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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Apologies, it was my lighthearted reference to your meeting, not the context. Thanks in advance for the photos.
  2. 1958? I'm kind of impressed, but at the same time disappointed for various reasons.
  3. Haha I was just about to ask about that. Instead, can I ask about the other scheduled BPs etc. - are they still on their way?
  4. Do you have any photos from the happy day ?
  5. We are not amused. Or maybe we are. Anyway, who won the war?
  6. We've all been there many a time. Loving this thread though, beautifully reported .
  7. I would tend to agree, but it also needs large scale energy storage sorting out to flatten out intermittency (if that's a word). Meanwhile in the UK we have new announcements of nuclear investment.
  8. Well, if people don't like one mod, why not try another in Phil's Goody Box (in his footer in case you've missed it)? Barbarossa, Warsaw, Finn, Romanian, Sapper... I've tried most and very much liked them. It's okay Phil you can pay me later. Or just send me a crotch scratcher from your collection (but not a used one please). And don't forget Phil's backyard is busy (from another thread)...
  9. That would be the Rome to Victory manual (just looked). I like Wim's spreadsheet anyway...
  10. That's a fair rule, now where's the bar? Apologies, I will say no more.
  11. I've recently had it said to me that if Trump was still in power there would have been no war in Ukraine. My view of that was that there would have been but it would probably all be over by now, and not in a good way. Happy to be enlightened otherwise, or ignored if this is a bit too political for this place...
  12. I think I tried an earlier production and it was great fun, the one where a truck and AT gun only just made an escape before the main action? So I'm keen for more, I'm sure others in the gang of six are too. Or I could try another H2H with the maestro. I dont think it's 'nobody wants it' (ooh err) it just needs to be thrust out there (ooh err part2). Hopefully the regal @Warts 'n' all is reading this thread . EDIT: And I love 'What fries my onions'. If you could add a few bits of my Habaneros and stick it on a pizza... EDIT2: I was about to comment on bending over in the showers for a bar of soap, but oh well better stop there .
  13. In a recent CMRT game it reduced it so much that several T34s trundled by while my PF team were hiding in some trees by the road. Understandable in real life I suppose...
  14. Love it Ian. That's why I qualified my statement - in case anyone thought Andy and I were making a living on the catwalks or in the studios. I for one am certainly not.
  15. Any news on the other poor buggers taken prisoner in (or perhaps some still in) Mariupol? Last I saw was talk of trials.
  16. I stand corrected. Although it seems the Union Flag bunting can adorn a wider range of erections than tents. Oh dear, that doesn't sound right...
  17. My better half has today bedecked the ramparts and perimeter walls with the Union Jack bunting she also deployed on several camping trips in France. I'll just point out again that I did not vote to leave the other Union.
  18. In my mind, here's a view of Phil's backyard (perhaps in Phil's mind):
  19. Good to see you back, RL can be a problem at times .
  20. Say no more, I believe I know who your opponent is. If I'm right, he and I are currently at Baranovichi on the Ost Front, where I think things are going reasonably well for my German stragglers and panzers. So, 507th Makes a Good Drop is an 'optimal drop' version of Boots on the Ground? And presumably drawn up with H2H in mind? As mentioned another good friend and I are playing this one, with me as the Germans, in the full knowledge of both of us that you said play as US only. I've actually enjoyed moving stuff around so far but we're half an hour plus in and have not seen each other yet. Apparently reinforcements have arrived on the other side so I'm sure it'll kick off any minute. It's still pretty dark as well. Now, let's see, have I said anything I shouldn't have? No, don't think so...
  21. I fear we have moved away from topic in recent posts (mine included). Oh well...
  22. @WimO's stuff is great, although instructions should be followed. I'm currently playing Boots on the Ground as the Germans in a PBEM. This was not as planned . @George MC's stuff is of course great (have I mentioned this before ). George, I'm reminded that I'm supposed to be visting a couple of bridges - my apologies I have been a little distracted.
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