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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. It should be noted, that the Luchs was not really a PzII. Or better a late, quite advanced version. "PzII" stands more for a family of light tanks, which evolved over the years. The Luchs had not very much in common with the early PzII. I just had one in a 1944 BN scenario. But it quickly met the fate of obsolete light tanks. RIP...
  2. Hi John, from my first post in this thread, you may understand, that I am well aware that not everybody in this community is the "average CM player". ? But then, it can't be too bad. After my last post, I expected a **** storm coming, which did not appear. Certainly a good sign. ?
  3. Ok, that's a start. - Why is the article nonsense? Any evidence except your gut feeling? - Sexual harassment even a serious issue? Very good. Serious issues should be treated and answered seriously. Would you not agree? - Not listen? On the contrary: I think, one should listen to any body. If you had an issue with something, it very well may be that I don't understand what your problem is. But still it would be an issue for you, which you most probably would like to see properly addressed and not neglected. So, this lady has an issue with sexual harassment in gaming. Is she exaggerating? May be. I don't know, but my gut feeling (and some reading) tells me: Most likely, she is not too far off. Does that make sexual harassment in any form and place acceptable? Certainly not. And so we should say.
  4. Whether you want to remember or celebrate, a true historic event, which shapes our world even today.
  5. And, yes, I agree to the "online people" objection.
  6. What means "fake" in the time of "alternate facts"??
  7. Thanks for bringing this up, John. Unfortunately, reports about physical and online harrasment of female gamers of on-line games are nothing new. One find's them in increasing numbers over the past few years. Needless, to say: Absolutely unacceptable behaviour on account of the harassers. Fortunately, I think I can say that our community is different. Well, at least I hope so. The average CM player is certainly not the average MRPG player...
  8. Well, people like the advanced technology and it's implications on game play. "Greatest game" is very relative, any way. Reasonably, my bet for "best game" would be chess. But then, there are so many others, which I seem to like better. When I play them at the right time, with the right mindset.
  9. Difficult question, indeed. A lot of tactical level games have bee mention already. If you care for the grander level, have a look at Gary Grigsby's games over at the Matrix games site. Just to pay tribute to a classic board game: A while ago, John Kettler mentioned an incredibly detailed micro tactical game in another thread. Ask him for the title. As I recall, very basic graphics, downloadable with counters, rules and all. And: An amazing level of micro detail.
  10. Simple answer: Try the Demo. I think, read the other day XP should be good, but better try it.
  11. Hi John The documentary is "The Zulu Wars 1879". Covers both, Isandwhlana and Rorke's Drift. With scenes from Zulu and Zulu Dawn, as well as reenactments and gives a pretty good understanding of the campaign. Certainly more solid and understandable than Zulu Dawn, but still entertaining enough. If you are interested in Victorian times warfare, read Mike Snook. With his military and intelligence background, the guy really knows what he is writing about. Providing an incredible amount of detail. To be honest, often enough much more than I would need. A short while ago, I finished his "Beyond the reach of empire", about the failed campaign to rescue Gordon from Karthoum. Whow, that was heavy stuff...
  12. I still remember, how a friend tried to talk me into CMBO and this strange "we go" thing, back in 1999. My first reaction was like "Bah, too strange, too different, too flashy." Then I played the Demo and experienced for the first time the thrill you feel when things get rolling, you see the trouble coming and can't do anything but watch. And here I am, almost 20 years later, and still hooked to the (basically) same game. Needless to say: No other computer game achieved that. Or, to put it differently: A while ago, there was a guy in the Forum, who said after three weeks, that he had played all scenarios and asked for advise, because he felt it becoming boring. My first thought was: "Now, THAT is a question, which never occurred to me before."
  13. Hi John Don't believe the various "ammo myths" around Isandwhlana. If you care for excellent, ecpert accounts about Isandwhlana and Rorke's Drift, read Lt. Colonel Mike Snook's books "How can men die better" and "Like Wolfes on the fold". Forget "Zulu Dawn", that one is not worth the time. But there's a pretty good documentation around. If you care, I can dig out the DVD title tomorrow.
  14. Yep, no doubt about that. I just never came to like temporary games. I remember playing "Fulda Gap"during my Bundeswehr time in the early 80's. Whenever a Battalion disappeared from the map in a big blast, I thought "OMG, that could have been me."
  15. Me too, me too. I was referring to the WW2 titles. I don't have A, SF and BS. CMBB, I even bought three times. The first disk was so worn out, that I had to replace it. The second broke due to some mishandling and the third still sits proudly on the shelf.
  16. You promised that last time already and a whole squad had to pay for it.? In addition, I better should be reasonably fresh for a good, old fashioned board gaming weekend tomorrow.
  17. Okok, then I calm down and open another "Maibock". ?
  18. Hmmmm, I do not think this particular German. I would assume almost any warrior in the last 5000 years, prayed something the like before going to battle. I think, I even read some Danish examples in "1864". ?
  19. Don't worry. It is for a good cause. And will help to reduce the trade deficit. ?
  20. They uttered a lot of good ones back then. One of my favourites was Colin Powell in the UN, saying something like: "The cross on this photo clearly indicates that there is a chemical WMD production site." Life can be so simple.
  21. Yes, if you only have BN, you only need to buy the BN V4.0 upgrade. I think it is 10 USD, or so... Nope, you need the V3 code. The old codes won't work. You should find the old key in your personal customer account. Otherwise, create a ticket and ask the help desk. They are normally very responsive and can sort such things out quickly.
  22. What did I learn back then during my military service: Reading is not essential, but it helps a lot. ?
  23. If you already have the games and you buy the big V4.0 bundle, you will get all files you need in one shot. However, you will need the old activation codes to activate the games under V4.0. E.g., for CMBN, you install the V4.0, then enter your V3.0 activation code and then the codes for all modules you have. If you do not own any old versions, it's a different story, of course. Then you will need to buy not the upgrade, but new base games. They come as V4.0 and you do not need anything else. To make a long story short: The big upgrade bundle only makes sense, if you already have all base games.
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