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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. On a second thought, I wonder if the Zeltbahn was really worn in actual battle situations, as we have them in CM. I can imagine, it is not the most practical garment on a battlefield. Probably difficult to move with, difficult to access your kit, etc.
  2. Good choice, indeed. But you must become quicker in decision making! ?
  3. Yep, looks much more like it. Thanks, mate! Todate the "brownish" look was, what mostly turned me off from CMFB.
  4. Glad that I could help.

    BTW (since I am year your senior, I think I am allowed to ask): What's your name? "Warts" sounds a little disrespectful.



    1. Warts 'n' all

      Warts 'n' all

      Hello Andreas

      I'm known by family and friends as Spike, hence my e-mail addy. It is an old family nickname, my surname is Spikin. Although when I was working in music distribution I spent ten years living as Spike, it made going through Passport Control a lot of fun.

      "Warts 'n' all" comes from the painting that I use as my display picture. Although I think Cromwell's actual words were "warts and everything". I use it as a tongue in cheek way. My ability at the game is as blemished as his face.


    2. StieliAlpha


      So "Spike" it is. Thanks for that!

      My nickname is "Stieli" since I came to Switzerland (even my wife calls me so). The "Alpha" was more of an accident. 

      Though considering the Lion as my sign of the Zodiac, Alpha sounds not too bad.



  5. Hi Warts It may be a little late, but I downloaded the force specific backgrounds for CMFB back then and have them ruinning without a problem. If you care, I can povide them to you via my Dropbox. Send a PM, if you want.
  6. Yesyes, but GaJ's CMMODS is under the FGW umbrella since about the years now. That's why I called it "one stop shop".
  7. Hi John And welcome to the club. I noted, that nobody answered your question about the "one-shot graphics mod". Well, there is none. But there is a "one stop shop" for mods and scenarios. Check out www.thefewgoodmen.com There you'll find practically all community made mods, scenarios and campaigns. Coming back to the mods, which really improve the immersion of the game. A standard answer would be: Get all of Aris' mods, plus the latest HQS sound mod, plus Juju's UI interface. (Apologies to all modders not mentioned.) Look ahead to hours of fun downloading, selecting and customising the mods of your liking!
  8. It may be somewhat borderline, but can you make a CMFB splash screen from the movie screen shot, which Kohlenklau used for his Huertgenwald mod? THAT would be in the tradition of your CMRT splash screen!
  9. Hi John Swiss Armata buy? Ah, I see what you mean. Don't worry. The same article says, that they consider a new program to improve the battle readiness of their Leopard 2. Of which Switzerland bought so many in the early 90's, that they will last for the next 100 years. Funny side note: A few years ago, there was a plan to disband some of the Leopard 2 from duty and store them somewhere. Then it was found, that proper storing, with regular maintenance and all, costs as much as keeping the kittens in operation.
  10. Yep. I, too, would say it is mostly a question of training. Even if you played the tutorials and "master" the game mechanics, things like the Armchair General videos won't help much, before you gained some experience and can understand what happens on the battlefield. My advise would be play small scenarios and once you feel confident start to play PBEM (but look for an opponent, who is not playing too competitive, but willing to teach).
  11. It's a little off topic, but does anybody still remember "Hidden and Dangerous"? Sort of a "Commandos" ego shooter. As I recall the first "serious" WW2 shooter. Technically horrible (gave me the hardest time to get it running properly), but otherwise, I loved it. Played the hell out of it, back then.
  12. Nono, don't worry. I replied to my earlier post, which was a little polemic. Bulletpoints idea was pretty good, indeed. But it is not solving the question of the OP. What ever refinements you introduce, you have to stop somewhere. And each end point is pretty arbritary. Why not continue the simulation eternally? But then, I want you to simulate how I scratch my back. I assure you, not everybody wants to see that. ? So, my conclusion: Keep CM as it is. Any addition to this micro tactical game will come out pretty awkward.
  13. With less polemic and following bulletpoints idea: After a certain time limit, one could start to deduct from earned victory points, until all are gone. But then: Who sets the deduction, based on what? What happens to points gained in between? And then we are back to my previous post.
  14. What people tend to forget: CM is a simulation and can as such only simulate certain aspects of real life. How long would you like to extend the battles? Until your troops are sent to Sicily for rest? Would you want to take care of supplies during "dolce vita"? Or shall we extend until they are sent home for retirement? And then see how they fare in civil life?
  15. Lost the opprotunity. The stuff from the Tank Museum in Catz, France was in the auction on 18th September. If you care for the auctioneers press release: http://www.artcurial.com/pdf/presse/2016/r3114-D-Day-Sale-en.pdf And look at the realized sales prices. Even the 88mm FLAK or the BMW motorcycle with sidecare went for about Euro 180'000,-. Whoa, seems like there really is too much cheap money around...
  16. The Matrixgames "Panzer Command" series comes to my mind. Looked very similar to CM and had a few dedicated Ostfront modules. Though I do not know, if the games are still available. I had the impression the series never really made it to success.
  17. I would not call this a "bug". Probably more an issue if the sound mod you are using, if any.
  18. The movie is based on an autobiographic novel by Gregor Dorfmeister. So, yes, it is probably a "real life" story. That the Germans come out badly is probably not "intentional de-nazification"^, but just the mood of the Sixties. Of course, Bernard Wicki made this movie as an "anti war" movie and therefore he protrayed all the various conflicts between the the panicked kids, the still firm Nazi's, the old battle worn grognards, .... which culminated in the pointless and desastrous defense of this this tiny bridge.
  19. Celebrated yesterday with a series of articles in the NZZ. The articles (in German) are not too exiting. But they include some nice fotos collections and a nice video about a Leopard 2 in training with many pic's from inside the tank. http://www.nzz.ch/international/europa/100-jahre-panzer-schon-sein-aussehen-ist-kraftvoll-und-gefaehrlich-ld.116787 http://www.nzz.ch/international/europa/100-jahre-panzer-der-panzer-der-zukunft-ld.116788 http://www.nzz.ch/international/europa/100-jahre-panzer-die-revolution-des-landkriegs-ld.116781
  20. Ahhhhh, finally! I solved the "München-Gladbach" riddle. Thanks to Wikipedia! When I restarted the campaign with the "final" release, I stumbled over your "München-Gladbach" again and suddenly realized, that you refer to Mönchengladbach. I normally just call it Gladbach, that's why it did not occur to me right away. And with the Wikipadia article, it became clear then: Between 1888 and 1960 the official name was indeed "München Gladbach". Note, it is officially spelled it without "-". The funny thing is: The name was changed in 1960, to avoid confusion with Munich (München).... The "München" or "Mönchen" by the way, refers to Moncs (Mönche) living there since 974.
  21. Very well dobe, indeed. Not as touching as your RT spash screen, but that is whining on pretty high level. Whar's next? My FI would need a new splash screen....
  22. Yes, Sir. I would think so. I tried to remember the name while commuting, which is not a very smart idea....
  23. You mean all two books? ?Nope, that's to much reading.
  24. Well, I remember that I learned most from board games. I bought some Vietnam and Korea titles, just for the historical back ground. Not sure about Computer Games. Sorry to say, but even titles like CM won't teach much of a historic a lesson. As for movies: Yeah, nice. One has to admit, the REAL good one's bring across that there is more to war than facts and numbers. Reading historical novels is not the same either. They tend to go over the top, too.
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