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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Last time I overclocked was a long long while ago with this setup (including the improved cooling): Core2Duo E6750 2.66GHz OC@ 3.2GHz Arctic Freezer 7 Pro CPU cooler ASUS EN8800 GT 512MB OC@ 700Mhz / 2000MHz Thermaltake DuoOrb VGA cooler Things have of course moved on a lot since then, but I had no issues whatsoever with that setup (in fact it's still in my loft, its place taken by a gaming laptop these days).
  2. I've found that what John (aka @BFCElvis) says is generally correct - isn't that right John ? Certainly for me PBEM saves where the number at the end always increments have never failed except for one where I loaded up a preceding save by mistake and guess what, it wouldn't let me overwrite the incremented file number that it already had. This made sense to me. For single player, can you call a save file the same name as a previous one? Not so sure about that, but I have always gone with the automatically incremented number system and it has not failed so far either. Do I end up with a lot of files? Yes - but they can easily be deleted once done with. If I'm missing the point forgive me as I can't see the video either.
  3. Then I can accuse you of having a very large package . Perhaps I'll forego the pleasure for now but I would like to give it a proper go at some point. Having said that I never finished your Stalingrad battle that I was trying - might resurrect that instead...
  4. Having a big dropbox is not something I've ever been accused of. It seems my account is only 2.5GB and it would need a bit of a clearout. Might be doable in a couple of goes though?
  5. Looks great Nigel, particualry the 'populated' areas with wrecks etc. I'm sure the music will go down well in certain quarters... I'm thinking I need to fight a battle there to really enjoy (aka judge) it properly - is that a possibility yet?
  6. Apologies if I've missed this earlier in the thread. Zelensky plays Glastonbury:
  7. Hello and welcome. That's a good question as I think a lot of people (me included) want to play the KG Peiper campaign etc. and see if we can do better. Having tried that though it pretty quickly gets tough so it's not an easy assignment. I suspect playing as the US in the earlier battles is not easy either (for historical reasons if nothing else). For what it's worth, my favourite battle so far in FB is 'A Muddy Affair' played by PBEM - quite the slog and (no bragging intended) an eventual victory as, yes you guessed it, the Germans. My opponent was not easy to beat though...
  8. Age is just a number. So they say . Wim, Dave and I are just starting Timmes Digs In if you want feedback on that one? I've read your notes carefully. Being the gentleman he is, he selected the one with the larger version of the German forces (Edit: for clarity that's me, he's 82nd through and through). I'd like a few more troops though and we could forget history and have a few Tigers on hand?
  9. Well if I get to choose sides that's not a problem . I've got to know Amfreville quite well already from 'Boots on the ground' , including odd quirks of where certain vehicles can and can't go.
  10. Yes, some good stuff here! And in Bil's Battle Drill of course. Thanks guys...
  11. I used to love this going back a few years - Grey Wolves? As for CMBN you have done a great service Wim and at least a few of us are benefitting. As you know I have two of your battles under way as H2H, (one of which wasn't meant to be H2H) but I wouldn't mind another against you at some point if that's what you mean.
  12. Hmmm, thought I read that there was once, perhaps in CMx1 then. Anyway reading what I wrote again, I have of course played Engine 4 for more hours than I can imagine (no Steam counter to keep track though ).
  13. I think we may be saying that there ain't such a tool in Engine 4. Was there one in Engine 3? I've only ever played Engine 3 demos and at the time had no clue what I was doing .
  14. It could be an extension of the often-seen 'my tank has not crossed the bridge, but instead has gone through the bridge surface and is trying to enter the river'? A quick reverse can be the remedy if so...
  15. Agreed, I'm looking forward to this - especially if it applies equally to WW2 titles. None of those modern acronyms . EDIT: didn't read the WARNO, it's already all linked in the first post, so I don't have to look forward to it .
  16. Michael, you obviously need some relief from issuing movement orders . Don't worry about being too exact, my boys will pick up any stragglers .
  17. Great shots George . There's a lot of smoke on the horizon . I have just played @benpark's Baranovichi by PBEM and one of the units I enjoyed the most (in amongst my lovely Panthers) was a Mobelwagen fighting in ground role - it survived to tell the tale as well.
  18. No pressure on us then . Happy to share my password, and have just got your PM. Once Michael posts the first proper turn we should be good to go. In return can you add some additional 90mm assets on the US side? Yes I know it's too late for that but oh well... TBH I still haven't seen what I have on the US side anyway.
  19. Wim, we have started the H2H but we have only shared the password files so far, Michael is probably labouring with some convoy movements. I'm not sure how we create another password, or do you mean you need one of ours? I can share mine with you by PM if so, and I assume we would need to add you to the Dropbox, so PM me with your email address if so.
  20. Hmmm, same here but I only started doing this recently so perhaps I was previously posting direct images. Anyway, thanks again...
  21. Yes the TRF situation agrees with what I wrote earlier... I don't mind .
  22. Ernst Rohm? Anyhoo, my GIs stand ready... Hoping I have a few 90mm assets hanging around.
  23. Okay, I like a bit of defense and ambush. I did however look at the German forces while comparing the H2H versions, so if you feel the need to cast an eye over the US forces that's fine by me. I haven't seen them yet... Will await the password file in the usual place my friend.
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