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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. This should 100% be the next BFC game. We're all waiting for Marines+Taiwan v China. My goodness this game would sell like hotcakes.
  2. The Church Of Klaus: Extremely rudimentary scenario, should be extremely painful to play. No briefing, two objectives, and a few unit objectives. Played as Soviet vs AI. Requires CMRT with F&R. Santa refused to deliver gifts this year, the partisans were sent in to investigate the Klaus Haus. Word is that it's lightly defended, but the Toy Factory isn't far away. Good luck and try to enjoy the pain. https://ufile.io/nd9lgz6r Edited to provide more AT assets. I guess soviet infantry don't have AT grenades as standard, and they aren't arbitrarily equipped.
  3. Thanks AKD, where do you find these "Kriegsgliederung" ? I don't remember where I saw the 103 SS Schwere.
  4. The panther being picked in every game is a good point. My friend and I were just talking about how many vehicles go unused for the Germans in CMRT.
  5. I dont think it's that exactly, but as far as I understand you're able to combine your turns and watch them together, rather than loading every single file over and over again.
  6. Combat Mission Professional Edition, made for the UK Fight Club.
  7. The replay feature is one of the "Must Haves" for CMx2. It was done for PE so....
  8. Any title is a worthwhile title for me, even if I don't like it. I rip the best maps and play them in other games. Not much is lost.
  9. The real question is - what is the pricing based off like @SergeantSqook said? Rarity in theater? Pure performance? After this is figured out then yeah we can gauge the pricing. Edit: forgot about rarity points. It would make sense that they are based off performance.
  10. Troops stay in place and die where they lay. Very linear, I can agree with this point. Doesn't take a genius to comprehend this.
  11. It's a good thing for you that he has ZIS-3. They can't penetrate a Tiger I's front at any distance. Even point blank.
  12. It would be great if people actually played this game before posting here.
  13. @The Steppenwulf Erm yeah no. Troops on any movement order wont stop for nothing. They can lose every single man of their squad if they arent on Hunt. Put them on Normal and they start taking fire? Theyll start running. And then they will all die. Have you played this game?
  14. When you get down low to eye level as the troops, this is when the fog should kick in. I believe this is how it works already but not 100% sure.
  15. 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, 2nd Company, 4/3 Guards Motor Rifle Bn
  16. I've heard pretty insane things about how good the modern day thermals are. But first gen? Cant see it. And either way foilage will disrupt the thermals despite being able to see miles with the newer kit.
  17. The SMG squad on my right flank in the city. The one that is the closest to the enemy. They die in that turn, after running out of the house and toward the German lines. I'll take a screenshot tomorrow
  18. Is it too hard to read the thread before downloading something that wasnt intended for you?
  19. I just had it happen to me today in one of my battles. Infantry squad moved through a house to get to a connected house. Then they got suppressed and fled right toward the enemy. The house might have had something to do with it, the infantry really just wanted to get outside, but they could have gone back from where they came, which would have been the safe direction. File: http://www.filedropper.com/battleforradzy055 Pass: 747 It was the tip of the spear of my huge SMG blob on my right flank. They got pummeled.
  20. They have AT capabilities.... I have killed plenty of tanks with infantry alone. On this scenario I basically have next to no anti-tank capabilities besides AT grenades and rushing tanks. Yeah it probably is. I've just been seeing these weird moments more and more. This is true, the only weird spotting I have noticed have been in CMCW, and occasionally in CMRT. On "Myth of invincibility" in CMRT I had a Jpz IV shooting through smoke killing all my T34's and SU's, after totally smashing the house it was next to (With about 10 guns at once), causing a massive amount of smoke. Then the thing just shot through the smoke lol. Then I'm having two tanks shoot through multiple trees in the same scenario... they never should have spotted each other. I think vegetation should be harder to see through. Especially the top/middle of the tree. Typically I agree with this. With armor, I think it should be pretty obvious to hear a half sized shipping container with an engine roaring on the back. And my troops were actually chasing these tanks for a couple turns, they had known that they were there. The panther also saw my guys when it drove right through them a couple turns back. The thing that irked me the most was that the panthers saw the infantry running from the rear. These guys seem a little too oblivious for me. Time to spot obviously matters, but it should be a little easier to see three behemoth vehicles with loud engines. Once my infantry started firing (Not I1 or I2) from another position, a few rounds hit the panther, and the reaction was immediate, turning to contact. They just seem a little too good in this instance. I'm not trying to trash the game or say it's bad, but I want things like this to be acknowledged so we know oddities like this exist. In my opinion, this is a little too odd.
  21. I believe it's true the fleeing toward enemy bug still persists, I still have it happen. I didn't play CM extensively before the bug was "Patched" though, so I can't tell how substantial the fix was. I also believe this bug isn't an easy one to fix at all.
  22. My guys are able to see 300 meters+ in these conditions right now with blue lines of sight. I get the whole randomness thing with CM, I've played a lot. It truly feels like the amount of randomness (Variance in the spotting) this game has is a bit too much.. If anything I1 should have spotted these panthers first IMO. These guys must seriously be smoking meth. I wound up shooting and killing the infantry squad from around 80 meters away. It doesn't seem right at all. My opponent had two Kar 98's laying in the bushes and they were shot right through the panthers lol.
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