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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. I did not say, they would not fit to the time frame or the portrayed theatres. I said rolling barrages do not really fit to the games scale. Rolling barrages were fire missions minutely planned on division or corps level, executed by hundreds of guns according to a precise time schedule. What you would experience on CM level would be a „scenario pre-condition“, an initial order along the lines: - move to your unit to starting line A at 09.50h - artillery fire on line B will commence at 09.55h - move you unit forward to line B at 10.00h and take cover until artillery fire moves forward to line C - artillery fire will move forward to line C at 10.05h - live, die, repeat…. Though I can imagine to see that on large maps, it does sound much like a thrilling CM scenario. But indeed, currently I am playing Operation Linett on a huge map with a battalion sized German attack and wish, I would have had such a pre-planned fire pattern available.
  2. Not really. One, obviously quite difficult, option is to set up a fire pattern with multiple FOB‘s and multiple firing batteries. Which is, eh, quite difficult to achieve. A more practical option: Your FOB, or whoever directs the fire, can adjust the fire by a few meters without causing a big delay or cancellation. I.e., you can order fire on a target and after a few rounds you can set the target about 50m without much of a disruption and then again. But that‘s not the sort of rolling fire, you asked about. Which lead me to the question, if this rolling fire is within the scope of CM at all. CM is quite micro tactical and your rolling fire requires a lot of pre-planning on higher levels.
  3. Thanks! And glad that you understood my scrambled post. Perhaps, I should start reading my posts, before I submit them….
  4. That sounds like a pretty good and solid advice. If in doubt, shoot. While you can…
  5. I finally came back to the project and managed to properly convert my FSB‘s to 24bit. Indeed, now they show up in the game. A few more working it I should have completed what I want to achieve. However, some of the bmp‘s show strange effects in the game, which I don‘t see when I open them outside the game. Would you mind to have a look those, once I am finished with all FSB‘s?
  6. Hmmm, after the air bridge to Berlin, the wall, the starting Cold War… What‘s your best guess?
  7. I thought about mentioning that, but dropped the idea in the end. Yep, it easily cost 100‘000 plus to clear up his mess. The bill is, of course, on the tax payer. Eh, anybody around who would like to sponsor my hobbies? I would have some great ideas.
  8. Forgot to ask: Have you ever been in Germany, back then or now? Or what expertise makes you think so?
  9. Who did say the stuff „was not mission capable“? Loads of ammo in your basement are explodeable. Small arms and ammo are at least stealable. Did he have any qualification to drive his tank? I mean, if he had crushed some people’s kids or my car, I would not have said „Don‘t worry. It’s just him and his Panther“. Enough reason to worry for normal people in a normal housing environment? And, since „the other side of the pond“ admires personal responsibility, why did he not properly declare his collection and tried to find a proper solution? In short terms: Tried to skip some rules, got caught, bad luck…. Law and order, you know?
  10. I hear and understand what you are saying, but to answer with the words of Edith Piaf: Non, je ne regret rien! Back then it was like „Woah, what a great game.“ and newbies today probably say the same. If they like the general concept and are not appalled by ancient graphics and game play.
  11. A very looooong time ago, one of my professors used to say: If we always would have aimed for perfection, we would have the perfect stone axe today….
  12. Looks like it should be available (for some of us) on Netflix as „The forgotten battle“.
  13. Ah, that‘s why. I wondered about the muzzle brake, which is not T34/85 like…
  14. I had a similar issue recently in CMBN and it seemed, the only solution is to replay the last working file and hope for a good next file. Worked for us. For the moment at least. Fingers crossed…
  15. After a long holiday „interruption“. After replaying the last good file we found, it looks like we are back in business. Let‘s hope we can bring Operation Linnett to an end. Only 2h 16min to go….
  16. My old (or your) FSB's are 16 bit and work, but meanwhile I tried 24 bit more systematically, too. Unfortunately, with no effect. May I send you an example or two? Perhaps you can see what the issue is.
  17. Hm, if you consider the time frame and duration from 1980 to 1988, that’s not too surprising. Especially that the guys gathered some combat experience over the 8 years.
  18. Thx, JuJu. That helped a little and at least made me thinking again. I had indeed a gap in my numbering, jumped from 90 to 101. But to fix it had only a meagre effect. Now, I see either the old FSB‘s or a black screen. Looks like CM find‘s something, but cannot display it. But: When remove the old FSB‘s and leave my new, I see only the in-game FSB‘s. Another question came to my mind: Is there a required RGB setting? I now converted all FSB‘s to R5G6B5. The other options, which GIMP offers would have A1 and X1 values, too. But for the time being: Enjoy the beach!
  19. Hi Umlaut I am busy with the force specific backgrounds. Not quite finished yet, but that‘s a matter of days now. Today I was even smart enough to realise that I need to save them as 16-Bit files in 1024x728. However, my new backgrounds don‘t show up in the game. First I just added them to the existing in Z, but today I removed all except one new file from Z and got only the „in-Game“ backgrounds to see. Any ideas?
  20. Ah, yes, John Ford’s Cavallery trilogy plus “The Horse Soldiers” are missing from our list, too. I loved those movies as a kid.
  21. Yeah, I am surprised that nobody mentioned Dances with Wolves. For me by far the best Western of the 90's. I watched it about 6 or 8 times in a cinema and approx umpteenth times on TV, VCR, DVD and BD. The only other Western movies, which I remember off hand from the 90's, are Silverado and and Maverick. But they are a different class all together. But not too bad, though. Soldier Blue and Little Big Man stuck with me, because they add some pretty ugly illustration to Dee Brown's (otherwise quite dry) book "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee". Plus, of course, Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man is a class of it's own in any way.
  22. Soldier Blue Little Big Man Dances with Wolves
  23. Hi Erwin You may have seen it already, GMT announced a new a addition to their Panzer series: Panzer North Africa. Looking at the price tag, it will be a massive thing. Interesting here: In addition to the usual German and British suspects, the game also includes quite some Italian AFVs.
  24. Thx, but I am actually German. So, I am more interested in today’s match. Anyway, Switzerland vs France was pretty exciting and I watched it to the very late end.
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