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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. First job for a European Army. Clean the English Lager Louts from the beaches of the Med this summer with extreme prejudice.
  2. Go to http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/ ... To find CMMODS IV, and then click on "Categories". There currently 336 mods for CMBN.
  3. Yes! It works. I look forward to giving it a go very soon. Thanks for your efforts.
  4. Being ten hours late isn't bad going for someone 400 years old.
  5. I downloaded from the above link. There appears to be a distinct lack of Panther, although it's set up zone is marked on the map.
  6. I'm not sure I get the "twice a day" thing. Perhaps that is because I only have one scenario or campaign going at any one time. I appreciate that things could be different for people playing more than one H2H or PBEM.
  7. I've never seen the need to use JSGME with CMx2. The mods that I use all the time just go straight into the "Z" folders. The ones that are scenario or campaign specific are held in what I call my Mod houses (one for each title e.g CMBN Mod House) ready for when I need them.
  8. And to think that his version of "Release Me" kept "Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever" off of the No.1 spot here in Limeyland. The mind boggles.
  9. Brilliant! If I hadn't had my napper taken off and stuck on a pike at the Restoration, I'd be laughing it off now.
  10. That's what the Aussies said about "Bodyline" bowling back in '33.
  11. There have been a couple of threads regarding "House Rules" for PBEMs.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... For those times when "lol" just doesn't cut it.
  13. Sadly, I got stuffed in Mission 4. And Stevens died in a ball of flame. Although because of my previous results the campaign terminated early as a "Tactical Victory".
  14. Thanks for the replies gents. I'd stupidly left the "Snowy mods" folder in my "Z" folder. Took it out and problem solved. Ah, the joys of being 400 years old.
  15. Yes it is your mod from 2013. And appears on the page like this z1st ID_OD (v2) ... Given the fact that I am running CMBN on engine 4 it seems strange that both helmet and shoulder patch work perfectly there but the helmets don't in Final Blitzkrieg.
  16. I'm sorry if this has already been asked before, but after a trawl around I haven't been able to find an answer. So perhaps someone can help. I've copied the US Uniform mods over from CMBN. But, when firing up the Aachen campaign "Knock 'em all Down" I find that whilst the shoulder patches work fine, the "Big Red One" is missing from the helmets. I have rechecked Normandy, and there they are working fine. So two questions..... 1. Has anyone else encountered the same problem? 2. Is there any way to get the helmet mods to functions properly in CMFB?
  17. The British had some bicycle troops. They parked them by the sea wall on Sword Beach and never used them. Whilst 352nd Infanterie Div. had bicycle troops posted well in land who set off towards Omaha and Gold, how far they got on them I'm not sure.
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