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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. I shouldn't have labeled this a "bug report" but doesn't this seem a little ridiculous?
  2. I've had the dragons shoot through the forest at just about the same distance. There's no chance first generation thermals were that good.
  3. This seems too ridiculous to me. There are two pairs of eyes inside each tank, who probably spend most of their time looking forward. And they outspot my infantry running toward them from the rear, in the cover of sunlight. The light shining on the optic alone at that angle would totally blind the panthers.
  4. Yeah they both saw I2 and neither saw I1. Similarly, I2 sees both tanks and I1 sees nothing. But how do the panthers have such great visibility to the rear with the light conditions? Their reaction was simutaneous too. Pretty much instantly both recognized a threat to the rear, I2, who was advancing behind trees. I dont know how so many pairs of eyes could be so oblivious.
  5. I'm not down with badmouthing the business. But please fix this game. I don't even want to play my turns anymore lol, it took me so long just to begin trading with the soviets. I can understand these issues don't seem apparent, but I play a lot of CM, and I notice these things.
  6. Yup Grieshof. This shouldn't be happening. They were prone in small foliage the whole turn. They were firing at the M113. Neither of them should have been able to see each other. If anything you would be able to see out of a treeline like that, but not into. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think AK74 makes massive flashes where you're able to spot something like this from 300 meters away in cover like this. But what about the other teams? They are like 1 action square away from the panthers. How in the world did the panther spot these infantry? The previous turns the infantry couldn't see a panther two squares away until it was running them over. The sun is also in the panther's eyes, this should further prohibit spotting in the reverse direction. It seems pretty ridiculous that two panthers got the spot on an infantry squad running behind a treeline, but my infantry who are legit 8 meters away cannot see the tanks. I don't understand how dark it can be at 9am with snow all over the ground. What are we in, the arctic circle?
  7. Does this not seem broken to anybody? This is my HQ being shot at from 150meters through trees. You couldn't do this in CMBS.
  8. If we want to talk about abstractions I can make you a military simulator in MS paint. You just have to believe. Here's some more abstraction for you. My HQ being shot through about 5 trees, about 150 meters behind the treeline.
  9. Right but the point is the scenario is so dark that my troops are unable to see a panther 8 meters in front of them at 9am with snow all over the ground. When there's snow on the ground the light reflects absolutely everywhere and the night is pretty illuminated.
  10. Sorry uploaded to the wrong website. File.io only has one DL. let me reupload. This website has a captcha but I know it works. http://www.filedropper.com/throughthewoods064 I was tight lipped about the first two incidents, a panther driving right though my guys (Only then did they notice it was there), and the panther shooting through 150mm of trees to kill a mortar (Which he must have seen, it wasn't a target briefly command). But now it's getting straight up ridiculous. Notice the sun is in the panther's eyes, so my guys are approaching in the best way possible.
  11. Then what about the Germans? Did they time travel and smoke anti-gravity meth from the 22nd century? Hitler's special forces detachment maybe?
  12. A few turns back I also had a panther snipe my mortar about 150m through trees, the most unbelievable shot I have ever seen in this game, but my infantry can't see the tank until it's 8 meters away. This is a joke
  13. These issues make me want to drop the games entirely. If this is abstraction, I can make a video game for you in paint. It's abstracted though.
  14. CMRT. 9AM, panther tanks are driving right past my soviet infantry, within a couple meters and not being spotted. My infantry walk right next to them and are completely oblivious. Panther tanks spot my infantry approaching from the rear. I don't even know how to explain this. It's honestly that bad. These games have some serious spotting issues. It was very prevalent in CMCW. Now I'm seeing it in CMRT. Can I get a developer to look at this? This can't be right. Two turns ago I had the panther drive right in front, and then through my infantry, and they didn't spot it until it was 1 grid away. It's 9 am, and there's snow on the ground. Are you kidding me? Turn: https://file.io/Z0oCcirQLfTq Password: 747
  15. A very ugly way to waste precious panthers on this scenario. Point blank to the front and side armor exposed
  16. They technically do but not really.
  17. Nah I dont want to give the impression that it's a bad game. The game is one of my favorite from BFC. I just feel theres something going on with a couple of the units.
  18. Is this in a quick battle? If you set reinforcements in QB they will spawn in the corner like that, in your enemies area. Not sure on the exact science of what goes on with that. But similar to how opfor/blufor setup in the same spot when you are setting them up in the editor
  19. That was my very first thought, but I think I remember reading heat is able to ricochet at extreme angles.
  20. that aint how HEAT works... :l Edit: HAHA nevermind that angle is crazy. It must have just barely penetrated that second Bradley.
  21. No, it was about participating in the community.
  22. Uh yeah. I make scenarios with simple AI plans for myself. Sometimes I just make scenarios and and play them PBEM without that. I don't have to make an AI plan for attack/defense scenarios since AI planning would be too long for my personal enjoyment. Most of the scenarios I make are using the various master maps on the games. I have made well over 100 scenarios and I used to have my files public on these forums until I took them down after consideration for Battlefront. I have made plenty of scenarios with multiple AI plans as well. I never said I made any maps though. I've created multiple master TOE's, from WW1 all the way to Black Sea. I typically use these when making my scenarios, to have a realistic basis to work from. How can you take offense to this? I never said anything about your scenarios. Futhermore I would have been done until the distasteful dev posted in reference to me. Was that necessary?
  23. I've made over 100 scenarios. Why would I release them? Its not like anyone on this forum chooses to interact... you all just beat singleplayer to death. I have 15 PBEMs right now with 1/3 of them being my custom scenarios. Its very ironic that you demand content when I've never seen a pbem for you. How selfish. My favorite PBEM of all time was G4 Storming The Castle translated to CMCW. You aint ever gonna see that one.
  24. Look up FM 100-2-3, and should be Chapter 4 pages 139, 140.
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