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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Good luck (bon chance) my friend, hope you can complete it in some way. And of course thanks to @Léopold.
  2. Yes, much respect. On a similar and hopefully not controversial note I recently passed a large German cemetery in Normandy - if I'd been on my own I might have gone in (erm I know, I'm from the UK) but the rest of the family preferred to catch the ferry .
  3. @Bootie is back from vacation (hopefully) so I'm sure he'll get you sorted.
  4. I think you have, but whatever, it's an interesting point. IMO he is right about the issues he mentions but he is at best forgetful of the sponsorship he receives. And I say that as a supporter of a newly Saudi owned football club (NUFC). And... back in the room.
  5. Although I play WW2 (all titles) only so far, I'm interested in this. In WW2 I try to avoid the sadness of 'recon by death' but at the same time I also try to get some recon intel. But as for whether recon troops have better capabilities for this than others, hmmm, not sure...
  6. I guess from what I've heard elsewhere (i.e. your worthy opponent, who I'm also playing in a different battle (KG Bohm) although it's taking me a while to extract my finger ) that this didn't work either Wim? On one of your options above I've had problems in-game with the so-called 'Lost Boys', including against another worthy opponent in 'Boots on the Ground' recently, but it has not so far led to 'Lost Saves' in PBEMs. A common factor here which springs to mind as far as having Lost Boys is the bocage, but that might be nothing to do with it as my units were supposed to be moving along a straight road between two straight lines of bocage.
  7. Welcome, and I'm sure you won't regret it. @BFCElvis is the very best source of help (hence me linking him here), or you can open a help ticket on the BFC website.
  8. I agree. Ideally CMRT would be expanded to cover the whole time frame but I'm not sure we'll get all (or any) of the missing years. I know there's some good stuff coming for RT but not early stuff. @kohlenklau was making a brave and skilled attempt at modding some of this but I think he's had to take a gardening break from the strain. Come back soon Phil...
  9. Sadly I think Jack was given an extended (perhaps permanent) holiday for comments on another thread.
  10. Just noticed Bootie has not visited this forum since July 12th so he may be sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere. Hope it's nothing more sinister...
  11. He's a busy lad but I'm sure he'll get back to you or come along here shortly.
  12. Loving this @George MC and @Jim1954. It looks great and as I'm not testing it I can watch from afar. After a short break in beautiful Greece (just back) I can look at other things, like Rakow. Too late I'm sure but I was having fun so why not...
  13. Watch out for other such equipment as well, like Renault R35s (some if not all of the time). The canister shot in the game is one of the scariest for infantry (IMO).
  14. I think you have to request to become an author here https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/ (the link is in the left hand side bar, just above the Keep Calm graphic) which generates an email to @Bootie. Or I'm sure he could set you up anyway if you asked via this forum.
  15. This site might also be useful: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2-gb-churchill-avre/ So the spigot is 29mm diameter, the charge is approximately 230mm.
  16. Thanks again, appreciated. I don't appreciate a website with a dark green background with black text though - not your fault I assume?
  17. Apologies, my head is still in WW2. Did they meet with any success?
  18. Well that's something I didn't know either, so thanks for the education. I suspect @akd did know .
  19. To be fair, a man with one arm has to do what he can. I refer to the video of the RPG-7 in case anyone should wonder.
  20. I see you have a bit of an axe to grind . Anyway I think the issue is the part that says 'if we'. Development of our beloved game is not a communal effort.
  21. Too much info (spoilers ) Chuck but looks like you have it cracked. I may leave this one a little while as I have some other assignments on hand...
  22. Fair point Dave, I have not seen it in FB, only BN. But hopefully it won't happen in our H2H...
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