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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. Yeah these are the Soviets right ? My original post was on the Germans being able to call in artillery without having comms. I dont think they were using telephone cables in april/may of 1945. I dont think the rest of the Germans are able to do this.
  2. He was just making a joke. The Kriegsmarine seem to have an issue though.
  3. Also I dont see flame throwers anywhere for specialist teams for the Germans. I ported a scenario over from cmfb and they had flamers. I just wish I could add them to my TOE where I want to.
  4. Bug? Kriegsmarine Marine Schuzen platoon leaders dont come with radios but are able to call for fire support. My PL's are out of comms and are able to call it in.
  5. CMRT module is insane, I recommend it over the RtV module any and every day.
  6. It just reads the folders as they are on your hard drive. You can make custom folders and put specific things in them. Like your scenarios, downloaded scenarios... etc.
  7. This looks like it's going to be another Wargame. Definitely wont satisfy my CM at a larger scale itch.
  8. As you said, the density of fire doesnt match what would be normal in a PBEM. This is a lot more than a few tubes. Artillery can kill soft skinned vehicles, but not as easily as it should. And tanks are pretty much immune. Which was pretty much the point of the OP's post. There was a highly referenced post on these forums of an abrams taking numerous precision artillery rounds and surviving.
  9. The map has pretty incredible attention to detail. I already made a scenario for it but I gotta tone it down for real time
  10. Point being if there are no other options then surround the objective and hit from all sides at once, which will absolutely do the job.
  11. the secret to using print scrn is alt tabbing 3 times, then taking a print scrn. Its weird.
  12. If you cant kill it, go around it? Then isolate and destroy it!
  13. To be fair there were contact that direction hahaha
  14. I dont think anyone except maybe a select few use this website for their uploads. I recommend imgbb.com. I have 250 images and never had an issue. You just have to isolate the image and then you can post the link in this chat and it should automatically display
  15. Lmao that is one of the best screens I've ever seen
  16. New stealth launchers, the USSR is large enough to hide these things from Nato
  17. Bug? At-7 Saxhorn firing in Semi-Deployed mode. Is invisible for the fire also.
  18. Negative, the mortars had sent at least 1 round each, and then they suddenly began to stop. @Codreanu I did notice that 2 of my targets were blocked by smoke early on. One of those two was a linear smoke fire which ended up in the same exact position as my opponent's smoke fire. So that one was kinda blocked, but would have been blocked by itself anyway. Weird. The other of the two was definitely blocked by my opponents smoke. I had a third mortar whose spotter had good LOS to the target but stopped firing after 3 rounds. And the fourth mortar had clear LOS as well.
  19. I will check and find out for sure for you later
  20. I had mine turned before I even called in the fire mission, maybe that's why?
  21. On map, I can send you my save in PM if you would like
  22. Targets are 1km out, past the 770m minimum range
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