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Raging Al

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    Raging Al reacted to MikeyD in Pre-orders for the CMFB module Download are now open   
    Here's screenshots #2 and 3. Maybe they'll eventually show up on an official screenshots site, maybe not. Late war M4A1 Sherman 76 and Pershing during some QB city fighting. Battling Jagdtigers

  2. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to Centurian52 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    I'm right there with you. I can hardly wait for Battlefront to get around to covering the early-war period. In part because I find all military history fascinating, so I will always advocate for any period that I feel is underrepresented in wargaming. In part because I have a particular love for early-war tanks, such as the R-35 and Panzer 2. And in part because I believe that giving people an opportunity to experience this period for themselves will do much to bust the myth that these early campaigns were a complete walkover for the Germans at the tactical level. Despite the speed of the German advance on the operational level, the small scale fighting at the tactical level was much less one-sided than most people realize. For example, while the German army as a whole was basically unstoppable in Poland in 1939, there were no shortage of occasions in which individual tank attacks were stopped cold by Polish anti-tank guns. And there were even a handful of moderately successful Polish counterattacks.
    But, they'll get there. Impatience does us no good. Battlefront made the call to finish up the late-war period first. And whether or not you think that was the optimal call, I don't think any reasonable person could argue that the late war period wasn't also worth covering. Now that they have finished up the late-war period we can be very confident that future work will start incrementally rolling the clock backwards until they reach the beginning of the war (there will probably be more Battle Packs covering certain late-war campaigns in greater detail, but future modules and base games will certainly be going backwards from here on out). I'm hopeful that they'll get back to the beginning of the war before the 1st of September 2039 (I definitely intend to start another chronological CM playthrough around this date).
  3. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to Butschi in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    I guess you did an actual poll, market research or similar about that?
    So maybe this works with a mostly US based audience. For me personally Downfall and also to a lesser degree Fire & Rubble feels like the Allies get an extension of timeline so they can play around with their shiney toys. But that really feels like the only reason for me because contrary to, say, the Bulge, historically the whole fighting by that point was totally pointless. And tactically I don't see what it reall adds.
    This is very subjective on my side and it may be because I'm German. Don't get me wrong, this is not about me being butthurt here.
    I'd much rather see France 1940, not because Germany won this time but because it would add so many new tactical challenges (armor and gun wise inferior German tanks but with better mobility for example, instead of unicorn tanks for late war battles).
  4. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to slysniper in Field Warrior's CMBN Tournament Info   
    At "A Few Good Men" I am hosting my 5th and 6th Tournament and sign ups are now.
    A person will need all modules of CMBN or CMSF2
    You would be commiting to play in a Tournament that requires you to play one battle at a time, 
    they are generally 30 turn battles and require you to have a turn rate of 5 turns per week.
    These battles are scenarios and are locked, you will be playing them blind, your forces are selected for you.
    You will be competing against those players playing the same side. The top 50% of the players receive 
    points for each round as to how they did vs the other players playing the same side.
    This is a 5 round Tournament, five scenarios, each lasting two months approx., So the Tournament last 10 months.
    We only want Mature players, you are expected to finish all rounds, keep communications going when your away for more than a few days.
    Handle being beat in a battle where you might have a terrible situation handed to you. Play with all sorts of different forces, play both defence and offence.
    Be ready to handle the unexpected.
    If you do not hold up to being a mature player, You are removed from the Tournament  and I blacklist you from my events for life, So dont bother to join if you cannot 
    handle these things. I dont need you on my wall of shame list.
  5. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to slysniper in Field Warrior's CMSF2 Tournament Info   
    At "A Few Good Men" I am hosting my 5th and 6th Tournament and sign ups are now.
    A person will need all modules of CMBN or CMSF2
    You would be commiting to play in a Tournament that requires you to play one battle at a time, 
    they are generally 30 turn battles and require you to have a turn rate of 5 turns per week.
    These battles are scenarios and are locked, you will be playing them blind, your forces are selected for you.
    You will be competing against those players playing the same side. The top 50% of the players receive 
    points for each round as to how they did vs the other players playing the same side.
    This is a 5 round Tournament, five scenarios, each lasting two months approx., So the Tournament last 10 months.
    We only want Mature players, you are expected to finish all rounds, keep communications going when your away for more than a few days.
    Handle being beat in a battle where you might have a terrible situation handed to you. Play with all sorts of different forces, play both defence and offence.
    Be ready to handle the unexpected.
    If you do not hold up to being a mature player, You are removed from the Tournament  and I blacklist you from my events for life, So dont bother to join if you cannot 
    handle these things. I dont need you on my wall of shame list.
  6. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to Raptor341 in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    "Combat Mission Blitzkrieg 1939-1940" for roadmap 2024. I can dream, right?
  7. Like
    Raging Al reacted to MeatEtr in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Yeah this sort of “omg they’re not doing anything and they don’t care” nonsense always gets kicked around when there’s been few releases. Nothing new. Just because Steve talks about the Ukraine war doesn’t mean jack squat. You’re equating two things that are completely unrelated. It’s not logical. Does he need your permission to talk to his relatives on the phone too? How about running to the grocery store for food? 😗
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to WimO in Operation Coup de Main Campaign progress update   
    Here is a list of scenarios completed to date but not yet integrated into campaign. I have not yet determined if and how any branching results will be included . The current scenarios are different from the ones already uploaded due to new and more complete information. They will be released as free-standing scenarios at the same time as the campaign is released because the free standing scenarios will differ slightly from 'unpacked' campaign scenarios. The first scenario will have a choice between an 'easy' historical option in which the Germans were caught completely by surprise or a 'more challenging 'What If?' variant where the Germans have been alerted that the invasion was imminent and are standing to. Players will choose which path to follow.
    Coup de Main v2 (historical): The coup de main assault on the bridges by the British Airlanding troops.
    Coup de Main (What If? variant): As above but the Germans at the bridge are on Alert Level II.
    Tracked Vehicles Approaching: The first German response to regain the bridges.
    7th Para Moves Up: 7th Para moves through the Oxf and Bucks to expand the perimeter at the canal bridge.
    First Contact in Benouville: As "A" Coy moves into position they encounter scattered Germans
    A Brief Encounter (Le Port): A column of German vehicles wants to pass through Le Port.
    9 Platoon Patrol: 9 Ptn B Coy is sent west to patrol the end of the wooded spur.
    Panzers vs Paras (work in progress today, revising large scenario): Benouville heats up - seriously.
    An Argument Over T (completed but will be revised): The enemy has penetrated through to the T junction above the bridge.
    Not yet started ....
    Crisis in Benouville: "A" Coy is surrounded, the Germans are in the school house and the Mairie and still control the northern half of Le Port. All the troopers of "A" company are either dead or wounded. "B' Coy has been bled badly and "C' is scattered. It's DO or DIE.
    Pipers and Snipers: If you survived the crisis .... time for some mopping up in Le Port
    Well Done Lads!: Finally relief in the form of elements of British 3rd Infantry up from Sword Beach.
  10. Like
    Raging Al reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    man I am out of reactions for today!  This even beats the Dallas dream plot.
  11. Upvote
    Raging Al got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in MISSION BOSTON - OBJECTIVE LA FIERE - EXPANDED is complete and has been posted   
    How do I download Mods?  I’ve found Falaise’s 22.5 degree roads mod on CMMOD warehouse, but I can’t find the data/z directory to install them.  Please advise.
    * ignore that request.  I looked up the old manual and found instructions.  Amazing what you can do if you try 😆
  12. Like
    Raging Al got a reaction from Vacillator in MISSION BOSTON - OBJECTIVE LA FIERE - EXPANDED is complete and has been posted   
    Thanks @Vacillator.  I actually found instructions in the CMBN Manual and created my Z folder, but I really appreciate your quick response.
  13. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to WimO in MISSION BOSTON - OBJECTIVE LA FIERE - EXPANDED is complete and has been posted   
    Happy to announce that the long version of MISSION BOSTON - OBJECTIVE LA FIERE - EXPANDED has completed final play testing and has been posted to the Scenario Depot III. Final play test went smoothly including down the various branches of the campaign.
    The campaign is tough but is winnable. The campaign is extremely historical, meaning that two huge and long scenarios are about 'avoiding' action while the AI searches for you. In one or two other situations you are more likely to be defeated than win but do not be discouraged. Try to inflict as much damage on the German AI as possible as this will affect the core units file and German strength in following scenarios. Nearly all of the units involved in the campaign are part of the core units file. There is a lot of AI activity going on that you will not see. German units are on the move, frequently triggered by your actions.
    If you get booted from the campaign you might still earn a measure of victory. The later you get booted (if you do) the higher the victory level. What is implied is that the Americans are going to win this campaign regardless of your performance. Getting booted means that you failed to accomplish your tasks within the timetable Ike demanded of you.
  14. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    After too many days of Blender experiments. Some that DID involve tequila. I have achieved a good 83% success with a Panzer I Ausf B.
    It has 2 MG's and they both fire. It has a 2 man crew. It is lightly armored and about the right speed.
    I have to do some markings still. 

  15. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Der Panzerwaffe May 1940!

  16. Like
    Raging Al reacted to Butschi in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The sun rises over the sleepy village of Stonne.
    Still lacking some detail here and there but even Stonne wasn't built in a day. 🙂
  17. Like
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    I am sure there will be some little issues spotted. So, what the heck. Here it is now!
    @Bootie If you want to please place it up on CMMODSIV at your convenience sir. Thank you for your too often unsung service to the CM community. Use the below as the description.
    April 2023
    This is the CMFI France 1940 Mod "Bronze Level Release"!
    My thanks to all those who helped make this possible: 
    Damian45, Falaise, JM Stuff, kevinkin, Juju, sbobovyc. Others not listed.
    Some mods displayed may be very old mods and I do not know who made them.
    Mods such as CMBN buildings and such.
    1. Put scenarios in your CMFI scenario folder.
    They have a prefix of FR40A.
    2. Plop the mod folder in your CMFI z folder. 
    If you have tons of extra German helmets in your z from other mods...you shoud temporarily pull them out. 
    Or you will see an odd camo helmet on the France 1940 Germans. That would be sad.
    3. Look at the "Nice to Haves" folder and make some decisions.
    a. Do you want a different splash screen while playing the mod? Pick mine or Damian's. 
    b. Plop the music in your z if you want a different tune as it loads.
    c. The loading screens by Damian45 are awesome. I recommend them.
    d. The String file changes the names of stuff. It is not dangerous.
    But just know it should be removed out of z if you do other stuff.
    Standard disclaimer. Use at your own risk. 
    All materials are licensed work of BFC. 
    I did this for free.
    Best regards,
  18. Like
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    My sincere thanks to everybody that dropped by to see the last few posts as my good buddy Gary and I had a fun FRANCE 1940 PBEM. 
  19. Like
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    La grande conclusion
    We shall see what happens in Saint-Grammont-sur-Merde...
    The Bufla destroys an R35. Maybe the last of them?

    Major Tron watches Pelou enter the village...
    <I will recommend him and his crew for medals!>
    DRI-VERRRR!!! FORWARDDDDDDD!!!! Cross the bridge and go to the left of those houses!

    Pelou's tank moves slowly down the main street. The Bufla is only around the corner.

    Major Tron comes around to draw fire for Pelou. Pelou is ready to turn sharply as soon as he clears the small bicycle shop.

    Major Tron pumps his fist! Now Pelou! Now!!!!!

    Pelou's gunner fires and hits.

    SAINT-GRAMMONT is ours!!!

  20. Like
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    ...and now Part 4
    The new lead tank might have suffered a concussive effect from the enemy shells as the crew seems to go crazy and drive  their tank backwards towards the German Panzers!

    It seems they have damage to their radio and maybe the crew is voting on what to do after each man gets several minutes to explain his opinion...?

    The intensity of the fight at the tip of the spear contrasts greatly with the lightness of mood back at an immobilized tank far from the fray. Mexondeaux hums a little tune as he watches through the vision slit. 
    I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed days, the dark sacred nights And I think to myself What a wonderful world
    The crazed tank is commanded by Sergente Floch! What the floch is he doing?

    Major Tron's tank has advanced into the lead...
    His driver exclaims loudly over  the intercom
    "We've penetrated Francesca!!"
    Major Tron frowns and kicks the driver in the head with his boot.

    In a fit of jealous rage, Major Tron orders the entire crew outside to settle the matter without rank. He was a boxer before the army. But not a very good boxer - so the crew agrees.

    The matter is quickly settled and Major Tron swears them all to not disclose what has occurred. He then orders all tanks to briefly halt to review their status before the final push on Saint-Grammont.

  21. Thanks
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI FRANCE 1940 DAR "1914 DEJA VU" (infantry battle)   
    Voulez-vous PBEM avec moi ce soir?
    @FalaiseFalaise and I decided to do a PBEM to showcase the infantry aspects of the new mod. He defends as the French and I am the Germans.
    I am multi-tasking on the armour PBEM DAR so this one will be a bit more paced out...
  22. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Come on Powerball

  23. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to markus544 in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    I'm all in on early war. France 1940 and Finland 1939. All those goofy Russian tanks and those funky Russian caps. Winter War would be cool.
  24. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to PEB14 in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    A ray of hope for the WW2 early war fan club: Steve does indeed recognize there is a "reasonable way" towards early war.
    A first step towards the Holy Grail... 🤩
  25. Upvote
    Raging Al reacted to kohlenklau in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Needs some grey paint and some markings but she moves and fires. AND KILLS FRENCH TANKS!
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