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  1. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to MrTimn in [Map] Timn's Rural Road   
    Timn's Rural Road
    The map has a rural theme, and is based around couple gravel roads, a farm, and some marshland.
    -Size: 2256x1392
    - A mostly flat map with lots of subtle variations in elevation and a couple of low hills
    -very few buildings, most of which are centered around a farmyard
    -Lots of open fields
    -several thick patches of trees which are not vehicle passable
    -Quite a few less thick patches of trees which vehicles can pass through
    -A large marsh/lake area in the Northeast of the map
    -Several smaller strips of marsh
    -No landmark names
    Please feel free to use this map as you wish. You can change anything you want for your scenarios.
    Map Only Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mo3b21gjb03n8te/Timn%27s%20Rural%20Road%20-%20Map%20Only.btt?dl=0
    I have also put together several Quick Battle variations using this map. They are strictly PVP, since I have not yet ventured into setting up AI plans. Still, I hope they may provide some interesting battles.
    Tiny Attack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y05po24j9qt4304/Timn%27s%20Rural%20Road-PVP-Attack-Tiny.btt?dl=0
    Small Attack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0zdj03g2skksmv/Timn%27s%20Rural%20Road-PVP-Attack-Small.btt?dl=0
    Medium Attack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmtcjpn30icebaq/Timn%27s%20Rural%20Road-PVP-Attack-Medium.btt?dl=0
    Large Attack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hzu4x7ueu04h4l/Timn%27s%20Rural%20Road-PVP-Attack-Large.btt?dl=0






    Tiny QB Layout

    Small QB Setup

    Medium QB Setup

    Large QB Setup

  2. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Tank Hunter in Review of Black Sea at Armchairgeneral.com   
    I never said that. Please re-read my post, I never claim that these things made the game less playable for me. I have all of CMx2 games and enjoy them very much, I know where they lack and I still think they are good games that give me a lot of enjoyment but that doesn’t mean that they are perfect in every way because they are not. If we are not allowed to criticize in a constructive way then there will never be any improvement.
    I only reacted to the review which I think is bad since it’s not properly done. In my opinion every review has to break down the game in areas such as
    Mechanics – how does the game represent mathematically what it is intending to do? Are game objects interacting in a good way? Are you finding results weird or bad?
    Graphics and Sound – how does the game present the results to the player? By text only or fancy graphics or just sound or everything combined? Are you immersed into the game?
    Replayability – is this a 20 hour play and throw game or are you challenged in different way every time you play it?
    Single Player – how much content is in there for single player and how is the AI
    Multi Player – is there any and how easy is it to find a game online? Are games good or riddled with kids that rage quit as soon as they lose their first tank?
    All of these above should be judged by comparing to the current leader in that segment with the game you are reviewing. The segment in this case would be strategy games representing individual soldiers and vehicles.  The final score should be based on scores in all these segments. Then it is up to the reader to decide if this game is something they want to invest their time and money into.
    When AG reviewer writes "When soldiers run inside of buildings you can actually see what they see." I wonder what they really mean? I know there is nothing to see since I have the game but what about someone that has never seen the game? They may think that you can see all the objects, soldiers engaging into fierce hand to hand combat etc.. They should have instead written that you can follow the soldiers closely when they operate on the ground and follow the action, then they should also write that some actions like hand to hand and house interiors  are abstracted but that abstraction generally works well since the end result seem plausible with real world results.
    Thant’s the kind of info I’m looking for. As for fire they should notice the lack of it since nobody here can claim that fires don’t break out regularly in an area where heavy fighting is going on. Is it a deal breaker? Probably not but it does remove from the overall immersion. The battlefield looks dull without fire and destruction..
  3. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to The Steppenwulf in Kieme's modding corner   
    I managed to do the US weapon icons sometime ago. I'm quite happy to share these in the interests of collaboration:-

  4. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to rocketman in Review of Black Sea at Armchairgeneral.com   
    As it says:
    "Combat Mission: Black Sea is an instant classic of modern warfare simulations. Well done, Battlefront!"
  5. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Seedorf81 in Where is Waclaws sound mod?   
    Found it and got it, installed and played it (partially).
    Explosions are very impressive and backgroundsound is a whole lot better than the original.
    Thanks again.
  6. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Philipp in [Released] Raid on the Pump - Small infantry battle   
    I finished designing my second scenario.
    The setting is that a US infantry platoon+ assaults a Russian mortar battery and battalion HQ at a gas station outside Cherkasy. The challenge for the player is to quickly cause a lot of damage to the Russian target formations and then retreat before he is overrun by the Russian reinforcements.
    The map is semi-fictional. It is inspired by a real world location but I changed the scale and some other things.
    Blue vs. AI only, H2H might work but I have not tried it.
    You can download it here for now (I will see if I get some feedback and eventually also put it on the repository):
    Please tell me what you think, good and bad, and let me know if you find any problems (spelling mistakes, briefing issues, map oddities, scoring bugs etc.).
  7. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to exsonic01 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Great vid Reiter, That was one really intense battle. 
  8. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to --WOKI-- in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
  9. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Reiter in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Thank you, I am glad that you liked it.
  10. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to --WOKI-- in WOT & War Thunder Panther Skins   
    Thanks umlaut ! love your mods as well! keep it up mate !
    (btw umlaut, did you notice strange physical model on King tiger Henschel as i do?!? the back hull seems a bit short and those wheels track looks bit odd ? or maybe it's just my feeling

  11. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Reiter in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
  12. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to GreenAsJade in I hate artillery, I really do...   
    After half a game trying to persuade spotters to call Fire For Effect ... this...

  13. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Rambler in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    The violence of modern warfare:

  14. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to --WOKI-- in WOT & War Thunder Panther Skins   
    Hi guys,
    This's my first attempt to convert some WOT and War Thunder historical skins but still not perfect as im just learn about photoshop in 20 minutes from a friend..lol ( i never know how to use photoshop before )
    for now just panther (sorry for the wheels still using original CMBN, im too lazy to do it )
    the colors looks match with CMBN engine especially when using Reshade Sweetfx
    so what do you guys think?

    My wish for the next patch is they (Developer) can make separate skins for each model not combine them especially with vehicles
    in example i would like to see panther_early_hull.bmp with panther_early_turret, panther_early_hull 2 with panther_early_turret 2, panther_early_hull 3 with panther_early_turret 3 and so on but not mixed them because they will not match the body texture with turret and some other parts between their numbers bmp file (it's like probability if they're match than that's good but most they're not match between each file in one model
    i think it's only work with infantry skin but not with vehicles skin

    it would be nice to have a lot additional skins to the game in every vehicles model

    Sorry for my english
  15. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to exsonic01 in Tip for CMBS movie making   
    If this post is more proper in tech section, then please move my post to there.
    1) Record 
    I had hard time to find a proper software to record DirectX/OpenGL game. All other programs, like OBS or Shadowplay, had problem with this. It was impossible to record properly CMBS. ( In OBS, you can use the window mode to record, but quality decreases) 
    Finally, I found "loilo game recorder" It is free, it is not a heavy program, and it works nicely with CMBS. For me, degree of FPS decreasing during recording was not severe, just small numbers. This is my current record program. 
    One drawback is, to record cursor, you need to use window mode. I didn't tried but I guess loilo will make some quality decrease in window mode, like other softwares do. So, I'm not recording the cursor in my video. 
    2) Encoding
    I'm using lightworks free version. There are some limitations in free version, but only for encoding to upload in youtube, free version works enough. (though the free version's maximum youtube quality is 720p). There are lots of great videos in youtube if you search "lightworks tutorial". Like https://youtu.be/ZUMylx7lCa0?list=PLhaLh8Y1rcya1tgPS_i2zxbaBiHkbaf3m  and  https://youtu.be/7znIHsyqfm0. 
    I shared this information, because I want to watch more CMBS videos. With these programs, recording and encoding are not a terribly difficult task. (though it costs some time).
    AAR with pics and explanations is also excellent way of sharing CMBS experience, but I think good one video would be better way. Cool, fancy CMBS walkthrough/battle video with epic music (like Hans Zimmer music or russian army choir musics XD) will be awesome, and that could be the great way to share/advertise this game, and bring more new CMBS players. 
  16. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to umlaut in Hey BFC!! Time for a general CM2 forum?   
    Well, the topic title should tell most of it: Isn´t it time we had a general CM2 forum? A place where we could post and discuss all the topics that aren´t specific to one single game family but relevant to all CM2 games.
    Here´s a very illustrating recent example:
    Mord has just announced his idea about making an After Action Series of modded damaged vehicles. To get every modder on board he has had to start a new topic thread in the four forums: CMFI, CMRT, CMBN and CMBS. He could have gone even further and posted in CMSF and CMA as well (and soon CM Bulge, hopefully). And now we have to check four different threads on the same topic in four different fora to be sure that we´re up to speed on the input from all modders.
    Get my point? If we had a general CM2 forum with sub fora like "Maps and Mods", "Tech Support" etc, Mord would only have had to post his idea in one place. And all interested forumites would only have to check one thread for news - instead of four.
    Similarily, I have for a long time been entertaining the idea of starting Tips and Tricks for Modders thread. But I haven´t done so, because I really don´t know which forum to place it in.
    That´s all. Looking forward to hearing your views about this (yes, that was especially aimed at you, BFC )
  17. Downvote
    waclaw reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in New offensive in Donbass?   
    I am shocked, positively shocked at this.  Novorussian troops of Donbass have been so good about avoiding shameless Ukrainian provocation conducted by Ukrainian-Polish-US Navy SEAL NAZI militia forces.  It's a shame so much of the Russian military is on vacation or else perhaps they'd be there to help the attacking defense of Donbass!
  18. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to sburke in HQS 2.2 - Black Sea - Shock Force - Afghanistan - FINAL   
    I just modded the sound in BS recently based on some other testing.  First thing I noticed was the sound of infantry units moving (gear rustling and breathing).  That alone sold me, really amazing difference.  Thanks man!!
  19. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Reiter in HQS 2.2 - Black Sea - Shock Force - Afghanistan - FINAL   
    Thank you, very great sound. 
  20. Upvote
    waclaw got a reaction from Rinaldi in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
  21. Downvote
    waclaw reacted to L0ckAndL0ad in New offensive in Donbass?   
    That awkward moment when everybody knows that the President is corrupt, but as long as the West (with US being the first in line) backs him up, it's okay, because they want as much puppet states as they can get and can't be too picky. The more I think about it, if you get people like Saakashvili (another US puppet), Yushchenko, Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and Co, and how many more are out there, all together, you might even be able to form a whole separate government with them, if placed on some sort of distant island Oh, wait..!!!  
    Me, justifying crimes? O_o On a contrary. But don't worry, I'm not going to bother all of you with endless discussions about it here. Got finals starting in two days. Still couldn't miss to comment such funny statements on the forum! Like, it was really funny to read. And not funny, at the same time, if you know what I mean.
  22. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to exsonic01 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    2 min vid with English subtitles. 
    Very, very lucky shot from T-90AM. Svinets penetrated Humvee, a building, and the side of M1A2 SEP v2 behind the wall. (Does the in-game T-90AM use Svinets-2? or Svinets-1?)  Anything can happen on the battlefield, specially when it is inside the forest of buildings.
  23. Upvote
    waclaw reacted to Haiduk in "Little stalingrad" WIP- Donetz Airport battle   
    Here info about VPR-308/338. This rifle produces in Kyiv "Mayak" factory and designed on base of Z-008 sniper rifle for sport and hunting of "Zbroyar" company, also Ukrainian: http://www.mayak.com.ua/en/catalogue/vpr-338
    Also uses sniper rifles MZ-15MARK (slightly changed AR-15) of "Mayak"+"Zbroyar" production (but it too low) and Fort-301 (licensed Israeli "Galatz"), but it mostly go in National Guard.
    3rd special forces regiment have about dozen or more Howa and Barret rifles, and of course SVD. Enemy used against us SVD, VSS Vintorez, ASVK, and turned in sniper rifles old WWII times PTRD.
    First this name used one of separatist fighter. After another failed assault he wrote of the nature of: "We attacking more and more, but can't defeat them, they are as if a kind of cyborgs!" Our media spread this comment and so this name adhered to airport defenders. In joke UKR civil volunteer even produced special chevron "Cyborg" for soldiers in airport:


    Add to this - in last months of defense, when supply lines were almost cut off, they situated in terminals in the night w/o light and hot food- enemy snipers immediately shot even smallest flare of light. When frosts hit, spotters in control tower were forced to stay on positions several days on temperature -29 C degree (-20 F) and wind, which blew through riddle tower. They can't sleep, all were badly chilled. Soldiers in terminals often drink a water diluted with some diesel - else its frozen and was no way to melt its - enemy shot on fire.  
    This very short describing of some features, full story of defending will take several pages. When developers will define with data of scenario (1st, 2nd, 3rd or final assault) I try to tell more detail in context of chosen time period.  
  24. Upvote
    waclaw got a reaction from HUSKER2142 in HQS 2.2 - Black Sea - Shock Force - Afghanistan - FINAL   
    I invite you to download the final version of HQS
    HQS 2.2 is a huge modification for Combat Mission Black Sea / Shock Force / Afghanistan - adds or replaces almost all the sounds in the game. That's more than 2,400 sounds and more than 1GB of data, a lot of improvements and modifications really improve immersion in the game.
    Changelog 2.2
    380 additional sounds 
    - Improved infantry Ukrainian sounds 
    - More sounds for Americans 
    - More sounds for the Russian infantry 
    - New sounds for MTB / BTR / LAV / amphibious / damaged engines 
    - More ricochets / penetration / impacts / explosions / zips 
    - Improved ambient sounds 
    - More sounds for jet 
    - A new sound for fire 
    - New sounds PKP / M240 COAX / AIR ROCKET / 25MM Bushmaster / M2 / MORTAR 80-120MM
    and of course lots of other fixes and improvements
    of course, as usual, I will be grateful for any comments and suggestions;)

  25. Upvote
    waclaw got a reaction from kendar in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    This is a new game (I'm not interested at what the engine is made - it's not my problem) and I have my expectations (we all have them) - I hope to increase the quality of the product and the new content, so I made a list of what would make me particularly interested in - and this everything.   if I have to pay another 55 bucks there must be something more than a new campaign / scenarios and a number of new vehicle models     Wiggum15   you are not aggressive, they just are oversensitive
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