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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Other flavours are available . But anyway, good luck as I know the feeling..
  2. As an experiment to see how long setup was for the 88 Flak (and just to play with it) I just tried to set up a QB with it. After some searching I found them in the Heavy Flak units of the Armored Infantry, and impressive they are. They do however seem to set up fully deployed and 'static' with no limbering option? If so, there is no need for the Sdkfz 7 to tow it .
  3. Well you had Panthers and Panzer IVs as well, but with IS2s in the treelines and T34s appearing on the other flank, a degree of caution was required. Which was where I went slightly wrong first time, as I had only played several CM scenarios before this one. On a second attempt with obviously too much intel, I had fewer problems. Anyway this thread is Cold War, n'est ce pas?
  4. Actually after checking I think that might not be one of George's... It's great anyway .
  5. Gog and Magog methinks? Tiger IIs, Panthers, Panzer 4s. Great scenario, great map, an early learning experience for me .
  6. To be fair, on the picture the gun does look like an imposter . I'd rather have a 37mm with cannister rounds a-plenty.
  7. That's fine Ian, I was just unsure if the Guest making the point was the same one. Guests posting is fine by me (if a little new?) but tracking threads needs a bit of naming consistency. It's not a biggie anyway .
  8. I think I understand where you're coming from, but to be fair most of the discussion on the wider forum is friendly, positive and helpful. Every now and then there are disagreements, misinterpretations, frustrations etc. but don't let that put you off. I hope that the general community you refer to can be spared from condemnation, as they really aren't that bad in my experience.
  9. Yes, as an oddity, something of a rarity and facing the last dregs of opposition (this from another website): The first shipment of twenty Pershings arrived in Antwerp in January 1945. These were split between the 3rd and 9th Armored Divisions and were the first of 310 M26s to reach Europe before the end of the war. Of these, around 20 saw combat. I would however like to fight against and with them in-game.
  10. Don't have a lot of experience with bazookas but Panzerfausts and Panzerschreks are deadly in the right situation, whether AI or player controlled. Oh and PIATs as well.
  11. Indeed, and I did not wish to belittle the efforts of those working on all things Partisan .
  12. I had exactly that sort of thing in mind so yes, thanks for the effort and I'm happy to wait anyway .
  13. I'm happy to wait for Partisan moustaches (or hats) but I would have also been happy to pay for later war battles anyway (e.g. Seelow Heights type stuff). I suspect however that I won't find much joy playing on my usual side .
  14. And for those working on the Partisans I thank you and please don't take me too seriously. I just like main stream Schwere Panzer units better .
  15. They could have left Partisans out. Just saying... My ears and eyes are already burning.
  16. We still have a shot at March 17th , with a bit of luck. And no I'm not Irish .
  17. Slightly old skool, I used to be here: Planes - Il2 1946 modded (leading to BAT) Infantry - Day of Defeat (original version) Tanks - T34 vs Tiger and Kharkhov 1943 Submarines - SH3 modded with the excellent Grey Wolves expansion. Some years later, I am here: Planes, not really doing it, but Il2 BOS etc. is tempting me. Tanks and infantry - CM2, yeah baby. Tanks in a different way - Il2 Tank Crew. Submarines - again, not doing it, but going back to Grey Wolves is also tempting. Oh, and in the meantime War in the East was tried (not much progress) and also a close-to-ASL game, Tigers on the Hunt (which I was finding great until I stumbled across CM). In summary CM has been 'always on my mind' recently, and at the risk of sounding like I'm licking something I shouldn't (I did say the same a while ago) big thanks to BFC!
  18. I'm not seeing moustaches or hats/tops of heads. But hey ho, lets go... Oh and don't make them too powerful, I have to fight them .
  19. Mine says 2.02 version 4.00, installed via the all-in-one installer.
  20. Thanks @kohlenklau, just downloaded as I was not around in those days . And of course thanks to @dragonwynn.
  21. But the partisans' moustaches (even the ladies') are not ready yet.
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