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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. No need to shout . I never saw it either, but as mentioned I was actually playing WOT Blitz, which may be different. Just wondering, it's not like I don't have enough to do in CM (my favourite game by far, just to set the record straight).
  2. I see what you mean, that looks great - you sure you can't replicate it in CM? Would only take a minute girl (sorry song lyrics getting to me). Th other option I have is to go back to WOT, it didn't have that map last time I was there, or maybe it was because I was using WOT Blitz, who knows. Of course I'd still be called some horrible names... This probably ain't the place to be discussing it, but can you just select let's say that map with only historical tanks, or do you get the Frankenstein selection all around you?
  3. Great result, long may it continue. And good to have the feedback for other people. And I still need to have a go at Day of Attrition...
  4. An art form all of itself, which sometimes still goes badly wrong (rubber banding and units going down through the bridge come to mind). I had this with KG Peiper, which at one point delayed my panzers so much that the next attack went in as infantry only. It all ended well, but could have been better. This is just meant as a comment by the way, previous threads have dealt with this in some detail so we don't need to re-visit unless people really want to .
  5. Yes, what Dave said about convoys . I have often yearned for a convoy function. On the cycling through waypoints, I'm not aware of such a thing. And yes I spend ages clicking on waypoints and paths, only to lose the path and have to find it again. Unless someone wiser (not a big ask) comes along, I think this is currently a 'wish list' item. Doesn't stop me playing though .
  6. Out of curiosity, how old? Not 400 years I hope?
  7. The sign on the store is 'Hermann Tiez' with no second t. I can't believe such a lack of historical accuracy . Great work though...
  8. Thanks. Happily I'm the US defenders, so my opponent has the traffic troubles (hopefully). Took us both ages to set up though.
  9. You make a fair point. But now you make me want to re-load WOT just to see that map. And be called a noob w****r yet again .
  10. Most of us only have two Steve, how many did you have? Or is that a hint that you're not the average guy
  11. Fair point, I hinted at the same hoping for a reply. Seems 'our' (BFC's) lovely game is not for everyone, but it is for sure keeping me occupied .
  12. I agree, over to you then ? Must check if I'm up to date on your great stuff my friend. And apologies that my testing is a little slow, I've been delayed by a huge commitment in Normandy. KG Bohm to Le Rocher to be precise.
  13. Not sure, the tanks were described as trophies, brought from Smolensk (a long story). Desperate times but maybe they were placed there already and not put up as part of any defense? Still not sure about that gun though...
  14. And how we both love a bit of Royalist fervour . Mk V's if I believe the internet. A couple of them had changed hands and as you say museum pieces, but quite a story. Here's another pic, but the gun doesn't look original .
  15. I think there's a time limit on editing posts. No idea what it is though.
  16. How about this: https://ghdi.ghi-dc.org/sub_image.cfm?image_id=2580 From 1948 not 1933 - I was wondering about the state of some of the buildings...
  17. What can I say? I'm not done with it by any means, but that's a reply . Not sure why your guys would just start moving into Chaumont unless you'd given them orders to do so? But that's also a reply . Anyway, just keep going and ask questions here, watch Youtube videos or whatever works. It's well worth the learning curve in my opinion.
  18. Love that middle shot Nigel, excellent. Yeah me too, round about then in Newcastle City Hall. More regular gigs were Hawkwind and Motorhead though .
  19. Welcome @massi. You mean release on Steam I assume. I think the intention is/was to put CMBN on Steam next, to be followed by CMRT, but I may be wrong. If you're in a hurry you can get either direct from BFC now. And you should get both obviously , and in time (finances permitting) you will. CMRT was my first purchase, but I spend more time playing other people in CMBN. Love both, and CMFB and CMFI.
  20. +1 from me. I know there are others who feel the same ( @kohlenklau deserves special mention ) but what I don't know is how many and how the likely purchase numbers stack up for BFC. I'd buy early war stuff for sure, but then again I'll buy all of the above later war stuff as well. Just not the modern stuff (yet ).
  21. I hadn't noticed but gave it a try. It was very, very slow for my first search (randomly it was '22.5', related to the degrees of Falaise's road mod) but much quicker on the second (Falaise). The results I got did not seem much different to what I would have got a few months ago, but of course I'm not sure.
  22. Metric 500 tonnes = 1.1 million pounds, but your point is still valid, even more so.
  23. Not in the so-called high security buildings I was referring to .
  24. You make a very good point, but I thought you lived in what we used to call the 'big house', where you can't get out of the front or the back door .
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