
  18. I think it's fairly representative, I'm guessing average is in the mid 50s somewhere so that agrees. Not that it matters, but it might also vary from game to game, for example younger folk may be more into modern titles.
  19. And what is the demographic of the customer base? Older (and wiser ) than almost any other game I'm guessing... Or am I blowing smoke somewhere? Hmmm.... EDIT: Apart from chess .
  20. That could just reflect that SF2 owners are more likely to know what Discord is? Joking of course, and if your figures do reflect sales levels then no-one can argue with the 'flow' of the titles.
  21. But Steve, I'll pre-order both now .
  22. I have therefore awarded you the Order of the Green Heart (not for the first time of course). And JM also . Or are they blue? Oh well, you know what I mean (hopefully).
  23. Okay, the penny eventually dropped and I realised I had not selected the -3 version in the QB setup. Tonight I did, and I have to report grey interior surfaces, just like @Hapless. @umlaut's fix is now downloaded, thanks. EDIT: And it works a treat .
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