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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. @The_CaptAre there issues with the M106 107mm mortar carrier? All 4 of my mortars are like this. This is on the Battlefront version, not sure what my opponent is using.
  2. Ive been contemplating a radzymin 2021 map for a while now
  3. Lol what was the rest of that conversation? Cherry picking? Yeah right, try playing that in real time and then tell me it works fine. Because it doesn't.
  4. I said CMBN runs worse than the other titles, this isn't lying.. it's a fact. Wake up.
  5. Why are we glorifying this poorly written article? These lame excuses for reviews are exactly why nobody reads PCmag articles anymore. Everything is so half assed nowadays. I would never take CM seriously after reading that. Last article that was posted on these forums was the same way. The author actually wrote a post on here before publishing his "work".
  6. This website is fantastic I agree.
  7. Something like this would be amazing if you wanted to play the central part of the two Berlin maps that doesn't already overlap.
  8. Flavor objects can certainly be improved in the editor. When youre doing large maps, those will hurt the most.
  9. Not sure why anyone would want to use a server ran by trolls.
  10. T-90A is by far the coolest Russian tank. But the coolest Soviet tank is T-80U..
  11. I appreciate the effort put fourth for the TOEs. Certainly the infantry were fleshed out, but the vehicles felt heavily recycled. I always tend to reference how great the CW and MG modules were. I think I would prefer one nation fully fleshed out rather than a bunch of nations missing a ton of content. Sort of how the NATO dlc was for CMSF
  12. It'd make sense if they were trying to teach a new programmer an old game (CMx2). Hopefully CMx3 is so fresh that we can actually teach programmers how to use the damn thing!
  13. You must be new around here. It happens far too often.
  14. Woah woah woah, can you explain this further please? I didn't really see what I was paying for with RtV. I got some nations and some toe's but that was about it. Not much was new. Now, F&R was the largest module I have ever seen. I thought CMBN's MG module was insane... but F&R takes the cake. Those maps are so goddamn beautiful, I will never, ever get sick and tired of playing them. If you think you're a CM fan and don't own CMRT + F&R, you are a poser. It's worth the purchase for transferring maps to your other games alone.
  15. I've busted in doors and then immediately been blasted by people in other houses across the street. This to me, is entirely unrealistic. Unless the explanation for this is that CQB is sped up, since normally it would take much, much longer.
  16. I gotta agree, the new MP was half baked and I wont be using it. It's horrible. We need a legitimate server browser. Ian Leslie's Whose Turn is It tool is miles ahead of the new MP system. And I know my friends prefer using it too.
  17. Engine V5 is specifically for performance improvements
  18. Upload to imgbb.com. Theres essentially no upload limit. Also your images have a max size of 100MB or so, which is a really really big image.
  19. I'd be down to play some US+ROK vs NKA/PLA. How sick would that be as the opener for CMx3?
  20. Wasn't trying to diss you, sorry. Just not sure why people are taking shots at each other here. Do the US forces not roll over into the following missions?
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