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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Nope, that was in Lüneburg, not Lübeck. And after 22nd April. Unlikely that this would have had any effect on the military proceedings. Eh, Wart's 'n all, why do I keep defending Brits here?
  2. Yep, that happened. I spent my Bundeswehr time some 50k's away, near Warburg. In a nice and cosy airforce compound. At that time, they used to have huge autumn manoeuvres in the area, to train BA(O)R and Bundeswehr to cooperate. Usually the army grunts devasted the countryside, but farmers loved it. Obviously compensation was generous.
  3. Nope, just with table soccer skills and a certain relaxedness. We came from a visit in our local brewery, had a few more beers in the Pub, beat a few Brits in a few table soccer matches and went to town for a few beers more.
  4. Then you should know my hometown Paderborn and the Senne quite well. But unfortunately you were a little to late for the epic table soccer event in "the Pub around the corner". Two drunk students vs BAR. Back in '86, I think. Those were the days. Oh, how we wiped your comrades out. ??
  5. I forgot to say, they stayed as NATO partners, without asking for anything,
  6. Eh, even that is wrong. In my home town in Germany, we still have British troops. I would say they came as garrison and stayed as friends. Regarding the contribution, I leave it to others, to comment how much it was worth to bear the worst for four years.
  7. Yep, it sounds like somebody has a very limited view of late war proceedings.
  8. Ok, I gave it a try, but Midnight Clear is certainly not what I remember. Good movie, though.
  9. As stupid as it sounds: Only today I installed 2013's FRAPS on my brand new brand new computer and it works perfectly with Win10. Ian can confirm, that other things did not work that well. ?
  10. As so often: I would not worry about "being worth it". It's different. MG adds variety, in terms of landscape and forces. For me, if it is not a reason of money, there's no reason to restrict yourself.
  11. Hm, now that you say it: One can see it this way, indeed. It's about time for the FI Tuscany module. ?
  12. I dare to say: That does not matter. If you are new to CM, you will probably not notice the difference anyway. Much more important is, to find out if you like the game play in general. I (and obviously most people here) love it. But I also know some otherwise enthusiastic gamers, who never got along with the game play. Then you need to find out, which period you like. BN has a nice and green landscape, with "classic" WW2 west front warfare. FB has all the "modern" equipment, but the dull European winter scenery. FI has strange vehicles, nice Italian landscape and mostly brilliant summer appearance. There's just soooo much variety!
  13. Hm, yeah, shocking how time flies. I would have sworn, that I bought my copy in the mid 80's latest.
  14. Ah, and I found the "Historical Perspective" version mentioned in Nick Palmers "Comprehensive Guide to Boardwargaming", dated 1977. But really only listed, not reviewed. Just a few words, what the game is about and contains.
  15. Yeah, I stumbled over that one, too, and found it sounds like it. Maybe, I am mistaken with the black and white, because some of the 'Midnight Clear' pic's do look pretty dull 'white and dark'. I'll give it a try on YouTube.
  16. Hi John Yep, two words can make a big difference. Though nowadays, that seems to lose a little of importance. ? And, yep, the AH edition is, indeed, much younger. My copy shows a copyright date of 1989 and refers to an issue of "The General", dated 1990.
  17. Thanks for the effort, guys. It was indeed neither of those. But the "All about war movies" site looks promising. I'll try there and keep you posted, if I am lucky.
  18. Hi John Not quite sure, if understood you right, but there is copy of AH's Siege of Jerusalem available at EBay for EUR 69,-. Looks pretty good, only the box is very lightly worn. BTW, I, too, have a copy. Bought back then in the 80's and still unpunched. I played Siege of Jerusalem just once, with a friends copy. Indeed, one of the "must have" board games!
  19. Gents I need some help. Since a while, I have a movie in my mind, which I have seen a long time ago. I think the cast was situated in the Ardennes. Maybe Huertgenwald, but more likely Ardennes. The story, as I remember, was: An all winter, snowy, forest environment. A squad of GI's approaches something like a log house on an opening in the forest. Their jeep blows up on a mine, the halftrack is damaged by enemy fire (?). They make it into the building and fend off some German attacks for the rest of the night. With the usual claustrophobic, psychological stuff in between. The movie must be from the 50's. I recall it in black and white. And it must have made it's impression on me, since the memory obviously sit's pretty deep. Does that ring a bell anywhere?
  20. I completely disagree. Nothing better than seeing your board game opponent crumble, when things start to go wrong. ? I had that experience only last weekend again. Those were very intense moments. Unfortunately, this time I was on the receiving end. ? Even playing a computer game at a LAN party does not provide the same kind of satisfaction. Though nowadays, I prefer it a little simpler, discussing about the rules can be half the fun. But on the other hand, I agree. If you don't have a human opponent at the table, computer games are the preferred choice. I never could bring myself to play any board game with VASSAL.
  21. Yep, sounds like a settings issue. Use WAV-files and 44.1 kHz, 16 bit as Astrocat said and set it to 1411 kbit/s. You may need an audio convertor to change the settings of your music file. Otherwise: Search the forum, there are a few discussion of the topic.
  22. Hm, sounds sensible, indeed. I thought with the HD command the vehicles would just move to the next partially covered position along the route. But you are right, that does not make much sense. Without a potential target, it's pretty hard to say what is "partially covered".
  23. Heh? Any older fully automatic gun (except the WW 1 style, heavy water cooled machine guns), was supposed to be fired in short bursts only. You can't hold them on target for more than three bullets. May be different nowadays, but at least that was still true, when I got to try with the MG1, G3 or Uzi.
  24. That's what I assumed. My mistake obviously was to place the HD waypoint on the tracks. But nevertheless, I would have assumed that the TD find's a HD position on it's side of the embankment. Is there an easy way to check that, before giving the order?
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