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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I feel there should be an improvement in the units combat shock or stress. But it doesn't take place. It does when you split away the other teams from the team with the casualty. Maybe that is the purpose of it, but you don't have to deliver the buddy aid.
  2. Thick foliage is not cover but concealment. You can look through the bocage when you are adjacent to it, you can hit then anybody you in return are very hard to spot. Turning trees off doesn't make any difference in spotting. I do it to make plotting easier. Hidden units don't become visible by turning trees off. You paid for the game with your own money and play it as you see fit. Some people save every turn when they do something risky. It is their game and not mine. Page 42 in the game manual formulates spotting. C2, Experience (It is a job for veteran and above) the special equipment Like binoculars thermal systems etc. It is hard but base your decisions not what the screen shows between turns. The editor can make bocage on tree tiles. Even when you blow a hole your tank still can't get through. This is what I call gamey as it is not realistic. Just giving an example what is gamey. Foliage is not cover it just makes you harder to spot by the enemy.
  3. I will try Pattons tactic hit the Tiger followed by White Phosphorus which is reputed to set the Tiger on fire. There were guys who did this for real. What are they called? The Greatest Generation, I think.
  4. LOS and LOF are different. The units you see between turns is the result of 'Borg Spotting'. The manual quite clearly says that CM is using relative spotting. A tank drives on the road unbuttoned and during the turn a contact icon pops up. Naturally, we all thing the commander did the spotting. It could have been the driver, or the bow gunner and you get a 'No Line of Sight'! This example is extreme but possible. Sniper and his Spotter. One has an 8X Binoculars the other a 4X sniper's scope. I just suggest give the TacAI a chance, I don't see the need very often to plot direct fire on a full contact. Snipers 2men team, HMG 4 men 4 men team, AFV's 5 men team. It takes only one to give you a full contact and yes it is possible you don't have a LOF.
  5. It was something I picked up today. Replay on Hot Seat so that you know how these things happen. You will get a different battle plan, but you can study their C2 structure. You play both sides at the time. It is how some guys make video movies as an instruction tool. In my game above the Challenger are out of LOS but get the contact icons from the snipers on the rooftop through their C2.
  6. It comes to spotting again. You did your tests unbuttoned? Nearby infantry will pass their information if they are located close to the fire position. It is great with Hellcats and Jacksons.
  7. They researched the function of medics in the game. Apart from retrieving equipment no other benefits. The Victory status stays the same. 3 wounded and 15 KIA or 18 KIA only no difference. It may be different during a campaign as some wounded could return to their unit. I don't agree with it as there should be some bonus, but there is no hard evidence. Another thing I picked up from the Few Good Men Forums.
  8. The guys are spotting with the smallest unit. 2 scouts and a HQ someway behind. I am surprised they spotted an AT Gun. Usually, you get a sound contact of an AFV which stops the recon. Infantry squad has the function to secure when they must withdraw. The HQ is Veteran and above.
  9. No Borg Spotting for artillery and aircraft (helicopters). I make sure that the observers have at least a contact icon where they want to call a fire mission. I call 'Borg Spotting' what I see on the screen when nothing is selected.
  10. Craters don't mean much; latter US artillery shells had the proximity fuse. Hate to think of a Nebelwerfer with more efficient airburst shells against infantry in the open.
  11. I read somewhere that 25% of the wounded could succumb to their injuries. Yes, this was mentioned to in the video. He didn't address or it affected combat stress or combat shock. Splitting a squad up influences combat stress or shock. No sense to do buddy aid if you have not secured the terrain.
  12. Objective of Recon is not to attack but generate contacts for the follow up forces. The Challengers just have arrived and will do a horizontal sharing of the C2. This is not done by radio but verbally between different HQs' they need to be apart by no more than 30 meters turrets unbuttoned. The enemy will be spotted before he can spot you. An effective way of testing when you finish a game do a report back. You replay the game you were not happy with on Hot Seat so that you can see the effects of your tactics and find out why the AFV could spot infantry in a fog behind a tree. Happy gaming.
  13. The tank could have used the contact generated by an infantry unit. I do it manually all the time. Advantage of playing on iron you have the advantage to know what the enemy can't see. Rule of thumb if you have a full contact the other guy has one of you too. A veteran commander unbuttoned observing a contact marker can very well observe you. When I played on Veteran the area of operations was full of contacts in no time. The game just became a turkey shoot. The only thing I can suggest is test and then test some more. The best people to observe are veteran and above. It seems to be the consensus of more experienced players than me.
  14. We can never eliminate it, but the Borg Spotting we I am sure all do to a is the culprit in my opinion. That's what we see between turns or when we have deselected all units. We are dealing here with a complex algorithm. It makes sense we have a guy with binoculars, another with a sniperscope and two with the naked eye. The two with the naked eye spot better if the guys with the optical aid don't know what they look for. Here is where experience comes in select veteran and above for spotting. That's according to @Josey Wales who made a video about the subject.
  15. Back to basics: Page 42 of CM Engine Manual. Then it considers Experience motivation, and the list goes on and on. Schoolboy spots headquarters in the Netherlands (A Bridge too Far). The British dismisses it, the boy had something like -2 leadership and a +1 for motivation. I think the engine however frustrating mimics this very well. Ref: CM Engine Manual 42.  One of the center pieces of the new CMx2 game engine is the concept of “relative spotting”, where a number of game elements - from command & control, to skill levels, to individual unit abilities - all come together. A typical battlefield is full of chaos by its very nature: combatants worldwide call this chaos the “Fog of War”, where no two soldiers “see” the same thing. To simulate this, CMx2 employs complex calculations and a unique spotting concept which only shows the player what his currently selected unit can see. Spotting is computed for each unit individually and is not only based on actual lines of sight, but includes many other factors such as: what the spotter and target are doing (facing does matter!), the equipment they have available (scopes, binoculars etc.), skill levels, visibility based on climatic effects and the time of day, even sounds (units can “hear” nearby enemies!) and so forth. Enemy units that are not seen by any of your troops are not shown on the map. This includes muzzle flame, smoke, dust, and other effects directly attached to enemy unit behavior - these are also not shown unless the unit itself is already spotted by at least one friendly soldier. But even when an enemy is spotted by one of your units, that information does not pass immediately to other friendly units; instead, it is transmitted using the usual Command & Control channels and is subject to the same restrictions. Note: Relative Spotting is turned off for Basic Training
  16. Target arcs for tanks when you need to turn the turret say at 90⁰ when the tank is traveling on a road. The hide command if the tank is behind the crest of a hill. Does it leave a sound contact? There is no way to find this out.
  17. Even on Iron when you deselect all units you do 'Borg Spotting'. The AI-has a spotting algorithm. To hack it is very hopeless. The best you can do is use it through the TacAI when you plot your moves. Basically fire at identified icons or strong contact icons. Through Borgspotting we can plot a 155mm barrage on an MG position. Annoying he pops up when your assault tries to overrrun the position.
  18. I will travel on hunt mode for the next week or so. It is an idea to do the same with APC's and IFV's when they carry passengers with a dismount waypoint. See or the vehicle stops and the passengers dismount.
  19. The Stug III on my picture was destroyed using a contact Icon too. Infantry must work with armor.
  20. It turns off the engine, I think. Supposed to leave less of a sound contact behind.
  21. Easy spotting works two ways. Syrian ATGM left a contact icon behind for a lack of fire discipline. The two snipers were not used for sniping but for spotting. They observed the reactions of the Syrians when they observed two Scimitars dashing over the road. I won't mention the archaic tactics of the T55's dug in. It looks like the designer wants me to shoot at them. CMBS looks like an interesting game with more advanced technology. Thanks for enlightening more about this game. I include a screenshot; snipers are more often used for spotting than sniping.
  22. You plot the LOF manually or do you let the TacAI do it? I don't have CMBS but have CBSF2. Our style of game play is different I think. I let the TacAI call the shots for the reason in RL you don't order a sniper to take a shot. He gives his position away. Possibly the BTR-82 received the contact unit from another unit through his C2 and the AI used it to eliminate your sniper. Before I plot LOF myself with very poor results similar to yours.
  23. Only one way to find out. Play a game and find out. I have become a little wary to share anything what is not in the manual. Read something try it out. Now I combine the assault order with a direct fire order. This is similar combination of two moves. But more things come into play. Like Experience, Leadership, Motivation and more. One thing is not real to remain on an engine deck when all hell breaks loose.
  24. Thank you, my favorite method is Hot Seat. Long way to go before we can do it online. I am more a player and not an editor.
  25. Iron means you must spot your own units too other from that no difference of playing on Elite. (Squads may lose individuals too). Waypoints as LOS it gives you an idea but don't expect you can plot an LOF once you arrive at the 'Waypoint'. To get an LOF you need a strong Contact Icon then you may end up with a LOF on a fully identified enemy. That's my personal experience by playing on 'Iron'. LOS and LOF are different. Something I picked up on forums. A large cover arc gives you a quick idea of elevations in the terrain. Maintaining C2 is more important on Iron. What is gamey involve your PC as if it were a C3. Example TRP infantry unit can spot the TRP from nearby. The artillery observer is fine in the cellar of the local church. Without a C2 the -2 for leadership and -2 for motivation conscript can thanks to you contact our artillery observer to call a bombardement at the right time. It is a spoiler for Nedforce in Battle for Normandy. I did it but made sure I had a C2 working. But you can do it without a C2. You have Snipers in the beginning of the game outside C2 contact who could be used in that fashion.
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