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    Howler reacted to MOS:96B2P in What unit is best for spoting for arty, using Drones etc   
    Interesting topic.  Below is a thread where some of these issues were discussed.  IMO the Experience of the spotter and artillery are the most important.  Same for any UAV that might be involved.  In CMBS a command vehicle can also help with call times.  I have not tested for CMSF2 but I suspect it is the same.  
    IIRC a JTAC can get a UAV on station quicker than an FO but, with all things equal (experience), I could not detect any difference in artillery accuracy between a JTAC and an FO.  With artillery in general an FO has quicker call times than a JTAC.   
    A light Hellfire mission is two missiles.
    A heavy Hellfire mission is four missiles.
    Reference a linear pattern. The more experienced the UAV the better at observation & detection within the linear area. I don't know how far off the sides of the linear pattern a UAV observes.  However that's a good question.    In TOC the target vehicle controlled by the AI stayed on the linear road.  We were just trying to destroy it on the road (so within the pattern) before it reached a trigger and triggered another tactical situation.........  
  2. Upvote
    Howler got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    @IanL, the default is shaders and textures under [game root]\reshade-shaders.
    shaders -> C:\Games\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\reshade-shaders\Shaders
    textures -> C:\Games\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\reshade-shaders\Textures
    reshade itself, log and ini's -> C:\Games\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force 2
    The above assumes that your 'CM Shock Force 2.exe' is located C:\Games\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force 2 (i.e. game root).
    To manually uninstall; delete the reshade-shaders folder and anything starting with either ReShade* or opengl32* that you find in your game root.
  3. Like
    Howler reacted to Mord in Mord's Extra Tall Grass For SF2   
    BF didn't give us options for any Extra Tall Grass in SF2. Out of all the terrain they were the ones I wanted most. Well, luckily they gave us two types of grain, the original from SF and a crop type. I used the old SF one, not tied to crops, and created an Extra Tall Grass mod for it. Basically you'll install it and when you want to paint Extra Tall Grass on the map just choose the Grain button. More details are  in the readme.



  4. Like
    Howler reacted to Combatintman in Mord's Extra Tall Grass For SF2   
    Not really mate, I hate mowing the lawn.
  5. Like
    Howler reacted to IICptMillerII in Sand T-72's   
    This is my attempt to create a sand colored T-72 skin. I think they came out well enough to publish. The skin pack applies to all T-72 variants in game. The skin itself is loosely based on pictures of Iraqi armor from the 1991 Gulf War. I liked how the Iraqi tanks tended to look very desaturated and thought they would fit well with the Syrians.
    I certainly consider myself an amateur at modding in general, and especially at doing vehicle skins, so any helpful suggestions are welcome. Additionally, if anyone has some suggestions for icons/markings to add in a future iteration please let me know. I've messed around with a few ideas but didn't end up with anything I was satisfied with. 



    T-72M (Gills)

    Link to download at The Few Good Men:
  6. Like
    Howler reacted to Zveroboy1 in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    Thanks for the guide and in particular the way to get rid of the barf bag spinning effect.
    I don't really have a super gaming PC anymore so I can't use all the super fancy effects, but just a bit of sharpening and contrast does a big difference. Try using MultiLUT instead of Tint [sepia], it gives you more color correction options and includes sepia in the presets.
  7. Like
    Howler got a reaction from Mord in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    @Mord, I'll respond here rather than the video/screen cap thread where you asked about depth of field so that the ReShade info is easier to reference for others. But, essentially, yes. Your use of the emphasize and gaussian blur can be considered  as such (blurring the whole then selectively sharpening an area). The joy and pain of ReShade is that many different effects can be used in combination to achieve the same look. Further, you'll soon discover that the order by which you apply said effect will result in a vastly different look.
    You can easily reorder an effect by clicking and holding your mouse button and shifting it up or down in your list of presets. Load the attached preset and move the LUT around to see how apparent that can be. You can also change the LUT used to see a range of colour transformations available in this technique. Toggle the various effects used to see the difference. Get to know the Statistics tab and hit the corresponding edit button to dive right into it's code.
    You can spend hours driving yourself crazy by fiddling with this or that. But, as a rule, the more recent shaders are actively supported and often combine all in one spot what earlier distinct ones used to do.
  8. Upvote
    Howler got a reaction from tpr in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    @Mord, I didn't mean to imply it wasn't 'good'. Quite stunning really and shows how few shaders are needed to be effective. @Captain Reyes and @HerrTom have a talent and you should look to them for inspiration rather than pay any attention to me. I'm more of a less is better and limit my use to sharpening with a light touch of colour transformation (usually mid-range).
    I posted my current CMSF2 preset in another thread which may be of interest as it uses low FPS impact shaders. I'm pleasantly surprised at how pretty CMSF2 is out of the box.
    I'm quite happy that you started this thread. Feel free to keep unused shaders as new releases/updates will overwrite them as needed. If you don't have a check in the box then it's only using disk space. Some like to use a central shader repository and run per-game presets against it. Also, get to know the 'Statistics' tab - an absolutely awesome facility. From it, you can direct edit the code of running shaders!
    If you're going the use the UIMask technique then you will need to create a mask as per instructions. It's worthwhile as it will keep the bottom game UI panel free from effects. My upload limit doesn't allow me to attach mine here. And, you only need to create it once for use across all CM titles as the UI is not changed much.
  9. Like
    Howler got a reaction from Mord in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    To stop the spinning you want to disable 'screen edge navigation' in-game. Just hit Alt-E before you bring up your ReShade Menu. Rinse and repeat (toggling it back on once done with the ReShade Menu).
    On older engines that don't have edge navigation (eg CMSF), I used to simply keep the 'Conditions' window up. It's a small windows that didn't obscure the scene completely.
    @Mord, try SMAA and FXAO for smoother corners and occlusion. Also, look at the Statistics screen to determine FPS consumption on a per shader basis. Very nifty!
    While not preference, a nice screenshot nonetheless.
  10. Like
    Howler reacted to Mord in Reshade 4.0.2 Primer   
    Ok I spent a significant amount of time messing with reshade last night and decided to make a (took forever!) quick little  primer for people who haven't tried it yet, or for people who (like me) tried it and just had too many problems getting it to work. I solved that!
    First off you'll want to head over to Reshade.me and dl the new 4.0.2 Reshade.
    Now, go to where you dled it.


    You can uninstall Reshade by redoing the exact same procedure. This time when you click your CM exe
    it will remove Reshade. No muss no fuss.

    Ok. Now comes the part a lot of us have had problems with. If you follow my instructions you'll be able to use Reshade with very little hassle. My pain is your gain. READ THROUGH THIS ONCE OR TWICE FIRST.
    1b.) Start the CM game you installed reshade on. You'll see this (pic below). DO NOTHING.

    2b.) Go to the editor (easiest to just do this in the editor).
    3b.) Open a map and preview it. (You can open a scenario or QB or just a flat map. Not really important for this first part).
    Now this is the tricky part. Just pay attention to your old buddy Mord and I am gonna get this working for you!
    While you ARE IN THE EDITOR (AND EDITOR ONLY) hit the "Home" key. It will bring up a menu. Now, when you do this, for a lot of us the screen will rotate. If it does just pay attention to the menu box you see in the picture below. It will stay still. If it gets too much you can click "Home" again and it'll take you back to normal and you can get your bearings.
    I suggest skipping through the tutorial you see in the pic for now.

    4b.) Ok see the set of tabs? Click the Settings tab. EDITED: Go to Settings: Input Processing. Set it to "Pass on all input". No more spinning! BIG THANKS to Captain Reyes! Now choose "Effect Toggle Key". Now choose a key on your keyboard that you would like to toggle the Reshade effects. Make sure it isn't something CM uses. I use Shift+F2. Ok press whatever key you are gonna use. That will be used to toggle your effects on and off, obviously,

    5b.) Now I am gonna give you some effects to get you started. These will be a good base for you to experiment with without a lot of guess work right off the bat. Ok, click the first tab that says "Home" next to "Settings" in the menu (NOT the keyboard "Home").
    Now find the following and check them.
    Tint [sepia]
    In this pic I chose all of the above and dragged them all to the top of the list so I always know where they are and I can experiment more easily. I highly suggest you do this to make it easy on you later.

    Ok, do you have them all? Now, click the "Home" key on your keyboard.
    Now, if you want to switch back and forth between Vanilla graphics and Reshade graphics you just hit the key you chose in part 4b.)
    HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: Before you leave the editor make sure you toggle back to vanilla graphics. NEVER toggle Reshade graphics on outside of the editor, or outside of a battle.
    NEVER toggle the Reshade menu ("Home" key) outside of the editor or a battle.
    NOTE: If you screw up and do one of the above you'll have to find a way out of it. It won't damage your game or anything but it can take some trickery to get it back to normal. I've done it a bucnh of times now and am used to it. Don't panic if it happens! SEE CAPTAIN REYES'S POST BELOW.
    Sounds like a lot but it's really quite easy. Once you do it for one game it won't take you long to have them all running using Reshade. And trust me it REALLY is worth it. I didn't think it was but now that I figured out not to open the menu or toggle the effects outside of the editor/battle it's a whole new world.
    The screens speak for themselves!


    Anybody that has any problems just ask and I'll do my best to help. I want you guys to experience this!
  11. Like
    Howler got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    It depends, with AMD no. If Nvidia - yes. I can tell at a glance who the Nvidia owners are! 😞
  12. Like
    Howler reacted to Jammersix in Acquiring Items from vehicles   
    They also don't move nearly as fast.
    Aquire the Javelin, lose the ability to use "Fast". Aquire the whole load, and lose the ability to use "Quick".
  13. Like
    Howler reacted to Sulman in First impressions   
    I'm impressed. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, as I played CMSF more than anything else.
    Despite what I knew from CMBS and CMBN I was quite surprised how differently some familiar scenarios play out. 'Ambush at Al Fubar' is an old favourite of mine and I actually found it quite difficult; gone is the ability of your troops to simply press on through fire, and urban fighting feels a lot nastier. The tendency for units to run for it when artillery falls makes some interesting situations; and the battlefield generally feels a lot more dangerous.
    It's also very smooth on my Macbook Pro.
    The frist time I heard the loading screen music a huge smile came across my face.
  14. Upvote
    Howler got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in CMSF2 Sniper Anti-Materiel Role Showcase and Experiments Video   
    That's what I understood "it" to mean. Further, it's more accurate to say that 'Best' uses all the allocated space set aside by the game engine as on larger maps, for example, everyone is effected by "draw distance" to some extent. It's also reasonable to assume that high resolution 'mods' impact the screen presentation more than low resolution ones do (more space allocated). I'm assuming this is the case but can only speak from the viewpoint of an life long ATI/AMD video Windows7 user.
    From posts under the various Tech Support forums, this seems to be specific the ATI/AMD video cards. But, I tend to skip the Nvidia issues. Also, I believe this fault was introduced in one of engine upgrades (anecdotal observation). I only noticed it once I started to tweak shader settings under v3 when I started with the BarbericCo (?) movie mod which lead me to the truly awesome ReShade (4.0.2) that I use exclusively for such purposes today. Many members on this board also use this frame work as can be seen the stunning screen caps posted in the various threads. Personally, it was worth the effort as it extended the life of CMSF which had not until recently been updated visually.
  15. Like
    Howler reacted to A Canadian Cat in New Player Ques - Vehicle Move + Inf Dismount   
    Starting from an IVF and an infantry squad with no movement orders:
    If you want your squad to get out when the vehicle gets to a certain point:
    Give the vehicle movement orders to where you want it to go Give the infantry movement orders to where you want them to go - but plan those movement orders from the vehicle's end location The vehicle will move out and when it finishes all its orders the troops will dismount and move off.
    If you want your squad and the vehicle to move off in separate directions:
    Give the squad a dismount order followed by a movement order Give the vehicle a movement order The vehicle will wait for the troops to disembark and then the vehicle will move off following its orders and the soldiers will move off following theirs.
  16. Like
    Howler reacted to z1812 in I am split between...   
    I have all the CM games, however I find that, for what ever reason,  CMSF is my favourite. But you really should try a World War 2 title, and as Bullet point has already said,  CMBN has the most content. It is a really good game. The CMBN Big Bundle, should you buy it, will give you everything at a savings of $50.00
  17. Like
    Howler reacted to Vet 0369 in Scout Team cannot acquire Jav CLU?   
    What I generally do, is to assess what I have, do I have any vehicles from which I can resupply, can I safely position my "resupply" vehicles near my men for "easy" resupply, etc. if I can't do that, I usually take extra ammo, especially for the "high high rate of fire" weapons, and all the AT stuff I can, especially if I'm in a defensive position where I don't have to move and suffer encumbrances from weight. Don't forget that your units will use motar rounds from a vehicle before their own internal supply if it is close enough to the mortar team, and your other units should automatically resupply from any vehicle that's close enough to them.
    You really need to plan your logistics just as carefully as your tactics.
  18. Like
    Howler reacted to domfluff in Finally got in to the forum! could use some pointers   
    To use the Hull Down command you have two options, but really I suggest you only use one.

    - Hull Down is a movement command, so place the "Hull Down" waypoint in the direction you want to move.
    - Typically, I will place this just over the top of a ridge crest.
    - From the Hull Down waypoint, place a Target order on the spot you want to be hull down towards.
    - The vehicle will then rumble forward and stop when it is hull down to that specific action spot.

     Careful selection of this point is important - you don't want to be hull down to something, which exposes you to something else. It's a really powerful tool, and the alternatives only really work as well if you're lucky with topography  (doing it manually) or can see the enemy (hunt).

    If you place a Hull Down command without a Target order, the vehicle will move until it is hull down to the hull down waypoint. This is much harder to control.

    Do this:

    As pointed out, the risk to the exact example above is that if your hull down point isn't visible, the vehicle will crest the hill and move to the other side. You could make this move safer by moving the Hull Down waypoint to your side of the ridge, but the risk there is that you may not have LOS to the target. Personally, I take the risk, and it seems to work out fine.

    "Assault" is the other automated command, and is much more restrictive. I use it in specific circumstances, but it's not as powerful or universally useful as Hull Down.

    Other things:

    Smaller scenarios allow you to iterate faster. You're more likely to lose the whole game in a single bad turn, but it will be faster to pick up again. I definitely feel that smaller scenarios are useful for learning.
    Elite or Iron. I much prefer Iron, most people I play seem to like Elite. They're mostly the same.
  19. Like
    Howler reacted to A Canadian Cat in Where is tech support?   
    OK if your CMBN shows version 4 then it should have all the modules on your HD and all you need to do is activate the CW module with the key.
    LOL this thread now has a high chance to take a nose dive once the usual suspects show up. The bottom line is the choice would be no upgrades and CMBN (as an example) would have never had new features added and just be left behind just the way CMBO was. The upgrade mechanism means that CMBN is just as modern a game as CMFB is. You pay a small amount and the old games get the new features they added in newer games. I completely fail to understand these objections. No one is making anyone buy the upgrade if you don't like the features don't by. Many of us who are happy the upgrade is offered - as I said the alternative is to leave the old games old. Please understand that we like to have the choice to buy - and you also have the choice to skip buying.
  20. Like
    Howler reacted to Jayzthegamer in A Thank You to Battlefront   
    Simple post, to hopefully keep your spirits up going into the Christmas season and dealing with all the post-launch issues
    Thank you
    Have a good day
  21. Like
    Howler reacted to 37mm in Cinematic camera?   
    If you have reshade running you can set up a border which will mask the UI for you.
  22. Like
    Howler reacted to MarkEzra in What's New For CMSF2 QB Games   
    Changes in The QB Map Description:
    "Best Play" time setting gives the player a good idea of How fast or slow the AI is set to Attack or Counter Attack. For example:
    If the Best Play is 30 Minutes the AI will start its attack or counter attack well within the time it might take to reach it's objectives.
    So the player should consider Not just the time but the size of the map when selecting a game. In no way does this hamper the players' choice of time. Just a suggestion.
    "NOTE" is a way of addressing not clearly defined map features, like Water Depth or the existence of Fords.
    The information is available not only during map selection but at any time during the game via the Menu.
    New Quick Battle Map “Amphibious” Type!
    QB Map Design Features
    Setup areas are very clearly defined for each Group Orders
    Each Objective Has 2 Attack or Defend Orders
    All Meeting Engagement Maps have no AI first turn Artillery Strikes of any kind!
    All Probe Style Maps have no AI first turn Artillery Strikes (exception The AI can lay Smoke on first turn)
    Assault and Attack Maps still Have AI Artillery plans for first turn but with limits. The AI Attacker targets Objectives only
    The AI Defender no longer targets EVERY possible line of attack the Human Player has available.
    The Attached pdf 
    Changes in The QB Map Description.pdf
  23. Like
    Howler reacted to Pinetree in The state of CMSF2   
    Man, some people get worked up over the smallest of things. BFC will announce a date; check in on that date, if the game's out, buy it; If it's not, check in again on the revised date.  In the meantime do something else. Life goes on.
  24. Like
    Howler reacted to Vet 0369 in The state of CMSF2   
    The difference between cynical and experienced. When you're cynical, you EXPECT something to happen. When you're experienced, you KNOW it will happen. Let's just hope he's not speaking from experience!
  25. Upvote
    Howler got a reaction from HerrTom in Reshade Graphics Post-processor   
    I've always been able to use LumaSharpen and it doesn't impact FPS.
    You can also try HighPassSharpen and AdaptiveSharpen. You can use all three as you like.
    In CMSF I go with all three, in CMBS I do LumaSharpen only, and in CMBN Luma along with AdaptiveSharpen.
    Keep in mind my eyes are bad, I'm using an ATI card, and I like sharp stark visuals. Oh, I can't use the nifty NVidia shaders in ReShade (FXAA/MXAO) so...
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