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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Going back to the OP. With regards to some units being able to spot, whilst others nearby not being able to, that can depend on many factors. For a start, what kind of units are you talking about? For example, a HQ with a pair of binoculars or even two pairs in some cases, will have more chance of spotting than a fire team with none. Likewise a full squad will have far more pairs of eyes spotting, than a split off fire team. Without specifying what kind of "units" you are talking about you are making it very difficult for us to judge the situation.
  2. I wouldn't worry too much about a 100% set of "Indian" accents from across the sub-continent, just go with the flow. After all, that is what we all do with the mish-mash of "British" voices when playing with the various regional divisions, and regiments.
  3. That is true. And that is why it is so much fun to see them blazing away with both guns shielded by the hedge.
  4. "No, Elvis, I ain't gonna do it in an Indian accent"
  5. The running around blindly behaviour should have been cured with the most recent patches on all titles, except the "bocage gap charging" in Battle for Normandy. I haven't played "A Nasty Surprise" but hopefully someone who has might be able to offer some advice.
  6. Whereas John Hegley preferred a "bossa nova in your old pullover". But, that was post-war.
  7. I'd try explaining calmly first, it might help. Leave the head bashing for a little while. And if that doesn't work, I do know a very nice axeman who needs the work.
  8. Perhaps if you had pointed it out to him nine years ago then he wouldn't be bringing it up now.
  9. Could you clarify this, as that would suggest two sides fighting against the Viet-Minh.
  10. The first Afrikaaner I met was a former inmate from Robben Island exiled in Limeyland. The second was on the run in Europe for dodging national service. The third was one who grew up in a bilingual family who objected to being forced to study Afrikaans rather than English. In the meantime I'm still waiting to see if the campaigns in Rome to Victory will be set in the mountains, the valleys, or rolling farmlands.
  11. That is what Elizabeth says, when she wants some money from my purse. Although this does appear to be a picture of some chap from the colonies.
  12. Hahahahaha. Nice one Steve. I still like to baffle people by telling them that I have been "pre-disastered" when discussing the chance of things going wrong again.
  13. "Between you, me, and the gate post; I never wanted to be in his Ragtime Band".
  14. I love that picture at the top. That bloke just ambling back from the direction his mates are meant to be attacking. The full set of pictures taken at the time are in Then and Now's Battle of the Bulge. A great series of screenshots.
  15. I agree that "Blunting the Spear" is an excellent campaign. And your ideas for reworking "Hammer's Flank" sound interesting. Just for the record, did you soldier on after mission 3? If so, did you find it anymore enjoyable?
  16. The game description clearly states that there are Two campaigns, added to that you get plenty of stand-alone battles, quick battles etc. So it is a shame that you feel that you are not getting your money's worth. Mission 3 is very tough. But, that is how it was on the day. I think that at present there are 11 player created campaigns. Although because not everyone shares them on The Few Good Men site, I think that there are only four on there. What you might like to do is go to the top of this forum and click on "Maps and Mods" most of the campaigns should be on there with a description of what it is about, and which engine you need to have in order to be able to play it.
  17. I seem to remember a certain Austrian airhead saying something along those lines. Things got a tad sticky after that.
  18. By co-incidence, we do have our own Dunkirk. And during WW2 there was a radar station sited near the village, which got bombed a fair few times.
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