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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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  1. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from Tank Hunter in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I think Tank Hunter is correct, there will be no "major" changes and no new terrain or graphic features in the Bulge game.
    The speed at which new features get included into CMx2 is very slowww...

    Dont expect anything "major" new in the Bulge game. It could be just a Normandy module but BFC decided to release it as a standalone.
  2. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from ident in CMBS License/Activation   
    Thewood1 is 100% correct, the DRM for the CMx2 games is unfair and way to restrictive, they need to do something about that !
  3. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Thewood1 in CMBS License/Activation   
    So I am not allowed to add RAM, update audio drivers, etc.  I have to have a dedicated PC for CM2.  I would suggest doing some searches on the tech forums or on grogheads for people talking about losing activation.
    I am not against DRM, I am against it not being implemented correctly.  Again, I'll point out that I am not the only one with this issue.  Go look through CMBN tech forums.
    If BFC knows the DRM is overly sensitive, they should fix it.  This particular DRM makes me feel like my PC is held hostage.  Every time I have add anything to my PC, I now have to figure out if it will kill an activation and if its worth it.
    I can't believe someone is unreasonable enough to suggest lugging around two PCs.  And then someone thinks its my fault I upgrade it just change some basic configurations.  There is no disclaimer on the purchase page saying you should have a dedicated PC or limit PC upgrades.
  4. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Kieme CMBS PRP1k - BRM1
    This mod covers the last two variations for the Russians BMP-2.
    Download: https://app.box.com/s/8g5bik7uc8rsm8qpf4wrtx1x29msng2b

  5. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Kieme CMBS T-84 Oplot - green version
    I owed a Bradley veteran one plain green, dirty Oplot...
    Please note that this mod is not compatible with the old T-84 Oplot mod with digital camouflage, use only one of the two mods, pick the one you prefer and unistall the other one.
    Download: https://app.box.com/s/zwyqv1lnih6tjacvtgjuo78eqvyvaioq

  6. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Kieme CMBS BRDM-2-M-AT5
    This mod covers all the russian variants of BRDM-2.
    Special thanks to BTR for providing the ideal green base textures.
    Download: https://app.box.com/s/tj4cfslxv1i33qncdqhtg4qn7ihjud39

  7. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Mord in Kieme's modding corner   
    It would be really great if BFC would include some stuff like Kieme is making in the next module. The games are really getting to the point where everything looks the same, and some more dedicated modern objects, like civilian vehicles would really add to the atmosphere. If they get around to uncons they could maybe make some cars/trucks and such where we could pick them in the editor and have a choice that marks them as parked (removes passengers from game), instead of dismounted/immobilized that way they wouldn't be sitting around idling, would provide cover and concealment (until destroyed) and also still be subject to FOW (though that's not that big a deal to me). Anything would help, because the houses and stuff just don't feel that modern to me at this point.
    EDITED: Or maybe the few maps I have seen so far just haven't utilized everything to their potential. I'd still like to see the vehicles irregardless.
  8. Downvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Cheese in Game for those who served in South Pacific   
    So much has happened in the South Pacific, all those who liberated that region from tyrannical scumbags need representation. Anyone care to share possibilities of battles?
  9. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from waclaw in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Sorry but the standard textures are pretty dull, boring...some would call this...bad. I do !
    The distant ground is extrem bad, the UI is boring and old fashioned.
    It's kind of amusing how some here have a explanation for everything BFC does (they make boring textures because if the modders who keep the forum alive :-o ), they might also will have a explanation if BFC adds no new snow features and graphic effects...
  10. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Kieme CMBS BMP-2-k-M
    Special thanks to BTR for providing the ideal green base textures.
    This mod covers the three variants of BMP-2 available for the Russian Army.
    Includes new normal maps.
    *****Comes in 2 variations of green, one lighter and more desaturated, one darker and more greenish. Pick the one you prefer but be sure to install only one of the two versions!
    Dark green version Download: https://app.box.com/s/3zqr2zbyaz7pjc1a598isn2a7boacmln
    Dark green version Preview:

    Light green version download: https://app.box.com/s/5va39km5skgld4z1wxdwjc7dnx1ffvfl
    Light green version Preview:

    this mod includes the option to paint the equipment of BMP-2M in a different shade of green.
    This is the standard BMP-2M of the mod:

    This is the optional shade of green for BMP-2M (hereby shown with the light green version):

    How to install:
    If you want to see your BMP-2M with their modernized equipment in this different shade you'll need to rename this file: "bmp-2m_turret optional" by removing the word "optional", thus overwriting the "bmp-2m_turret" file.
  11. Downvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Spotting .... again ...   
    Is suspect BFC has coded the engine into a "corner" from where there is no way out without changing significant amounts of code.
    Everyone who knows something about coding knows what im talking about, the engine as it is now is most like a huge pile code which they already tinkered here and there.
    Every programmer knows when he gets this feeling..."**** i have no clue why this is not working"..."**** i will have to start fresh".

    I suspect thats the case for the CMx2 engine, its a old rag rug.
    As fry30 said, they most likely would at least need a hire a small team to come in and analyze the game and its code for blemishes and omissions.
    But again, like he said..don't expect anything from BF. CMx2 is their "cash cow" (no offense !) until they can start fresh with CMx3.
  12. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Lt Bull in Spotting .... again ...   
    More testing has reveal more oddities.
    I thought I was going loony (excuse this other pun).
    Two things going on here:
    Load up the following scenario file either as a battle playing as Germans or in the Scenario Editor/"Deploy Axis Units".
    Select the single man sniper team at the end of the map.
    Drag a LOS line away from him along the map until it changes to the dark blue/pink line (indicating No Line of Sight).
    Note the maximum range at which this line is light blue (has clear LOS)
    Drag the line no just a few meters beyond this maximum range so that it shows the dark blue/pink line (indicating No Line of Sight).
    Wait a few seconds.
    This line will soon turn blue indicating LOS
    Repeat and it will be possible to have the game report clear LOS to spots anywhere on the map which originally indicated no LOS.
    This is the "blue line creep" I observed occurring.
    Close and reload the scenario.
    Repeat the LOS test and note the initial maximum LOS range without trying to get the blue line to creep.
    This initial maximum range may be significantly different from when you originally loaded the scenario.  eg.  2925m, 2145m, 3107m,  2854m etc.
    Close and reload the scenario to check again if no difference was detected. It seems to be somewhat random each time you load the map after closing it down.
    Are these intended features of the game?
  13. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Next mods will be dedicated to Russian BMP-2 and similar vehicles. I have the intention to make green only version of these.
    I am experimenting with the BMP-2M by adding the "M rated" equipment in a different color to differentiate it and emphasize the retro-fitting (or modernization) concept, what's your opinion on this?

  14. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Juju in [WIP] Juju's TweakedUI v4 (final)   
    I've finally fully upgraded my CM:BN game and I, naturally, just had to update my UI one final time.
    Simply 'updating' got out of hand rather quickly and we're now looking at a complete overhaul to bring the entire UI up to 'Red Thunder UI' standards.

    There are still several behind-the-scene elements to tackle, but here's a preview of what's coming (click the pic for the original, much less blurry, image).

    By the way, I could still use one more tester! Who's game?
  15. Downvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to J Bennett in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I cannot help but marvel at how spoiled many players seem to be. But I guess its because I well remember playing board games in the 70's like Richthofens' War, Panzer Blitz, and Tobruk, among many other games.In my wildest dreams I never could have imagined games like the CMx2 series.
    But when I see players in the forum lamenting things like how the snow disappoints them I just shake my head sometimes.
  16. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to Glubokii Boy in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    That could be called PROGRESS...Not complaining i mean...but the IMPROVED QUALITY of games.
    Yes...We are spoiled. But by now we have HIGH expectations on BFC. They have shown that they are are in a class of their own when it comes to these kind of tactical games but that does not mean that we don't wan't these games to continue evolving.
    At this day in age snow graphics like in those pictures couldn't possibly be considdered  'GOOD'...(Yes, i know they are in alpha)...
    The BULGE GAME will without a doubt be the best tactical waregame depicting the battle in the ardennes even without improved snow graphics and new features...But some of us have become 'spoiled' and wish for more then simply - the best...
  17. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to MOS:96B2P in WW2 Squads only occupy one action spot ?   
    Sure.  Be back in a few.
    Edit:  Wow big difference.  Can't hardly see the wings at all in the game.  Not at all in the screenshot.
  18. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to MOS:96B2P in WW2 Squads only occupy one action spot ?   
    Sure.  Give me a few minutes. 
    Edit: Here they are.   I think a lot has to do with the terrain they are on.


  19. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from agusto in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Russian forces advance towards a Ukrainian checkpoint

  20. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from J Bennett in *split from:* "More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)"   
    @ panzersaurkrautwerfer

    That you as a former or active soldier have such a odd way of thinking..."continued German resistance"..."died faster or surrendered"..."It's not like anything they ultimately did was relevant to the outcome of the war". Do you know how the military works, do you know how conscript armies work ?!
    What you dont realize is that you bring as much false emotions and grimness into the discussion as the people talking about "superior" german soldiers.
    If you hatered for every german soldier and civilian is really that unlimited then i pity you.
    One would think someone like you had a much more objective viewpoint...at least after 70 years.

    I met many american and french soldiers and WW2 veterans during D-Day and other commemorations, no one displayed any hatred like you do and we (German/American/French Soldiers) showed our respect to every one who died or suffered during the tragedy called WW2.
    So take your insults and hatred somewhere else !
  21. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to snake_eye in "Little stalingrad" WIP- Donetz Airport battle   
    That's all folks
  22. Upvote
    Wiggum15 reacted to ASL Veteran in AI triggers in MG scenarios ?   
    No.  The triggers didn't come around until Red Thunder so any stock scenarios made prior to that will not have triggers in them.
  23. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from ident in Black Sea or older CM game   
    Its already putting me of from buying the CMFI+GL bundle.
  24. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from ident in Black Sea or older CM game   
    As i said i would happily pay for them if you just had to update some kind of CORE version and get the new engine version applied to all your already purchased CMx2 games (excluding SF maybe).
  25. Upvote
    Wiggum15 got a reaction from ident in Black Sea or older CM game   
    All i try to tell him is this:
    If you now buy CMBN and CMFI you pay 55$x2 (games) + 10$x2(v3.0)
    Now if the next version of the engine is released maybe with the bulge game you would have "outdated" games as long as don't again pay 10$x2 for the next engine updates.
    So then you had spent 150$ on both those games (without addons).

    What i try to say is that with the current model it can be expansive to buy older games.
    Thats why i would say if you want WW2 wait for the Bulge game or get CMRT.
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